import Foundation /** This is base class for holding XML structure. You can access its structure by using subscript like this: `element["foo"]["bar"]` which would return `` element from `` XML as an `AEXMLElement` object. */ open class AEXMLElement { // MARK: - Properties /// Every `AEXMLElement` should have its parent element instead of `AEXMLDocument` which parent is `nil`. open internal(set) weak var parent: AEXMLElement? /// Child XML elements. open internal(set) var children = [AEXMLElement]() /// XML Element name. open var name: String /// XML Element value. open var value: String? /// XML Element attributes. open var attributes: [String : String] /// Error value (`nil` if there is no error). open var error: AEXMLError? /// String representation of `value` property (if `value` is `nil` this is empty String). open var string: String { return value ?? String() } /// Boolean representation of `value` property (`nil` if `value` can't be represented as Bool). open var bool: Bool? { return Bool(string) } /// Integer representation of `value` property (`nil` if `value` can't be represented as Integer). open var int: Int? { return Int(string) } /// Double representation of `value` property (`nil` if `value` can't be represented as Double). open var double: Double? { return Double(string) } // MARK: - Lifecycle /** Designated initializer - all parameters are optional. - parameter name: XML element name. - parameter value: XML element value (defaults to `nil`). - parameter attributes: XML element attributes (defaults to empty dictionary). - returns: An initialized `AEXMLElement` object. */ public init(name: String, value: String? = nil, attributes: [String : String] = [String : String]()) { = name self.value = value self.attributes = attributes } // MARK: - XML Read /// The first element with given name **(Empty element with error if not exists)**. open subscript(key: String) -> AEXMLElement { guard let first = children.first(where: { $ == key }) else { let errorElement = AEXMLElement(name: key) errorElement.error = AEXMLError.elementNotFound return errorElement } return first } /// Returns all of the elements with equal name as `self` **(nil if not exists)**. open var all: [AEXMLElement]? { return parent?.children.filter { $ == } } /// Returns the first element with equal name as `self` **(nil if not exists)**. open var first: AEXMLElement? { return all?.first } /// Returns the last element with equal name as `self` **(nil if not exists)**. open var last: AEXMLElement? { return all?.last } /// Returns number of all elements with equal name as `self`. open var count: Int { return all?.count ?? 0 } /** Returns all elements with given value. - parameter value: XML element value. - returns: Optional Array of found XML elements. */ open func all(withValue value: String) -> [AEXMLElement]? { let found = all?.flatMap { $0.value == value ? $0 : nil } return found } /** Returns all elements containing given attributes. - parameter attributes: Array of attribute names. - returns: Optional Array of found XML elements. */ open func all(containingAttributeKeys keys: [String]) -> [AEXMLElement]? { let found = all?.flatMap { element in keys.reduce(true) { (result, key) in result && Array(element.attributes.keys).contains(key) } ? element : nil } return found } /** Returns all elements with given attributes. - parameter attributes: Dictionary of Keys and Values of attributes. - returns: Optional Array of found XML elements. */ open func all(withAttributes attributes: [String : String]) -> [AEXMLElement]? { let keys = Array(attributes.keys) let found = all(containingAttributeKeys: keys)?.flatMap { element in attributes.reduce(true) { (result, attribute) in result && element.attributes[attribute.key] == attribute.value } ? element : nil } return found } /** Returns all descendant elements which satisfy the given predicate. Searching is done vertically; children are tested before siblings. Elements appear in the list in the order in which they are found. - parameter predicate: Function which returns `true` for a desired element and `false` otherwise. - returns: Array of found XML elements. */ open func allDescendants(where predicate: (AEXMLElement) -> Bool) -> [AEXMLElement] { var result: [AEXMLElement] = [] for child in children { if predicate(child) { result.append(child) } result.append(contentsOf: child.allDescendants(where: predicate)) } return result } /** Returns the first descendant element which satisfies the given predicate, or nil if no such element is found. Searching is done vertically; children are tested before siblings. - parameter predicate: Function which returns `true` for the desired element and `false` otherwise. - returns: Optional AEXMLElement. */ open func firstDescendant(where predicate: (AEXMLElement) -> Bool) -> AEXMLElement? { for child in children { if predicate(child) { return child } else if let descendant = child.firstDescendant(where: predicate) { return descendant } } return nil } /** Indicates whether the element has a descendant satisfying the given predicate. - parameter predicate: Function which returns `true` for the desired element and `false` otherwise. - returns: Bool. */ open func hasDescendant(where predicate: (AEXMLElement) -> Bool) -> Bool { return firstDescendant(where: predicate) != nil } // MARK: - XML Write /** Adds child XML element to `self`. - parameter child: Child XML element to add. - returns: Child XML element with `self` as `parent`. */ @discardableResult open func addChild(_ child: AEXMLElement) -> AEXMLElement { child.parent = self children.append(child) return child } /** Adds child XML element to `self`. - parameter name: Child XML element name. - parameter value: Child XML element value (defaults to `nil`). - parameter attributes: Child XML element attributes (defaults to empty dictionary). - returns: Child XML element with `self` as `parent`. */ @discardableResult open func addChild(name: String, value: String? = nil, attributes: [String : String] = [String : String]()) -> AEXMLElement { let child = AEXMLElement(name: name, value: value, attributes: attributes) return addChild(child) } /** Adds an array of XML elements to `self`. - parameter children: Child XML element array to add. - returns: Child XML elements with `self` as `parent`. */ @discardableResult open func addChildren(_ children: [AEXMLElement]) -> [AEXMLElement] { children.forEach{ addChild($0) } return children } /// Removes `self` from `parent` XML element. open func removeFromParent() { parent?.removeChild(self) } fileprivate func removeChild(_ child: AEXMLElement) { if let childIndex = children.index(where: { $0 === child }) { children.remove(at: childIndex) } } fileprivate var parentsCount: Int { var count = 0 var element = self while let parent = element.parent { count += 1 element = parent } return count } fileprivate func indent(withDepth depth: Int) -> String { var count = depth var indent = String() while count > 0 { indent += "\t" count -= 1 } return indent } /// Complete hierarchy of `self` and `children` in **XML** escaped and formatted String open var xml: String { var xml = String() // open element xml += indent(withDepth: parentsCount - 1) xml += "<\(name)" if attributes.count > 0 { // insert attributes for (key, value) in attributes { xml += " \(key)=\"\(value.xmlEscaped)\"" } } if value == nil && children.count == 0 { // close element xml += " />" } else { if children.count > 0 { // add children xml += ">\n" for child in children { xml += "\(child.xml)\n" } // add indentation xml += indent(withDepth: parentsCount - 1) xml += "" } else { // insert string value and close element xml += ">\(string.xmlEscaped)" } } return xml } /// Same as `xmlString` but without `\n` and `\t` characters open var xmlCompact: String { let chars = CharacterSet(charactersIn: "\n\t") return xml.components(separatedBy: chars).joined(separator: "") } } public extension String { /// String representation of self with XML special characters escaped. public var xmlEscaped: String { // we need to make sure "&" is escaped first. Not doing this may break escaping the other characters var escaped = replacingOccurrences(of: "&", with: "&", options: .literal) // replace the other four special characters let escapeChars = ["<" : "<", ">" : ">", "'" : "'", "\"" : """] for (char, echar) in escapeChars { escaped = escaped.replacingOccurrences(of: char, with: echar, options: .literal) } return escaped } }