$default-em-size: 16px;

@mixin size($name, $args) {
    $rems: snowflake;
    @each $val in $args {
        $remval: $val;
        @if type-of($val) == number {
            @if unit($val) == "px" {
                $remval: $val / $default-em-size * 1rem;
        // Workaround for PySCSS issue with appending to empty lists.
        @if $rems == snowflake {
            $rems: $remval;
        @else {
            $rems: append($rems, $remval);
    #{$name}: $args;
    #{$name}: $rems;

@mixin min-screen($size) {
    @if unit($size) == "px" {
        $size: $size / $default-em-size * 1em;

    @media screen and (min-width: $size) {

@mixin vendors($name, $args) {
    @include size(-moz + $name, $args);
    @include size(-webkit + $name, $args);
    @include size(-moz + $name, $args);

@mixin vendors($names, $args) {
    @each $name in $names {
        @include size($name, $args);

@mixin box-shadow($args) {
    @include vendors(

@mixin mono {
    font-family: "Cousine";

@mixin hidden-label {
    display: block;
    @include size(width, 1px);
    @include size(height, 1px);
    overflow: hidden;

@mixin white-box {
    @include size(border, 1px solid #ddd);
    background: #fff;
    @include box-shadow(2px 2px 2px #ddd);