1 {% extends "catalogue/viewer_base.html" %}
3 {% load catalogue_tags ssify %}
8 {% block title %}{{ book.pretty_title }}{% endblock %}
13 <a href="{{ book.get_absolute_url }}" id="menu-book" data-box="book-short">
14 <img src="{% if book.cover_thumb %}{% thumbnail book.cover_thumb '240x332' as thumb %}{{ thumb.url }}{% empty %}{{ book.cover_thumb.url }}{% endthumbnail %}{% endif %}"
15 width="120" height="166"
16 alt="{{ book.pretty_title }}"
17 title="{{ book.pretty_title }}">
21 {% if book.other_versions.exists %}
23 <a href="#" data-box="other">
24 <span class="label">{% trans "Other versions" %}</span>
30 <a href="#" data-box="toc">
31 <span class="label">{% trans "Table of contents" %}</span>
36 <a href="#" data-box="themes">
37 <span class="label">{% trans "Themes" %}</span>
41 <li id="menu-settings">
42 <a href="#" data-box="settings">
43 <span class="label">{% trans "Settings" %}</span>
47 <li id="menu-nota_red">
48 <a href="#" data-box="nota_red">
49 <span class="label">{% trans "Edit. note" %}</span>
54 <a href="#info" data-box="info">
55 <span class="label">{% trans "Infobox" %}</span>
62 <article id="main-text">
63 <!--#include file='{{ book.html_url }}'-->
66 <article id="other-text">
67 <a class="other-text-close" href="#">{% trans "Close" %}</a>
68 <div id="other-text-waiter">{% trans "Please wait..." %}</div>
69 <div id="other-text-body" style="display: none;"></div>
71 {% endblock big-pane %}
75 <div id="info" class="box">
79 {% if book.other_versions.exists %}
80 <div class="box" id="other">
81 <h2>{% trans "Other versions of the book" %}</h2>
82 <a class="other-text-close" href="#">{% trans "Close the other version" %}</a>
85 {% for other_version in book.other_versions %}
87 <a class="display-other"
88 data-other="{{ other_version.html_url }}"
89 href="{% url 'book_text' other_version.slug %}">
90 {% cache 86400 book_mini_box other_version.pk %}
91 {% include 'catalogue/book_mini_box.html' with book=other_version no_link=True %}
93 {#% ssi_include 'catalogue_book_mini_nolink' pk=other_version.pk %#}
102 <div class="box" id="settings">
103 <h2>{% trans "Settings" %}</h2>
104 <a href="#" class="settings-switch" id="settings-line-numbers"
105 data-setting="always-hide-line-numbers">{% trans "Display line numbers" %}</a><br/>
106 <a href="#" class="settings-switch" id="settings-themes"
107 data-setting="always-hide-themes">{% trans "Display themes" %}</a><br/>
108 <a href="#" class="settings-switch" id="settings-annotations"
109 data-setting="no-annotations">{% trans "Display footnotes" %}</a><br/>
112 <div class="box" id="book-short">
113 {% cache 86400 catalogue_book_short book.pk book|status:user %}
114 {% include 'catalogue/book_short.html' %}
117 {% endblock footer %}