1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2 # This file is part of Wolnelektury, licensed under GNU Affero GPLv3 or later.
3 # Copyright © Fundacja Nowoczesna Polska. See NOTICE for more information.
5 from django.db import models
6 from django.db.models import permalink, Q
7 from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
8 from django.contrib.auth.models import User
9 from django.core.files import File
10 from django.template.loader import render_to_string
11 from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
12 from django.utils.translation import get_language
13 from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
14 from datetime import datetime
16 from newtagging.models import TagBase, tags_updated
17 from newtagging import managers
18 from catalogue.fields import JSONField
20 from librarian import dcparser, html, epub, NoDublinCore
21 from mutagen import id3
25 ('author', _('author')),
26 ('epoch', _('epoch')),
28 ('genre', _('genre')),
29 ('theme', _('theme')),
35 class TagSubcategoryManager(models.Manager):
36 def __init__(self, subcategory):
37 super(TagSubcategoryManager, self).__init__()
38 self.subcategory = subcategory
40 def get_query_set(self):
41 return super(TagSubcategoryManager, self).get_query_set().filter(category=self.subcategory)
45 name = models.CharField(_('name'), max_length=50, db_index=True)
46 slug = models.SlugField(_('slug'), max_length=120, db_index=True)
47 sort_key = models.CharField(_('sort key'), max_length=120, db_index=True)
48 category = models.CharField(_('category'), max_length=50, blank=False, null=False,
49 db_index=True, choices=TAG_CATEGORIES)
50 description = models.TextField(_('description'), blank=True)
51 main_page = models.BooleanField(_('main page'), default=False, db_index=True, help_text=_('Show tag on main page'))
53 user = models.ForeignKey(User, blank=True, null=True)
54 book_count = models.IntegerField(_('book count'), blank=False, null=True)
55 death = models.IntegerField(_(u'year of death'), blank=True, null=True)
56 gazeta_link = models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=240)
57 wiki_link = models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=240)
67 categories_dict = dict((item[::-1] for item in categories_rev.iteritems()))
70 ordering = ('sort_key',)
71 verbose_name = _('tag')
72 verbose_name_plural = _('tags')
73 unique_together = (("slug", "category"),)
75 def __unicode__(self):
79 return "Tag(slug=%r)" % self.slug
82 def get_absolute_url(self):
83 return ('catalogue.views.tagged_object_list', [self.url_chunk])
85 def has_description(self):
86 return len(self.description) > 0
87 has_description.short_description = _('description')
88 has_description.boolean = True
91 return self.death is None
94 """ tests whether an author is in public domain """
95 return self.death is not None and self.goes_to_pd() <= datetime.now().year
98 """ calculates the year of public domain entry for an author """
99 return self.death + 71 if self.death is not None else None
102 """ returns global book count for book tags, fragment count for themes """
104 if self.book_count is None:
105 if self.category == 'book':
107 objects = Book.objects.none()
108 elif self.category == 'theme':
109 objects = Fragment.tagged.with_all((self,))
111 objects = Book.tagged.with_all((self,)).order_by()
112 if self.category != 'set':
113 # eliminate descendants
114 l_tags = Tag.objects.filter(slug__in=[book.book_tag_slug() for book in objects])
115 descendants_keys = [book.pk for book in Book.tagged.with_any(l_tags)]
117 objects = objects.exclude(pk__in=descendants_keys)
118 self.book_count = objects.count()
120 return self.book_count
123 def get_tag_list(tags):
124 if isinstance(tags, basestring):
128 tags_splitted = tags.split('/')
129 for index, name in enumerate(tags_splitted):
130 if name in Tag.categories_rev:
131 category = Tag.categories_rev[name]
134 real_tags.append(Tag.objects.get(slug=name, category=category))
138 real_tags.append(Tag.objects.exclude(category='book').get(slug=name))
139 except Tag.MultipleObjectsReturned, e:
140 ambiguous_slugs.append(name)
143 # something strange left off
144 raise Tag.DoesNotExist()
146 # some tags should be qualified
147 e = Tag.MultipleObjectsReturned()
149 e.ambiguous_slugs = ambiguous_slugs
154 return TagBase.get_tag_list(tags)
158 return '/'.join((Tag.categories_dict[self.category], self.slug))
161 # TODO: why is this hard-coded ?
