1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
3 from django.conf import settings
8 from librarian import dcparser
9 from librarian.parser import WLDocument
10 from lxml import etree
11 import catalogue.models
12 from pdcounter.models import Author as PDCounterAuthor, BookStub as PDCounterBook
13 from itertools import chain
16 log = logging.getLogger('search')
22 class SolrIndex(object):
23 def __init__(self, mode=None):
24 self.index = custom.CustomSolrInterface(settings.SOLR, mode=mode)
27 class Snippets(object):
29 This class manages snippet files for indexed object (book)
30 the snippets are concatenated together, and their positions and
31 lengths are kept in lucene index fields.
33 SNIPPET_DIR = "snippets"
35 def __init__(self, book_id, revision=None):
37 os.makedirs(os.path.join(settings.SEARCH_INDEX, self.SNIPPET_DIR))
38 except OSError as exc:
39 if exc.errno == errno.EEXIST:
42 self.book_id = book_id
43 self.revision = revision
48 if self.revision: fn = "%d.%d" % (self.book_id, self.revision)
49 else: fn = "%d" % self.book_id
51 return os.path.join(settings.SEARCH_INDEX, self.SNIPPET_DIR, fn)
53 def open(self, mode='r'):
55 Open the snippet file. Call .close() afterwards.
61 if os.path.exists(self.path):
64 if not os.path.exists(self.path):
68 self.file = open(self.path, mode)
72 def add(self, snippet):
74 Append a snippet (unicode) to the snippet file.
75 Return a (position, length) tuple
77 txt = snippet.encode('utf-8')
80 pos = (self.position, l)
86 Given a tuple of (position, length) return an unicode
87 of the snippet stored there.
89 self.file.seek(pos[0], 0)
90 txt = self.file.read(pos[1]).decode('utf-8')
94 """Close snippet file"""
109 class Index(SolrIndex):
111 Class indexing books.
114 super(Index, self).__init__()
116 def delete_query(self, *queries):
118 index.delete(queries=...) doesn't work, so let's reimplement it
119 using deletion of list of uids.
123 if isinstance(q, sunburnt.search.LuceneQuery):
124 q = self.index.query(q)
125 q.field_limiter.update(['uid'])
129 ids = q.paginate(start=st, rows=rows).execute()
135 # print "Will delete %s" % ','.join([x for x in uids])
137 self.index.delete(uids)
142 def index_tags(self, *tags, **kw):
144 Re-index global tag list.
145 Removes all tags from index, then index them again.
146 Indexed fields include: id, name (with and without polish stems), category
148 remove_only = kw.get('remove_only', False)
149 # first, remove tags from index.
153 q_id = self.index.Q(tag_id=tag.id)
155 if isinstance(tag, PDCounterAuthor):
156 q_cat = self.index.Q(tag_category='pd_author')
157 elif isinstance(tag, PDCounterBook):
158 q_cat = self.index.Q(tag_category='pd_book')
160 q_cat = self.index.Q(tag_category=tag.category)
162 q_id_cat = self.index.Q(q_id & q_cat)
163 tag_qs.append(q_id_cat)
164 self.delete_query(tag_qs)
166 q = self.index.Q(tag_id__any=True)
170 # then add them [all or just one passed]
172 tags = chain(catalogue.models.Tag.objects.exclude(category='set'), \
173 PDCounterAuthor.objects.all(), \
174 PDCounterBook.objects.all())
177 if isinstance(tag, PDCounterAuthor):
179 "tag_id": int(tag.id),
180 "tag_name": tag.name,
181 "tag_name_pl": tag.name,
182 "tag_category": 'pd_author',
183 "is_pdcounter": True,
184 "uid": "tag%d_pd_a" % tag.id
186 elif isinstance(tag, PDCounterBook):
188 "tag_id": int(tag.id),
189 "tag_name": tag.title,
190 "tag_name_pl": tag.title,
191 "tag_category": 'pd_book',
192 "is_pdcounter": True,
193 "uid": "tag%d_pd_b" % tag.id
197 "tag_id": int(tag.id),
198 "tag_name": tag.name,
199 "tag_name_pl": tag.name,
200 "tag_category": tag.category,
201 "is_pdcounter": False,
202 "uid": "tag%d" % tag.id
205 print "%s %s" % (doc['tag_name'], doc['tag_category'])
207 def create_book_doc(self, book):
