{% extends "base.html" %} {% load i18n %} {% load catalogue_tags pagination_tags switch_tag %} {% block titleextra %}{% title_from_tags tags %}{% endblock %} {% block bodyid %}tagged-object-list{% endblock %} {% block body %}

{% title_from_tags tags %}

{% with tags|last as last_tag %} {% if last_tag.has_description %}
{{ last_tag.description|safe }}
{{ last_tag.description|safe|truncatewords_html:30 }}

{% endif %}
{% if categories.author %}

{% trans "Authors" %}: {% inline_tag_list categories.author tags %}

{% endif %} {% if categories.kind %}

{% trans "Kinds" %}: {% inline_tag_list categories.kind tags %}

{% endif %} {% if categories.genre %}

{% trans "Genres" %}: {% inline_tag_list categories.genre tags %}

{% endif %} {% if categories.epoch %}

{% trans "Epochs" %}: {% inline_tag_list categories.epoch tags %}

{% endif %}
{% if categories.theme %}

{% trans "Motifs and themes" %}

{% tag_list categories.theme tags %}
{% endif %}
Dobranoc, obróć jeszcze raz na mnie oczęta,
(…) Daj mi pierś ucałować
Dobranoc, zapięta.

Adam Mickiewicz, Dziady część III

{% trans "See also" %}:

{% trans "Download" %}:

{% autopaginate object_list 10 %}
{% if last_tag.gazeta_link %}

{% switch last_tag.category %} {% case "author" %} {% trans "Read work's study of this author on Lektury.Gazeta.pl" %} {% case "epoch" %} {% blocktrans %}Read study of epoch {{ last_tag }} on Lektury.Gazeta.pl{% endblocktrans %} {% case "kind" %} {% blocktrans %}Read study of kind {{ last_tag }} on Lektury.Gazeta.pl{% endblocktrans %} {% case "genre" %} {% blocktrans %}Read study of genre {{ last_tag }} on Lektury.Gazeta.pl{% endblocktrans %} {% else %} {% trans "Read related study on Lektury.Gazeta.pl" %} {% endswitch %}

{% endif %} {% if last_tag.wiki_link %}

{% switch last_tag.category %} {% case "author" %} {% trans "Read article about this author on Wikipedia" %} {% case "epoch" %} {% blocktrans %}Read article about epoch {{ last_tag }} on Wikipedia{% endblocktrans %} {% case "kind" %} {% blocktrans %}Read article about kind {{ last_tag }} on Wikipedia{% endblocktrans %} {% case "genre" %} {% blocktrans %}Read article about genre {{ last_tag }} on Wikipedia{% endblocktrans %} {% else %} {% trans "Read related article on Wikipedia" %} {% endswitch %}

{% endif %} {% if object_list %} {% spaceless %}
    {% for book in object_list %}
  1. {% if user_is_owner %} {% trans "Delete" %} {% endif %} {{ book.short_html }}
  2. {% endfor %}
{% endspaceless %} {% paginate %} {% else %} {% trans "Sorry! Search cirteria did not match any resources." %} {% include "info/join_us.html" %} {% endif %} {% endwith %}
{% if object_list %} {% comment %} If we didn't find anything there will be nothing on the right side as well {% endcomment %} {% endif %} {% endblock %}