162 def book_upload_path(ext):
163 def get_dynamic_path(book, filename):
164 return 'lektura/%s.%s' % (book.slug, ext)
165 return get_dynamic_path
168 class Book(models.Model):
169 title = models.CharField(_('title'), max_length=120)
170 slug = models.SlugField(_('slug'), max_length=120, unique=True, db_index=True)
171 description = models.TextField(_('description'), blank=True)
172 created_at = models.DateTimeField(_('creation date'), auto_now_add=True)
173 _short_html = models.TextField(_('short HTML'), editable=False)
174 parent_number = models.IntegerField(_('parent number'), default=0)
175 extra_info = JSONField(_('extra information'))
176 gazeta_link = models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=240)
177 wiki_link = models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=240)
181 xml_file = models.FileField(_('XML file'), upload_to=book_upload_path('xml'), blank=True)
182 html_file = models.FileField(_('HTML file'), upload_to=book_upload_path('html'), blank=True)
183 pdf_file = models.FileField(_('PDF file'), upload_to=book_upload_path('pdf'), blank=True)
184 epub_file = models.FileField(_('EPUB file'), upload_to=book_upload_path('epub'), blank=True)
185 odt_file = models.FileField(_('ODT file'), upload_to=book_upload_path('odt'), blank=True)
186 txt_file = models.FileField(_('TXT file'), upload_to=book_upload_path('txt'), blank=True)
187 mp3_file = models.FileField(_('MP3 file'), upload_to=book_upload_path('mp3'), blank=True)
188 ogg_file = models.FileField(_('OGG file'), upload_to=book_upload_path('ogg'), blank=True)
189 daisy_file = models.FileField(_('DAISY file'), upload_to=book_upload_path('daisy.zip'), blank=True)
191 parent = models.ForeignKey('self', blank=True, null=True, related_name='children')
193 objects = models.Manager()
194 tagged = managers.ModelTaggedItemManager(Tag)
195 tags = managers.TagDescriptor(Tag)
197 _tag_counter = JSONField(null=True, editable=False)
198 _theme_counter = JSONField(null=True, editable=False)
200 class AlreadyExists(Exception):
204 ordering = ('title',)
205 verbose_name = _('book')
206 verbose_name_plural = _('books')
208 def __unicode__(self):
211 def save(self, force_insert=False, force_update=False, reset_short_html=True, refresh_mp3=True, **kwargs):
213 # Reset _short_html during save
215 for key in filter(lambda x: x.startswith('_short_html'), self.__dict__):
217 self.__setattr__(key, '')
218 # Fragment.short_html relies on book's tags, so reset it here too
219 self.fragments.all().update(**update)
221 book = super(Book, self).save(force_insert, force_update)
223 if refresh_mp3 and self.mp3_file:
224 print self.mp3_file, self.mp3_file.path
225 extra_info = self.get_extra_info_value()
226 extra_info.update(self.get_mp3_info())
227 self.set_extra_info_value(extra_info)
228 book = super(Book, self).save(force_insert, force_update)
233 def get_absolute_url(self):
234 return ('catalogue.views.book_detail', [self.slug])
240 def book_tag_slug(self):
241 return ('l-' + self.slug)[:120]
244 slug = self.book_tag_slug()
245 book_tag, created = Tag.objects.get_or_create(slug=slug, category='book')
247 book_tag.name = self.title[:50]
248 book_tag.sort_key = self.title.lower()
252 def short_html(self):
253 key = '_short_html_%s' % get_language()
254 short_html = getattr(self, key)
256 if short_html and len(short_html):
257 return mark_safe(short_html)
259 tags = self.tags.filter(~Q(category__in=('set', 'theme', 'book')))
260 tags = [mark_safe(u'<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (tag.get_absolute_url(), tag.name)) for tag in tags]
264 formats.append(u'<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (reverse('book_text', kwargs={'slug': self.slug}), _('Read online')))
266 formats.append(u'<a href="%s">PDF</a>' % self.pdf_file.url)
267 if self.root_ancestor.epub_file:
268 formats.append(u'<a href="%s">EPUB</a>' % self.root_ancestor.epub_file.url)
270 formats.append(u'<a href="%s">ODT</a>' % self.odt_file.url)
272 formats.append(u'<a href="%s">TXT</a>' % self.txt_file.url)
274 formats.append(u'<a href="%s">MP3</a>' % self.mp3_file.url)
276 formats.append(u'<a href="%s">OGG</a>' % self.ogg_file.url)
278 formats.append(u'<a href="%s">DAISY</a>' % self.daisy_file.url)
280 formats = [mark_safe(format) for format in formats]
282 setattr(self, key, unicode(render_to_string('catalogue/book_short.html',
283 {'book': self, 'tags': tags, 'formats': formats})))
284 self.save(reset_short_html=False)
285 return mark_safe(getattr(self, key))
289 def root_ancestor(self):
290 """ returns the oldest ancestor """
292 if not hasattr(self, '_root_ancestor'):
296 self._root_ancestor = book
297 return self._root_ancestor
300 def get_mp3_info(self):
301 """Retrieves artist and director names from audio ID3 tags."""
