\documentclass{article} \title{Edward Weston} \begin{document} \maketitle{} \section*{Some biographical information} Edward Weston was born in 1886. Weston lived until 1958. \par{} Weston was a photographer who pioneered the modern use of photography as an art form in the United States. \section*{Some short quotes from Weston} \begin{enumerate} \item{} ``My own eyes are no more than scouts on a preliminary search, for the camera's eye may entirely change my idea.'' \item{} ``Ultimately success of failure in photographing people depends on the photographer's ability to understand his fellow man.'' \end{enumerate} \section*{A longer quote} \begin{quote} ``One does not think during creative work, any more than one thinks when driving a car. But one has a background of years - learning, unlearning, success, failure, dreaming, thinking, experience, all this - then the moment of creation, the focusing of all into the moment. So I can make 'without thought,' fifteen carefully considered negatives, one every fifteen minutes, given material with as many possibilities. But there is all the eyes have seen in this life to influence me.'' \end{quote} \end{document}