===== Setup ===== Requirements ------------ * `Python 3.5-3.7 `_ * Python requiremets: ``pip install -r requirements/requirements.txt`` * a library for your database of choice (see `DBs supported by Django `_) * `Sass `_ >= 3.2 for parsing SCSS stylesheets * Librarian has more dependencies if you want to build PDF and MOBI files, see lib/librarian/README.md * `Solr `_ server if you want to search Running ------- Set up the database with:: ./manage.py migrate Run the dev server with:: ./manage.py runserver Some tasks (like generating e-books) run in a seperate Celery process by default, so you'll also need to run:: celery -A wolnelektury worker --loglevel=INFO Or, if you don't want to run a separate Celery daemon, set this in your ``localsettings.py``:: CELERY_ALWAYS_EAGER = True Deployment ---------- TODO Publishing books ---------------- Books are represented as XML files. You can import XML files from a directory by running:: ./manage.py importbooks ../books Or you can publish a single XML by using publishing form in admin, or the publishing API.