302 audio = id3.ID3(self.mp3_file.path)
303 artist_name = ', '.join(', '.join(tag.text) for tag in audio.getall('TPE1'))
304 director_name = ', '.join(', '.join(tag.text) for tag in audio.getall('TPE3'))
305 return {'artist_name': artist_name, 'director_name': director_name}
307 def has_description(self):
308 return len(self.description) > 0
309 has_description.short_description = _('description')
310 has_description.boolean = True
312 def has_pdf_file(self):
313 return bool(self.pdf_file)
314 has_pdf_file.short_description = 'PDF'
315 has_pdf_file.boolean = True
317 def has_epub_file(self):
318 return bool(self.epub_file)
319 has_epub_file.short_description = 'EPUB'
320 has_epub_file.boolean = True
322 def has_odt_file(self):
323 return bool(self.odt_file)
324 has_odt_file.short_description = 'ODT'
325 has_odt_file.boolean = True
327 def has_html_file(self):
328 return bool(self.html_file)
329 has_html_file.short_description = 'HTML'
330 has_html_file.boolean = True
332 def build_epub(self, remove_descendants=True):
333 """ (Re)builds the epub file.
334 If book has a parent, does nothing.
335 Unless remove_descendants is False, descendants' epubs are removed.
338 from StringIO import StringIO
339 from hashlib import sha1
340 from django.core.files.base import ContentFile
341 from librarian import DocProvider
343 class BookImportDocProvider(DocProvider):
344 """ used for joined EPUBs """
346 def __init__(self, book):
349 def by_slug(self, slug):
350 if slug == self.book.slug:
351 return self.book.xml_file
353 return Book.objects.get(slug=slug).xml_file
359 epub_file = StringIO()
361 epub.transform(BookImportDocProvider(self), self.slug, epub_file)
362 self.epub_file.save('%s.epub' % self.slug, ContentFile(epub_file.getvalue()), save=False)
364 FileRecord(slug=self.slug, type='epub', sha1=sha1(epub_file.getvalue()).hexdigest()).save()
368 book_descendants = list(self.children.all())
369 while len(book_descendants) > 0:
370 child_book = book_descendants.pop(0)
371 if remove_descendants and child_book.has_epub_file():
372 child_book.epub_file.delete()
373 # save anyway, to refresh short_html
375 book_descendants += list(child_book.children.all())
379 def from_xml_file(cls, xml_file, overwrite=False):
380 # use librarian to parse meta-data
381 book_info = dcparser.parse(xml_file)
383 if not isinstance(xml_file, File):
384 xml_file = File(open(xml_file))
387 return cls.from_text_and_meta(xml_file, book_info, overwrite)
392 def from_text_and_meta(cls, raw_file, book_info, overwrite=False):
393 from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
394 from slughifi import slughifi
395 from markupstring import MarkupString
396 from django.core.files.storage import default_storage
398 # check for parts before we do anything
400 if hasattr(book_info, 'parts'):
401 for part_url in book_info.parts:
402 base, slug = part_url.rsplit('/', 1)
404 children.append(Book.objects.get(slug=slug))
405 except Book.DoesNotExist, e:
406 raise Book.DoesNotExist(_('Book with slug = "%s" does not exist.') % slug)
410 book_base, book_slug = book_info.url.rsplit('/', 1)
411 book, created = Book.objects.get_or_create(slug=book_slug)
417 raise Book.AlreadyExists(_('Book %s already exists') % book_slug)
418 # Save shelves for this book
419 book_shelves = list(book.tags.filter(category='set'))
421 book.title = book_info.title
422 book.set_extra_info_value(book_info.to_dict())
423 book._short_html = ''