209 Create a lucene document referring book id.
212 'book_id': int(book.id),
214 if book.parent is not None:
215 doc["parent_id"] = int(book.parent.id)
218 def remove_book(self, book_or_id, remove_snippets=True):
219 """Removes a book from search index.
220 book - Book instance."""
221 if isinstance(book_or_id, catalogue.models.Book):
222 book_id = book_or_id.id
226 self.delete_query(self.index.Q(book_id=book_id))
229 snippets = Snippets(book_id)
232 def index_book(self, book, book_info=None, overwrite=True):
235 Creates a lucene document for extracted metadata
236 and calls self.index_content() to index the contents of the book.
239 # we don't remove snippets, since they might be still needed by
240 # threads using not reopened index
241 self.remove_book(book, remove_snippets=False)
243 book_doc = self.create_book_doc(book)
244 meta_fields = self.extract_metadata(book, book_info, dc_only=['source_name', 'authors', 'title'])
245 # let's not index it - it's only used for extracting publish date
246 if 'source_name' in meta_fields:
247 del meta_fields['source_name']
249 for n, f in meta_fields.items():
252 book_doc['uid'] = "book%s" % book_doc['book_id']
253 self.index.add(book_doc)
256 'title': meta_fields['title'],
257 'authors': meta_fields['authors'],
258 'published_date': meta_fields['published_date']
260 if 'translators' in meta_fields:
261 book_fields['translators'] = meta_fields['translators']
263 self.index_content(book, book_fields=book_fields)
268 'dramat_wierszowany_l',
269 'dramat_wierszowany_lp',
270 'dramat_wspolczesny', 'liryka_l', 'liryka_lp',
274 ignore_content_tags = [
276 'zastepnik_tekstu', 'sekcja_asterysk', 'separator_linia', 'zastepnik_wersu',
278 'naglowek_aktu', 'naglowek_sceny', 'naglowek_czesc',
281 footnote_tags = ['pa', 'pt', 'pr', 'pe']
283 skip_header_tags = ['autor_utworu', 'nazwa_utworu', 'dzielo_nadrzedne', '{http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#}RDF']
285 published_date_re = re.compile("([0-9]+)[\]. ]*$")
287 def extract_metadata(self, book, book_info=None, dc_only=None):
289 Extract metadata from book and returns a map of fields keyed by fieldname
293 if book_info is None:
294 book_info = dcparser.parse(open(book.xml_file.path))
296 fields['slug'] = book.slug
297 fields['tags'] = [t.name for t in book.tags]
298 fields['is_book'] = True
301 for field in dcparser.BookInfo.FIELDS:
302 if dc_only and field.name not in dc_only:
304 if hasattr(book_info, field.name):
305 if not getattr(book_info, field.name):
307 # since no type information is available, we use validator
308 type_indicator = field.validator
309 if type_indicator == dcparser.as_unicode:
310 s = getattr(book_info, field.name)
313 fields[field.name] = s
314 elif type_indicator == dcparser.as_person:
315 p = getattr(book_info, field.name)
316 if isinstance(p, dcparser.Person):
319 persons = ', '.join(map(unicode, p))
320 fields[field.name] = persons
321 elif type_indicator == dcparser.as_date:
322 dt = getattr(book_info, field.name)
323 fields[field.name] = dt
327 if hasattr(book_info, 'source_name') and book_info.source_name:
328 match = self.published_date_re.search(book_info.source_name)
329 if match is not None:
330 pd = str(match.groups()[0])
332 fields["published_date"] = pd
336 # def add_gaps(self, fields, fieldname):
338 # Interposes a list of fields with gap-fields, which are indexed spaces and returns it.
