import Foundation /// The Matomo Tracker is a Swift framework to send analytics to the Matomo server. /// /// ## Basic Usage /// * Use the track methods to track your views, events and more. final public class MatomoTracker: NSObject { /// Defines if the user opted out of tracking. When set to true, every event /// will be discarded immediately. This property is persisted between app launches. @objc public var isOptedOut: Bool { get { return matomoUserDefaults.optOut } set { matomoUserDefaults.optOut = newValue } } /// Will be used to associate all future events with a given userID. This property /// is persisted between app launches. @objc public var visitorId: String? { get { return matomoUserDefaults.visitorUserId } set { matomoUserDefaults.visitorUserId = newValue visitor = Visitor.current(in: matomoUserDefaults) } } internal var matomoUserDefaults: MatomoUserDefaults private let dispatcher: Dispatcher private var queue: Queue internal let siteId: String internal var dimensions: [CustomDimension] = [] internal var customVariables: [CustomVariable] = [] /// This logger is used to perform logging of all sorts of Matomo related information. /// Per default it is a `DefaultLogger` with a `minLevel` of `LogLevel.warning`. You can /// set your own Logger with a custom `minLevel` or a complete custom logging mechanism. @objc public var logger: Logger = DefaultLogger(minLevel: .warning) /// The `contentBase` is used to build the url of an Event, if the Event hasn't got a url set. /// This autogenerated url will then have the format /. /// Per default the `contentBase` is http://. /// Set the `contentBase` to nil, if you don't want to auto generate a url. @objc public var contentBase: URL? internal static var _sharedInstance: MatomoTracker? /// Create and Configure a new Tracker /// /// - Parameters: /// - siteId: The unique site id generated by the server when a new site was created. /// - queue: The queue to use to store all analytics until it is dispatched to the server. /// - dispatcher: The dispatcher to use to transmit all analytics to the server. required public init(siteId: String, queue: Queue, dispatcher: Dispatcher) { self.siteId = siteId self.queue = queue self.dispatcher = dispatcher self.contentBase = URL(string: "http://\(Application.makeCurrentApplication().bundleIdentifier ?? "unknown")") self.matomoUserDefaults = MatomoUserDefaults(suiteName: "\(siteId)\(dispatcher.baseURL.absoluteString)") self.visitor = Visitor.current(in: matomoUserDefaults) self.session = Session.current(in: matomoUserDefaults) super.init() startNewSession() startDispatchTimer() } /// Create and Configure a new Tracker /// /// A volatile memory queue will be used to store the analytics data. All not transmitted data will be lost when the application gets terminated. /// The URLSessionDispatcher will be used to transmit the data to the server. /// /// - Parameters: /// - siteId: The unique site id generated by the server when a new site was created. /// - baseURL: The url of the Matomo server. This url has to end in `piwik.php`. /// - userAgent: An optional parameter for custom user agent. @objc convenience public init(siteId: String, baseURL: URL, userAgent: String? = nil) { assert(baseURL.absoluteString.hasSuffix("piwik.php"), "The baseURL is expected to end in piwik.php") let queue = MemoryQueue() let dispatcher = URLSessionDispatcher(baseURL: baseURL, userAgent: userAgent) self.init(siteId: siteId, queue: queue, dispatcher: dispatcher) } internal func queue(event: Event) { guard Thread.isMainThread else { DispatchQueue.main.sync { self.queue(event: event) } return } guard !isOptedOut else { return } logger.verbose("Queued event: \(event)") queue.enqueue(event: event) nextEventStartsANewSession = false } // MARK: dispatching private let numberOfEventsDispatchedAtOnce = 20 private(set) var isDispatching = false /// Manually start the dispatching process. You might want to call this method in AppDelegates `applicationDidEnterBackground` to transmit all data /// whenever the user leaves the application. @objc public func dispatch() { guard !isDispatching else { logger.verbose("MatomoTracker is already dispatching.") return } guard queue.eventCount > 0 else {"No need to dispatch. Dispatch queue is empty.") startDispatchTimer() return }"Start dispatching events") isDispatching = true dispatchBatch() } private func dispatchBatch() { guard Thread.isMainThread else { DispatchQueue.main.sync { self.dispatchBatch() } return } queue.first(limit: numberOfEventsDispatchedAtOnce) { events in guard events.count > 0 else { // there are no more events queued, finish dispatching self.isDispatching = false self.startDispatchTimer()"Finished dispatching events") return } self.dispatcher.send(events: events, success: { DispatchQueue.main.async { self.queue.remove(events: events, completion: {"Dispatched batch of \(events.count) events.") DispatchQueue.main.async { self.dispatchBatch() } }) } }, failure: { error in self.isDispatching = false self.startDispatchTimer() self.logger.warning("Failed dispatching events with error \(error)") }) } } // MARK: dispatch timer @objc public var dispatchInterval: TimeInterval = 30.0 { didSet { startDispatchTimer() } } private var dispatchTimer: Timer? private func startDispatchTimer() { guard Thread.isMainThread else { DispatchQueue.main.sync { self.startDispatchTimer() } return } guard dispatchInterval > 0 else { return } // Discussion: Do we want the possibility to dispatch synchronous? That than would be dispatchInterval = 0 if let dispatchTimer = dispatchTimer { dispatchTimer.invalidate() self.dispatchTimer = nil } self.dispatchTimer = Timer.scheduledTimer(timeInterval: dispatchInterval, target: self, selector: #selector(dispatch), userInfo: nil, repeats: false) } internal var visitor: Visitor internal var session: Session internal var nextEventStartsANewSession = true internal var campaignName: String? = nil internal var campaignKeyword: String? = nil /// Adds the name and keyword for the current campaign. /// This is usually very helpfull if you use deeplinks into your app. /// /// More information on campaigns: []( /// /// - Parameters: /// - name: The name of the campaign. /// - keyword: The keyword of the campaign. @objc public func trackCampaign(name: String?, keyword: String?) { campaignName = name campaignKeyword = keyword } /// There are several ways to track content impressions and interactions manually, semi-automatically and automatically. Please be aware that content impressions will be tracked using bulk tracking which will always send a POST request, even if GET is configured which is the default. For more details have a look at the in-depth guide to Content Tracking. /// More information on content: []( /// /// - Parameters: /// - name: The name of the content. For instance 'Ad Foo Bar' /// - piece: The actual content piece. For instance the path to an image, video, audio, any text /// - target: The target of the content. For instance the URL of a landing page /// - interaction: The name of the interaction with the content. For instance a 'click' @objc public func trackContentImpression(name: String, piece: String?, target: String?) { track(Event(tracker: self, action: [], contentName: name, contentPiece: piece, contentTarget: target)) } @objc public func trackContentInteraction(name: String, interaction: String, piece: String?, target: String?) { track(Event(tracker: self, action: [], contentName: name, contentInteraction: interaction, contentPiece: piece, contentTarget: target)) } } extension MatomoTracker { /// Starts a new Session /// /// Use this function to manually start a new Session. A new Session will be automatically created only on app start. /// You can use the AppDelegates `applicationWillEnterForeground` to start a new visit whenever the app enters foreground. public func startNewSession() { matomoUserDefaults.previousVisit = matomoUserDefaults.currentVisit matomoUserDefaults.currentVisit = Date() matomoUserDefaults.totalNumberOfVisits += 1 self.session = Session.current(in: matomoUserDefaults) } } extension MatomoTracker { /// Tracks a custom Event /// /// - Parameter event: The event that should be tracked. public func track(_ event: Event) { queue(event: event) if (event.campaignName == campaignName && event.campaignKeyword == campaignKeyword) { campaignName = nil campaignKeyword = nil } } /// Tracks a screenview. /// /// This method can be used to track hierarchical screen names, e.g. screen/settings/register. Use this to create a hierarchical and logical grouping of screen views in the Matomo web interface. /// /// - Parameter view: An array of hierarchical screen names. /// - Parameter url: The optional url of the page that was viewed. /// - Parameter dimensions: An optional array of dimensions, that will be set only in the scope of this view. public func track(view: [String], url: URL? = nil, dimensions: [CustomDimension] = []) { let event = Event(tracker: self, action: view, url: url, dimensions: dimensions) queue(event: event) } /// Tracks an event as described here: /// /// - Parameters: /// - category: The Category of the Event /// - action: The Action of the Event /// - name: The optional name of the Event /// - value: The optional value of the Event /// - dimensions: An optional array of dimensions, that will be set only in the scope of this event. /// - url: The optional url of the page that was viewed. public func track(eventWithCategory category: String, action: String, name: String? = nil, value: Float? = nil, dimensions: [CustomDimension] = [], url: URL? = nil) { let event = Event(tracker: self, action: [], url: url, eventCategory: category, eventAction: action, eventName: name, eventValue: value, dimensions: dimensions) queue(event: event) } } extension MatomoTracker { /// Tracks a search result page as described here: /// /// - Parameters: /// - query: The string the user was searching for /// - category: An optional category which the user was searching in /// - resultCount: The number of results that were displayed for that search /// - dimensions: An optional array of dimensions, that will be set only in the scope of this event. /// - url: The optional url of the page that was viewed. public func trackSearch(query: String, category: String?, resultCount: Int?, dimensions: [CustomDimension] = [], url: URL? = nil) { let event = Event(tracker: self, action: [], url: url, searchQuery: query, searchCategory: category, searchResultsCount: resultCount, dimensions: dimensions) queue(event: event) } } extension MatomoTracker { /// Set a permanent custom dimension. /// /// Use this method to set a dimension that will be send with every event. This is best for Custom Dimensions in scope "Visit". A typical example could be any device information or the version of the app the visitor is using. /// /// For more information on custom dimensions visit /// /// - Parameter value: The value you want to set for this dimension. /// - Parameter index: The index of the dimension. A dimension with this index must be setup in the Matomo backend. @available(*, deprecated, message: "use setDimension: instead") public func set(value: String, forIndex index: Int) { let dimension = CustomDimension(index: index, value: value) remove(dimensionAtIndex: dimension.index) dimensions.append(dimension) } /// Set a permanent custom dimension. /// /// Use this method to set a dimension that will be send with every event. This is best for Custom Dimensions in scope "Visit". A typical example could be any device information or the version of the app the visitor is using. /// /// For more information on custom dimensions visit /// /// - Parameter dimension: The Dimension to set public func set(dimension: CustomDimension) { remove(dimensionAtIndex: dimension.index) dimensions.append(dimension) } /// Set a permanent custom dimension by value and index. /// /// This is a convenience alternative to set(dimension:) and calls the exact same functionality. Also, it is accessible from Objective-C. /// /// - Parameter value: The value for the new Custom Dimension /// - Parameter forIndex: The index of the new Custom Dimension @objc public func setDimension(_ value: String, forIndex index: Int) { set(dimension: CustomDimension( index: index, value: value )); } /// Removes a previously set custom dimension. /// /// Use this method to remove a dimension that was set using the `set(value: String, forDimension index: Int)` method. /// /// - Parameter index: The index of the dimension. @objc public func remove(dimensionAtIndex index: Int) { dimensions = dimensions.filter({ dimension in dimension.index != index }) } } extension MatomoTracker { /// Set a permanent new Custom Variable. /// /// - Parameter dimension: The Custom Variable to set public func set(customVariable: CustomVariable) { removeCustomVariable(withIndex: customVariable.index) customVariables.append(customVariable) } /// Set a permanent new Custom Variable. /// /// - Parameter name: The index of the new Custom Variable /// - Parameter name: The name of the new Custom Variable /// - Parameter value: The value of the new Custom Variable @objc public func setCustomVariable(withIndex index: UInt, name: String, value: String) { set(customVariable: CustomVariable(index: index, name: name, value: value)) } /// Remove a previously set Custom Variable. /// /// - Parameter index: The index of the Custom Variable. @objc public func removeCustomVariable(withIndex index: UInt) { customVariables = customVariables.filter { $0.index != index } } } // Objective-c compatibility extension extension MatomoTracker { @objc public func track(view: [String], url: URL? = nil) { track(view: view, url: url, dimensions: []) } @objc public func track(eventWithCategory category: String, action: String, name: String? = nil, number: NSNumber? = nil, url: URL? = nil) { let value = number == nil ? nil : number!.floatValue track(eventWithCategory: category, action: action, name: name, value: value, url: url) } @available(*, deprecated, message: "use trackEventWithCategory:action:name:number:url instead") @objc public func track(eventWithCategory category: String, action: String, name: String? = nil, number: NSNumber? = nil) { track(eventWithCategory: category, action: action, name: name, number: number, url: nil) } @objc public func trackSearch(query: String, category: String?, resultCount: Int, url: URL? = nil) { trackSearch(query: query, category: category, resultCount: resultCount, url: url) }} extension MatomoTracker { public func copyFromOldSharedInstance() { matomoUserDefaults.copy(from: UserDefaults.standard) } }