427 categories = (('kinds', 'kind'), ('genres', 'genre'), ('authors', 'author'), ('epochs', 'epoch'))
428 for field_name, category in categories:
430 tag_names = getattr(book_info, field_name)
432 tag_names = [getattr(book_info, category)]
433 for tag_name in tag_names:
434 tag_sort_key = tag_name
435 if category == 'author':
436 tag_sort_key = tag_name.last_name
437 tag_name = ' '.join(tag_name.first_names) + ' ' + tag_name.last_name
438 tag, created = Tag.objects.get_or_create(slug=slughifi(tag_name), category=category)
441 tag.sort_key = tag_sort_key.lower()
443 book_tags.append(tag)
445 book.tags = book_tags + book_shelves
447 book_tag = book.book_tag()
449 for n, child_book in enumerate(children):
450 child_book.parent = book
451 child_book.parent_number = n
454 # Save XML and HTML files
455 book.xml_file.save('%s.xml' % book.slug, raw_file, save=False)
457 # delete old fragments when overwriting
458 book.fragments.all().delete()
460 html_file = NamedTemporaryFile()
461 if html.transform(book.xml_file.path, html_file, parse_dublincore=False):
462 book.html_file.save('%s.html' % book.slug, File(html_file), save=False)
464 # get ancestor l-tags for adding to new fragments
468 ancestor_tags.append(p.book_tag())
472 closed_fragments, open_fragments = html.extract_fragments(book.html_file.path)
473 for fragment in closed_fragments.values():
475 theme_names = [s.strip() for s in fragment.themes.split(',')]
476 except AttributeError:
479 for theme_name in theme_names:
482 tag, created = Tag.objects.get_or_create(slug=slughifi(theme_name), category='theme')
484 tag.name = theme_name
485 tag.sort_key = theme_name.lower()
491 text = fragment.to_string()
493 if (len(MarkupString(text)) > 240):
494 short_text = unicode(MarkupString(text)[:160])
495 new_fragment, created = Fragment.objects.get_or_create(anchor=fragment.id, book=book,
496 defaults={'text': text, 'short_text': short_text})
499 new_fragment.tags = set(book_tags + themes + [book_tag] + ancestor_tags)
502 book.build_epub(remove_descendants=False)
504 book_descendants = list(book.children.all())
505 # add l-tag to descendants and their fragments
506 # delete unnecessary EPUB files
507 while len(book_descendants) > 0:
508 child_book = book_descendants.pop(0)
509 child_book.tags = list(child_book.tags) + [book_tag]
510 if child_book.has_epub_file():
511 child_book.epub_file.delete()
513 for fragment in child_book.fragments.all():
514 fragment.tags = set(list(fragment.tags) + [book_tag])
515 book_descendants += list(child_book.children.all())
518 book.reset_tag_counter()
519 book.reset_theme_counter()
525 def refresh_tag_counter(self):
527 for child in self.children.all().order_by():
528 for tag_pk, value in child.tag_counter.iteritems():
529 tags[tag_pk] = tags.get(tag_pk, 0) + value
530 for tag in self.tags.exclude(category__in=('book', 'theme', 'set')).order_by():
532 self.set__tag_counter_value(tags)
533 self.save(reset_short_html=False, refresh_mp3=False)
536 def reset_tag_counter(self):
537 self._tag_counter = None
538 self.save(reset_short_html=False, refresh_mp3=False)
540 self.parent.reset_tag_counter()
543 def tag_counter(self):
544 if self._tag_counter is None:
545 return self.refresh_tag_counter()
546 return dict((int(k), v) for k, v in self.get__tag_counter_value().iteritems())
548 def refresh_theme_counter(self):
550 for fragment in Fragment.tagged.with_any([self.book_tag()]).order_by():
551 for tag in fragment.tags.filter(category='theme').order_by():