339 # This allows for doing phrase queries which do not overlap the gaps (when slop is 0).
343 # yield Field(fieldname, ' ', Field.Store.NO, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED)
344 # return reduce(lambda a, b: a + b, zip(fields, gap()))[0:-1]
346 def get_master(self, root):
348 Returns the first master tag from an etree.
350 for master in root.iter():
351 if master.tag in self.master_tags:
354 def index_content(self, book, book_fields={}):
356 Walks the book XML and extract content from it.
357 Adds parts for each header tag and for each fragment.
359 wld = WLDocument.from_file(book.xml_file.path, parse_dublincore=False)
360 root = wld.edoc.getroot()
362 master = self.get_master(root)
366 def walker(node, ignore_tags=[]):
368 if node.tag not in ignore_tags:
369 yield node, None, None
370 if node.text is not None:
371 yield None, node.text, None
372 for child in list(node):
373 for b, t, e in walker(child):
375 yield None, None, node
377 if node.tail is not None:
378 yield None, node.tail, None
381 def fix_format(text):
382 # separator = [u" ", u"\t", u".", u";", u","]
383 if isinstance(text, list):
384 # need to join it first
385 text = filter(lambda s: s is not None, content)
386 text = u' '.join(text)
387 # for i in range(len(text)):
389 # if text[i][0] not in separator\
390 # and text[i - 1][-1] not in separator:
391 # text.insert(i, u" ")
393 return re.sub("(?m)/$", "", text)
395 def add_part(snippets, **fields):
396 doc = self.create_book_doc(book)
397 for n, v in book_fields.items():
400 doc['header_index'] = fields["header_index"]
401 doc['header_span'] = 'header_span' in fields and fields['header_span'] or 1
402 doc['header_type'] = fields['header_type']
404 doc['text'] = fields['text']
407 snip_pos = snippets.add(fields["text"])
409 doc['snippets_position'] = snip_pos[0]
410 doc['snippets_length'] = snip_pos[1]
411 if snippets.revision:
412 doc["snippets_revision"] = snippets.revision
414 if 'fragment_anchor' in fields:
415 doc["fragment_anchor"] = fields['fragment_anchor']
417 if 'themes' in fields:
418 doc['themes'] = fields['themes']
419 doc['uid'] = "part%s%s%s" % (doc['header_index'],
421 doc.get('fragment_anchor', ''))
425 if isinstance(s, unicode):
426 return s.encode('utf-8')
431 snippets = Snippets(book.id).open('w')
433 for header, position in zip(list(master), range(len(master))):
435 if header.tag in self.skip_header_tags:
437 if header.tag is etree.Comment:
444 def all_content(text):
445 for frag in fragments.values():
446 frag['text'].append(text)
448 handle_text = [all_content]
450 for start, text, end in walker(header, ignore_tags=self.ignore_content_tags):
452 if start is not None and start.tag in self.footnote_tags:
455 def collect_footnote(t):
458 handle_text.append(collect_footnote)
459 elif end is not None and footnote is not [] and end.tag in self.footnote_tags:
461 doc = add_part(snippets, header_index=position, header_type=header.tag,
462 text=u''.join(footnote),
466 #print "@ footnote text: %s" % footnote
469 # handle fragments and themes.
470 if start is not None and start.tag == 'begin':
471 fid = start.attrib['id'][1:]
472 fragments[fid] = {'text': [], 'themes': [], 'start_section': position, 'start_header': header.tag}
474 # themes for this fragment
475 elif start is not None and start.tag == 'motyw':
476 fid = start.attrib['id'][1:]
477 handle_text.append(None)
478 if start.text is not None:
479 fragments[fid]['themes'] += map(unicode.strip, map(unicode, (start.text.split(','))))
480 elif end is not None and end.tag == 'motyw':
483 elif start is not None and start.tag == 'end':
484 fid = start.attrib['id'][1:]
485 if fid not in fragments:
486 continue # a broken <end> node, skip it
487 frag = fragments[fid]
488 if frag['themes'] == []:
489 continue # empty themes list.
