{% extends "base/base.html" %} {% load static from staticfiles %} {% load i18n catalogue_tags infopages_tags %} {% load ssi_include from ssify %} {% load cache %} {% get_current_language as LANGUAGE_CODE %} {% block title %}{% trans "Wolne Lektury internet library" %}{% endblock %} {% block ogtitle %}{% trans "Wolne Lektury internet library" %}{% endblock %} {% block body %} {% spaceless %} {% if cite %} {% cache 3600 main_cite cite.pk %} {% include "social/cite_promo.html" with main=True %} {% endcache %} {% endif %}

W naszej cyfrowej bibliotece znajdziesz

{% for book in best %} {% cache 86400 book_mini_box book.pk %} {% include 'catalogue/book_mini_box.html' %} {% endcache %} {% endfor %}
i wiele innych książek, wierszy, obrazów, audiobooków…

Motywy i tematy

{% trans "Theme" %}: {{ theme }}

Utwory, w których występuje ten motyw:

{% for book in theme_books %} {% cache 86400 book_mini_box book.pk %} {% include 'catalogue/book_mini_box.html' %} {% endcache %} {% endfor %} {% if theme_fragment %} {% cache 3600 fragment_promo theme_fragment.pk %} {% include 'catalogue/fragment_promo.html' with fragment=theme_fragment %} {% endcache %} {% endif %}
Zobacz katalog motywów
{% comment %}


{% ssi_include "catalogue_tag_box" pk=author.pk %} Zobacz katalog autorów


{% ssi_include "catalogue_tag_box" pk=genre.pk %} Zobacz katalog gatunków


{% ssi_include "catalogue_tag_box" pk=kind.pk %} Zobacz katalog rodzajów


{% ssi_include "catalogue_tag_box" pk=epoch.pk %} Zobacz katalog epok
{% endcomment %} {% if collection %}


{% cache 3600 collection_box collection.pk LANGUAGE_CODE %} {% include 'catalogue/collection_box.html' %} {% endcache %} Zobacz katalog kolekcji
{% endif %}

{% trans "Recent publications" %}

{% for book in last_published %} {% cache 86400 book_mini_box book.pk %} {% include 'catalogue/book_mini_box.html' %} {% endcache %} {% endfor %} {% trans "More recent publications" %}

{% trans "News" %}

{% ssi_include 'latest_blog_posts' %}

{% trans "Utilities" %}

{% trans "Information" %}

{% endspaceless %} {% endblock %} {% block add_footer %} {% spaceless %} {% if cite %}

{% trans "Image used:" %} {% cache 3600 cite_info cite.pk %} {% include 'social/cite_info.html' %} {% endcache %}

{% endif %} {% endspaceless %} {% endblock %}