552 tags[tag.pk] = tags.get(tag.pk, 0) + 1
553 self.set__theme_counter_value(tags)
554 self.save(reset_short_html=False, refresh_mp3=False)
557 def reset_theme_counter(self):
558 self._theme_counter = None
559 self.save(reset_short_html=False, refresh_mp3=False)
561 self.parent.reset_theme_counter()
564 def theme_counter(self):
565 if self._theme_counter is None:
566 return self.refresh_theme_counter()
567 return dict((int(k), v) for k, v in self.get__theme_counter_value().iteritems())
571 class Fragment(models.Model):
572 text = models.TextField()
573 short_text = models.TextField(editable=False)
574 _short_html = models.TextField(editable=False)
575 anchor = models.CharField(max_length=120)
576 book = models.ForeignKey(Book, related_name='fragments')
578 objects = models.Manager()
579 tagged = managers.ModelTaggedItemManager(Tag)
580 tags = managers.TagDescriptor(Tag)
583 ordering = ('book', 'anchor',)
584 verbose_name = _('fragment')
585 verbose_name_plural = _('fragments')
587 def get_absolute_url(self):
588 return '%s#m%s' % (reverse('book_text', kwargs={'slug': self.book.slug}), self.anchor)
590 def short_html(self):
591 key = '_short_html_%s' % get_language()
592 short_html = getattr(self, key)
593 if short_html and len(short_html):
594 return mark_safe(short_html)
596 setattr(self, key, unicode(render_to_string('catalogue/fragment_short.html',
597 {'fragment': self})))
599 return mark_safe(getattr(self, key))
602 class BookStub(models.Model):
603 title = models.CharField(_('title'), max_length=120)
604 author = models.CharField(_('author'), max_length=120)
605 pd = models.IntegerField(_('goes to public domain'), null=True, blank=True)
606 slug = models.SlugField(_('slug'), max_length=120, unique=True, db_index=True)
607 translator = models.TextField(_('translator'), blank=True)
608 translator_death = models.TextField(_('year of translator\'s death'), blank=True)
611 ordering = ('title',)
612 verbose_name = _('book stub')
613 verbose_name_plural = _('book stubs')
615 def __unicode__(self):
619 def get_absolute_url(self):
620 return ('catalogue.views.book_detail', [self.slug])
623 return self.pd is not None and self.pd <= datetime.now().year
630 class FileRecord(models.Model):
631 slug = models.SlugField(_('slug'), max_length=120, db_index=True)
632 type = models.CharField(_('type'), max_length=20, db_index=True)
633 sha1 = models.CharField(_('sha-1 hash'), max_length=40)
634 time = models.DateTimeField(_('time'), auto_now_add=True)
637 ordering = ('-time','-slug', '-type')
638 verbose_name = _('file record')
639 verbose_name_plural = _('file records')
641 def __unicode__(self):
642 return "%s %s.%s" % (self.sha1, self.slug, self.type)
645 def _tags_updated_handler(sender, affected_tags, **kwargs):
646 # reset tag global counter
647 Tag.objects.filter(pk__in=[tag.pk for tag in affected_tags]).update(book_count=None)
649 # if book tags changed, reset book tag counter
650 if isinstance(sender, Book) and \
651 Tag.objects.filter(pk__in=(tag.pk for tag in affected_tags)).\
652 exclude(category__in=('book', 'theme', 'set')).count():
653 sender.reset_tag_counter()
654 # if fragment theme changed, reset book theme counter
655 elif isinstance(sender, Fragment) and \
656 Tag.objects.filter(pk__in=(tag.pk for tag in affected_tags)).\
657 filter(category='theme').count():
658 sender.book.reset_theme_counter()
659 tags_updated.connect(_tags_updated_handler)