492 doc = add_part(snippets,
493 header_type=frag['start_header'],
494 header_index=frag['start_section'],
495 header_span=position - frag['start_section'] + 1,
497 text=fix_format(frag['text']),
498 themes=frag['themes'])
499 #print '@ FRAG %s' % frag['content']
504 if text is not None and handle_text is not []:
505 hdl = handle_text[-1]
509 # in the end, add a section text.
510 doc = add_part(snippets, header_index=position,
511 header_type=header.tag, text=fix_format(content))
512 #print '@ CONTENT: %s' % fix_format(content)
520 class SearchResult(object):
521 def __init__(self, doc, how_found=None, query=None):
522 # self.search = search
525 self._processed_hits = None # processed hits
529 self._score = doc['score']
533 self.book_id = int(doc["book_id"])
536 self.published_date = int(doc.get("published_date"))
538 self.published_date = 0
541 header_type = doc.get("header_type", None)
542 # we have a content hit in some header of fragment
543 if header_type is not None:
544 sec = (header_type, int(doc["header_index"]))
545 header_span = doc['header_span']
546 header_span = header_span is not None and int(header_span) or 1
547 fragment = doc.get("fragment_anchor", None)
548 snippets_pos = (doc['snippets_position'], doc['snippets_length'])
549 snippets_rev = doc['snippets_revision']
551 hit = (sec + (header_span,), fragment, self._score, {
552 'how_found': how_found,
553 'snippets_pos': snippets_pos,
554 'snippets_revision': snippets_rev
557 self._hits.append(hit)
559 def __unicode__(self):
560 return u"<SR id=%d %d(%d) hits score=%f %d snippets" % \
561 (self.book_id, len(self._hits), self._processed_hits and len(self._processed_hits) or -1, self._score, len(self.snippets))
564 return unicode(self).encode('utf-8')
568 return self._score * self.boost
570 def merge(self, other):
571 if self.book_id != other.book_id:
572 raise ValueError("this search result is or book %d; tried to merge with %d" % (self.book_id, other.book_id))
573 self._hits += other._hits
574 if other.score > self.score:
575 self._score = other._score
579 if hasattr(self, '_book'):
581 self._book = catalogue.models.Book.objects.get(id=self.book_id)
584 book = property(get_book)
595 if self._processed_hits is not None:
596 return self._processed_hits
598 # to sections and fragments
599 frags = filter(lambda r: r[self.FRAGMENT] is not None, self._hits)
601 sect = filter(lambda r: r[self.FRAGMENT] is None, self._hits)
603 # sections not covered by fragments
604 sect = filter(lambda s: 0 == len(filter(
605 lambda f: s[self.POSITION][self.POSITION_INDEX] >= f[self.POSITION][self.POSITION_INDEX]
606 and s[self.POSITION][self.POSITION_INDEX] < f[self.POSITION][self.POSITION_INDEX] + f[self.POSITION][self.POSITION_SPAN],
611 def remove_duplicates(lst, keyfn, compare):
616 if compare(els[eif], e) >= 1:
621 # remove fragments with duplicated fid's and duplicated snippets
622 frags = remove_duplicates(frags, lambda f: f[self.FRAGMENT], lambda a, b: cmp(a[self.SCORE], b[self.SCORE]))
623 # frags = remove_duplicates(frags, lambda f: f[OTHER]['snippet_pos'] and f[OTHER]['snippet_pos'] or f[FRAGMENT],
624 # lambda a, b: cmp(a[SCORE], b[SCORE]))
626 # remove duplicate sections
630 si = s[self.POSITION][self.POSITION_INDEX]
633 if sections[si]['score'] >= s[self.SCORE]:
636 m = {'score': s[self.SCORE],
637 'section_number': s[self.POSITION][self.POSITION_INDEX] + 1,
639 m.update(s[self.OTHER])
642 hits = sections.values()
646 frag = catalogue.models.Fragment.objects.get(anchor=f[self.FRAGMENT], book__id=self.book_id)
647 except catalogue.models.Fragment.DoesNotExist:
651 # Figure out if we were searching for a token matching some word in theme name.
