{% load url from future %} {% load i18n %} {% if state == "running" %}

{% blocktrans with due=offer.due end=offer.end %}If the target is met by {{ end }}, this book will be published by {{ due }}.{% endblocktrans %}

{% url 'funding_wlfund' as url %} {% blocktrans %}Any excessive money will be transfered to the Wolne Lektury Fund.{% endblocktrans %}

{% elif state == "win" %} {% if offer.book %}

{% trans "See the published book:" %} {{ offer.book }}.

{% else %}

{% trans "Funding target has been met!" %}

{% trans "The book will be published by:" %} {{ offer.due }}. {% if offer.redakcja_url %} {% with url=offer.redakcja_url %} {% blocktrans %}You can follow the work on the Editorial Platform.{% endblocktrans %} {% endwith %} {% endif %}

{% endif %} {% elif state == "lose" %}

{% trans "Funding target has not been met." %} {% if offer.sum %} {% url 'funding_wlfund' as url %} {% blocktrans %}Collected funds have been transfered to the Wolne Lektury Fund.{% endblocktrans %} {% endif %}

{% endif %}