2011-01-19 Oleg Parashchenko olpa@users.sourceforge.net * Texml/handler.py: wrapper around strip() to support very old python version * scripts/texml.py: version number is changed to 2.0.2. 2006-07-20 Oleg Parashchenko olpa@users.sourceforge.net * Texml/texml.py: try to write a symbol in the ^^XX form first, and only then consult the rewriting maps. Otherwise combination of --encoding and --ascii gives undesired result. * scripts/texml.py: version number is changed to 2.0.1. 2006-07-10 Oleg Parashchenko olpa@users.sourceforge.net * TeXML 2.0.0 release. 2006-06-14 Oleg Parashchenko olpa@users.sourceforge.net * Texml/handler.py: one raise was incorrectly commented-out. * scripts/texml.py: version number is changed to 2.0.0.beta1. * scripts/texml.py: the first line now is just "#!python", the path is to be corrected by distutils. 2006-06-02 Oleg Parashchenko olpa@users.sourceforge.net * Texml/specmap.py: mapping for the non-breaking hyphen, as suggested by Paul Tremblay. 2006-06-01 Oleg Parashchenko olpa@users.sourceforge.net * Texml/specmap.py: "|" is now "\textbar". 2005-10-03 Oleg Parashchenko olpa@users.sourceforge.net * scripts/texml/texml.py: First line now is "#!python". * scripts/texml: New file. * scripts/texml_local: Old content of PYTHONPATH is retained. * tests/data/quick/Makefile: Switched from using "texml.py" to using "texml_local". * setup.py: Version string is extracted from "scripts/texml.py". * MANIFEST.in: HTML and text documentation is added. * README: typo is fixed. 2005-09-26 Oleg Parashchenko olpa@users.sourceforge.net * texml.py: Version number is updated: 1.29.devel. * texml.py: Default width now is 62 symbols. * texmlwr.py: If symbol couldn't be translated to an encoding, command "\unicodechar" is written instead of an #&xNNN; entity. 2005-09-07 Oleg Parashchenko olpa@users.sourceforge.net * texml.py: Version number is updated: 1.28.devel. * dtd/texml.dtd: Element "pdf" is added. * handler.py, texmlwr.py: Support of the element "pdf". * data/pdfstring.xml, data/pdfstring.out, faildata/pdfstring.xml, faildata/pdfstring.grep, test/readme: Tests for the "pdf" element. * handler.py: doesn't print error on it's own. Instead, returns the text to the caller, and caller should print the message. The function "__print_error" is deleted. The format "prefix:\n" is changed to "prefix: ". * unimap.py: no more "<" and ">" instead of "<" and ">". Thanks Felix Wiemann for reporting the bug. http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_id=7467879&forum_id=44318 Version 1.27.devel (20 June 2005) * New feature: "--ascii" parameter. Now it's possible to generate plain ASCII TeX files in a desired encoding. Non-ascii bytes are encoded as "^^XX". The test file "chinese1.xml" is a working example of a Chinese LaTeX file. * TeXML issues a warning is an XML symbol isn't converted to TeX and printed as '&#xNNN;' * Refactoring. Code for tuning output stream is moved from "handler.py" to "texmlwr.py". Version 1.26.devel (8 May 2005) * Bug is fixed. Now lines which consist of space characters and tabulation characters are also regarded as blank lines. Version 1.25.devel (4 April 2005) * Script texml_con This script can directly convert a texml document to a print document such as PDF. * External entities now handled A small bug in handler.py prevented external entties from being read. External entities can now be read. Version 1.24.devel (21 March 2005) * TeXML is now namespace aware will process documents with the namespace http://getfo.sourceforge.net/texml/ns1 will also process documents with no namespace * TeXML is installed the standard way libraries are created in the python path; scripts are automatically installed in the path * Error handling exceptions are now classes rather than strings. This allows for better handling of exceptions. Column and line numbers are now outputed as part of the error messages when an exception is raised. exceptions for invalid or ill-formed XML are now handled in the script. Instead of a long message (incomprehensible to non-python developers), the error message consists of a column number, a line number, and a simple explanation. Version 1.23.devel (5 March 2005) * ConTeXt mode is now enabled through command line instead of using the environment variable. Version 1.22.devel (21 February 2005) * Support of ConTeXt environments (\startenv ... \stopenv) Thanks to Paul Tremblay for the patch. More details: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1145206&group_id=102261&atid=631462 http://sourceforge.net/forum/message.php?msg_id=3007157 Version 1.21.devel (18 February 2005) * TeXML now should work under Python 2.2.1. Thanks to Paul Tremblay for the bug report and the fix suggestion: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1123627&group_id=102261&atid=631460 Version 1.20 (12 November 2004) * Jason Santos has proofread the documentation. * Corrected DTD: attribute spec/@cat now allows the value "nl?". Version 1.15.devel (17 August 2004) * New category of special items: conditional newline. Version 1.12.devel (09 August 2004) * New document: Thesis of the talk at the First International Conference of Open-Source Developers. * Names of distribution packages now contain suffixes '-windows' and '-unix' to reflect a difference in line endings. Version 1.09.devel (08 July 2004) * Environments and groups are now allowed in parameters. * Whitespace processing in environments is reworked. Now @nl2 attribute of regards possible and . * Empty line, produced by , is no longer being commented out. Version 1.08.devel (29 June 2004) * Advanced whitespace processing now implemented: the program (a) removes what XML regards as insignificant whitespace, and (b) introduces its own whitespace which would look reasonable from a human point of view. * A new attribute @ws of the element is responsible for switching advanced whitespace processing on and off. * New attributes of : @nl1 and @nl2, new attributes of : @nl1, @nl2, @nl3 and @nl4. They are responsible for creation of new lines. * New symbols: new line, whitespace and nothing. * Whitespace after commands is now significant, so the program adds '{}' after a command. This behaviour is configurable. * A new command-line paramater '-w' (or '--width') specifies minimal width of lines that are subject to automatic line breaks. * Translation of special characters is now more LaTeXish. For example, the symbol '<' is now translated into '\textless' instead of '$<$'. * Replacements for special symbols now have '{}' characters at the endings instead of a space. * Accurate handling of unicode mappings that can appear only in text or in math modes. * License is changed from the GPL to the Lesser GPL. * Improved documentation, added a quick start document. Version 1.01.devel (06 May 2004) * Added version number output. * The program now deletes leading spaces in . * Element now supports sub-elements and . Elements and now support sub-element . Thanks to Stephen Robertson for his request for improvements. Version 1.00 (09 April 2004) * More ligatures are being processed: ``, '', ?`, !`. With -- and --- they cover all default non-letter TeX ligatures. * Simon Goodson is proofreading the documentation. Version 0.98.beta (02 April 2004) * Text of specification is now better. Thanks Simon Goodson for ideas on improvement. * New handling of tags and . The processor now outputs them instantly as they appear, and so multiple parameters of one are not being united. * Absence of spaces after LaTeX commands in some mappings is fixed. Version 0.95.beta (26 March 2004) * Ligatures "--" and "---" are being processed. This is configurable. * Escaping of TeX specials is configurable. * Translation of empty line is configurable. * Default encoding of output now is ascii, not utf8. * ChangeLog file is created. Version 0.91.beta (22 March 2004) * Under Windows, TeXML processor now creates lines with DOS endings. Code should also work correctly in other systems (MacOS etc). Version 0.90.beta (19 March 2004) * First packaged version of the TeXML.