652 themes = frag.tags.filter(category='theme')
654 # if self.searched is not None:
655 # tokens = self.search.get_tokens(self.searched, 'POLISH', cached=self.tokens_cache)
656 # for theme in themes:
657 # name_tokens = self.search.get_tokens(theme.name, 'POLISH')
659 # if t in name_tokens:
660 # if not theme in themes_hit:
661 # themes_hit.append(theme)
664 m = {'score': f[self.SCORE],
666 'section_number': f[self.POSITION][self.POSITION_INDEX] + 1,
668 'themes_hit': themes_hit
670 m.update(f[self.OTHER])
673 hits.sort(lambda a, b: cmp(a['score'], b['score']), reverse=True)
675 self._processed_hits = hits
680 def aggregate(*result_lists):
682 for rl in result_lists:
684 if r.book_id in books:
685 books[r.book_id].merge(r)
688 return books.values()
690 def __cmp__(self, other):
691 c = cmp(self.score, other.score)
693 # this is inverted, because earlier date is better
694 return cmp(other.published_date, self.published_date)
699 return len(self.hits)
701 def snippet_pos(self, idx=0):
702 return self.hits[idx]['snippets_pos']
704 def snippet_revision(self, idx=0):
706 return self.hits[idx]['snippets_revision']
711 class Search(SolrIndex):
715 def __init__(self, default_field="text"):
716 super(Search, self).__init__()
718 # def get_tokens(self, searched, field='text', cached=None):
719 # """returns tokens analyzed by a proper (for a field) analyzer
720 # argument can be: StringReader, string/unicode, or tokens. In the last case
721 # they will just be returned (so we can reuse tokens, if we don't change the analyzer)
723 # if cached is not None and field in cached:
724 # return cached[field]
726 # if isinstance(searched, str) or isinstance(searched, unicode):
727 # searched = StringReader(searched)
728 # elif isinstance(searched, list):
732 # tokens = self.analyzer.reusableTokenStream(field, searched)
734 # while tokens.incrementToken():
735 # cta = tokens.getAttribute(CharTermAttribute.class_)
736 # toks.append(cta.toString())
738 # if cached is not None:
739 # cached[field] = toks
744 # def fuzziness(fuzzy):
745 # """Helper method to sanitize fuzziness"""
748 # if isinstance(fuzzy, float) and fuzzy > 0.0 and fuzzy <= 1.0:
753 # def make_phrase(self, tokens, field='text', slop=2, fuzzy=False):
755 # Return a PhraseQuery with a series of tokens.
758 # phrase = MultiPhraseQuery()
760 # term = Term(field, t)
761 # fuzzterm = FuzzyTermEnum(self.searcher.getIndexReader(), term, self.fuzziness(fuzzy))
765 # ft = fuzzterm.term()
767 # fuzzterms.append(ft)
768 # if not fuzzterm.next(): break
770 # phrase.add(JArray('object')(fuzzterms, Term))
774 # phrase = PhraseQuery()
775 # phrase.setSlop(slop)
777 # term = Term(field, t)
781 def make_term_query(self, query, field='text', modal=operator.or_):
783 Returns term queries joined by boolean query.
784 modal - applies to boolean query
785 fuzzy - should the query by fuzzy.
788 q = reduce(modal, map(lambda s: self.index.Q(**{field: s}),
789 query.split(r" ")), q)
793 def search_phrase(self, searched, field='text', book=False,
796 if filters is None: filters = []
797 if book: filters.append(self.index.Q(is_book=True))
799 q = self.index.query(**{field: searched})
800 q = self.apply_filters(q, filters).field_limit(score=True, all_fields=True)
802 return [SearchResult(found, how_found=u'search_phrase') for found in res]
804 def search_some(self, searched, fields, book=True,
807 assert isinstance(fields, list)
808 if filters is None: filters = []
809 if book: filters.append(self.index.Q(is_book=True))
811 query = self.index.Q()
814 query = self.index.Q(query | self.make_term_query(searched, fld))
816 query = self.index.query(query)
817 query = self.apply_filters(query, filters).field_limit(score=True, all_fields=True)
818 res = query.execute()
819 return [SearchResult(found, how_found='search_some') for found in res]
821 # def search_perfect_book(self, searched, max_results=20, fuzzy=False, hint=None):
823 # Search for perfect book matches. Just see if the query matches with some author or title,
824 # taking hints into account.
826 # fields_to_search = ['authors', 'title']
829 # if not hint.should_search_for_book():
831 # fields_to_search = hint.just_search_in(fields_to_search)
832 # only_in = hint.book_filter()
834 # qrys = [self.make_phrase(self.get_tokens(searched, field=fld), field=fld, fuzzy=fuzzy) for fld in fields_to_search]
838 # top = self.searcher.search(q,
839 # self.chain_filters([only_in, self.term_filter(Term('is_book', 'true'))]),
841 # for found in top.scoreDocs:
842 # books.append(SearchResult(self, found, how_found="search_perfect_book"))
845 # def search_book(self, searched, max_results=20, fuzzy=False, hint=None):
846 # fields_to_search = ['tags', 'authors', 'title']
850 # if not hint.should_search_for_book():
852 # fields_to_search = hint.just_search_in(fields_to_search)
853 # only_in = hint.book_filter()
855 # tokens = self.get_tokens(searched, field='SIMPLE')
859 # for fld in fields_to_search:
860 # q.add(BooleanClause(self.make_term_query(tokens, field=fld,
861 # fuzzy=fuzzy), BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD))
864 # top = self.searcher.search(q,
865 # self.chain_filters([only_in, self.term_filter(Term('is_book', 'true'))]),
867 # for found in top.scoreDocs:
868 # books.append(SearchResult(self, found, how_found="search_book"))
872 # def search_perfect_parts(self, searched, max_results=20, fuzzy=False, hint=None):
874 # Search for book parts which contains a phrase perfectly matching (with a slop of 2, default for make_phrase())
875 # some part/fragment of the book.
877 # qrys = [self.make_phrase(self.get_tokens(searched), field=fld, fuzzy=fuzzy) for fld in ['text']]
881 # flt = hint.part_filter()
885 # top = self.searcher.search(q,
886 # self.chain_filters([self.term_filter(Term('is_book', 'true'), inverse=True),
889 # for found in top.scoreDocs:
890 # books.append(SearchResult(self, found, snippets=self.get_snippets(found, q), how_found='search_perfect_parts'))
894 def search_everywhere(self, searched):
896 Tries to use search terms to match different fields of book (or its parts).
897 E.g. one word can be an author survey, another be a part of the title, and the rest
898 are some words from third chapter.
901 # content only query : themes x content
903 q = self.make_term_query(searched, 'text')
904 q_themes = self.make_term_query(searched, 'themes_pl')
906 query = self.index.query(q).query(q_themes).field_limit(score=True, all_fields=True)
907 res = query.execute()
910 books.append(SearchResult(found, how_found='search_everywhere_themesXcontent'))
912 # query themes/content x author/title/tags
913 in_content = self.index.Q()
914 in_meta = self.index.Q()
916 for fld in ['themes_pl', 'text']:
917 in_content |= self.make_term_query(searched, field=fld)
919 for fld in ['tags', 'authors', 'title']:
920 in_meta |= self.make_term_query(searched, field=fld)
922 q = in_content & in_meta
923 res = self.index.query(q).field_limit(score=True, all_fields=True).execute()
925 books.append(SearchResult(found, how_found='search_everywhere'))
929 def get_snippets(self, searchresult, query, field='text', num=1):
931 Returns a snippet for found scoreDoc.
933 maxnum = len(searchresult)
934 if num is None or num < 0 or num > maxnum:
936 book_id = searchresult.book_id
937 revision = searchresult.snippet_revision()
938 snippets = Snippets(book_id, revision=revision)
939 snips = [None] * maxnum
943 while idx < maxnum and num > 0:
944 position, length = searchresult.snippet_pos(idx)
945 if position is None or length is None:
947 text = snippets.get((int(position),
949 print "== %s -- %s ==" % (query, text)
950 snip = self.index.highlight(text=text, field=field, q=query)
957 log.error("Cannot open snippet file for book id = %d [rev=%d], %s" % (book_id, revision, e))
962 # remove verse end markers..
963 snips = map(lambda s: s and s.replace("/\n", "\n"), snips)
965 searchresult.snippets = snips
968 def hint_tags(self, query, pdcounter=True, prefix=True):
970 Return auto-complete hints for tags
974 query = query.strip()
975 for field in ['tag_name', 'tag_name_pl']:
977 q |= self.index.Q(**{field: query + "*"})
979 q |= self.make_term_query(query, field=field)
980 qu = self.index.query(q).exclude(tag_category="book")
982 return self.search_tags(qu, pdcounter=pdcounter)
984 def search_tags(self, query, filters=None, pdcounter=False):
986 Search for Tag objects using query.
988 if not filters: filters = []
990 filters.append(~self.index.Q(is_pdcounter=True))
991 res = self.apply_filters(query, filters).execute()
995 is_pdcounter = doc.get('is_pdcounter', False)
996 category = doc.get('tag_category')
998 if is_pdcounter == True:
999 if category == 'pd_author':
1000 tag = PDCounterAuthor.objects.get(id=doc.get('tag_id'))
1001 elif category == 'pd_book':
1002 tag = PDCounterBook.objects.get(id=doc.get('tag_id'))
1003 tag.category = 'pd_book' # make it look more lik a tag.
1005 print "Warning. cannot get pdcounter tag_id=%d from db; cat=%s" % (int(doc.get('tag_id')), category)
1007 tag = catalogue.models.Tag.objects.get(id=doc.get("tag_id"))
1008 # don't add the pdcounter tag if same tag already exists
1012 except catalogue.models.Tag.DoesNotExist: pass
1013 except PDCounterAuthor.DoesNotExist: pass
1014 except PDCounterBook.DoesNotExist: pass
1016 log.debug('search_tags: %s' % tags)
1020 def hint_books(self, query, prefix=True):
1022 Returns auto-complete hints for book titles
1023 Because we do not index 'pseudo' title-tags.
1027 query = query.strip()
1029 q |= self.index.Q(title=query + "*")
1031 q |= self.make_term_query(query, field='title')
1032 qu = self.index.query(q)
1033 only_books = self.index.Q(is_book=True)
1034 return self.search_books(qu, [only_books])
1036 def search_books(self, query, filters=None, max_results=10):
1038 Searches for Book objects using query
1041 res = self.apply_filters(query, filters).field_limit(['book_id'])
1044 bks.append(catalogue.models.Book.objects.get(id=r['book_id']))
1045 except catalogue.models.Book.DoesNotExist: pass
1048 # def make_prefix_phrase(self, toks, field):
1049 # q = MultiPhraseQuery()
1050 # for i in range(len(toks)):
1051 # t = Term(field, toks[i])
1052 # if i == len(toks) - 1:
1053 # pterms = Search.enum_to_array(PrefixTermEnum(self.searcher.getIndexReader(), t))
1063 # def term_filter(term, inverse=False):
1064 # only_term = TermsFilter()
1065 # only_term.addTerm(term)
1068 # neg = BooleanFilter()
1069 # neg.add(FilterClause(only_term, BooleanClause.Occur.MUST_NOT))
1077 def apply_filters(query, filters):
1079 Apply filters to a query
1081 if filters is None: filters = []
1082 filters = filter(lambda x: x is not None, filters)
1084 query = query.query(f)
1087 # def filtered_categories(self, tags):
1089 # Return a list of tag categories, present in tags list.
1093 # cats[t.category] = True
1094 # return cats.keys()