2012-09-07 Marcin KoziejClick on annotation in the list to scroll to it in...
2012-08-22 Radek CzajkaNo reason for 'ready for publish' check to be in celery...
2012-08-22 Radek CzajkaFix checking ready for publishing.
2012-08-14 Radek Czajkafixdc: only change wluri if it's fixable
2012-08-14 Radek Czajkasupport for spaces in fixed wluri-s
2012-08-14 Radek Czajkafix
2012-08-14 Radek Czajkaminor fixes
2012-08-14 Radek Czajkaadded XmlUpdater for massive XML updates
2012-08-07 Marcin KoziejMerge branch 'production' of
2012-08-07 Marcin KoziejEnable context menu in My page too
2012-08-07 Marcin KoziejEnable context menu in My page too
2012-08-01 Marcin Koziej71 years instead of 70. detect dated which do not need...
2012-07-31 Marcin Koziejskrypt do poprawiania daty przejścia do domeny publicznej
2012-07-05 Radek Czajkaadd dependency to migration
2012-07-05 Radek Czajkanicer full url for cover
2012-07-05 Radek Czajkacover: track used covers
2012-07-02 Radek Czajkafix flickr url regex
2012-06-28 Marcin Koziejmave notification to the bottom
2012-06-26 Radek Czajkafix localsettings import
2012-06-18 Radek CzajkaCover images niceties.
2012-06-18 Radek Czajkacover image repo
2012-05-21 Marcin Koziejunsorted listdir in obvious place
2012-05-21 Marcin Koziejminor fix for tests.
2012-05-21 Marcin Koziejlistdir doesn't give sorted files of course.
2012-05-21 Marcin KoziejMerge branch 'mass_edit'
2012-05-17 Marcin KoziejMove gallery merging logic to a helper class, to keep...
2012-05-15 Marcin Koziejappending a book. TODO: remove old dir, remove dupes.
2012-05-14 Radek Czajkatest fix
2012-05-10 Marcin Koziejlokalizacja menu kontekstowego
2012-05-10 Marcin KoziejAdd non active users to context menu.
2012-05-10 Marcin Koziejicons for context menu
2012-05-10 Marcin Koziejmakr publoshable / not publishable
2012-05-10 Marcin Koziejmenu for mas editing stage and user
2012-05-09 Marcin Koziejadd a context menu package
2012-05-09 Marcin Koziejmenu shows, time to code js to it
2012-05-02 Radek Czajkaminor fix
2012-04-26 Marcin Koziejbook preview js/css compressing
2012-04-26 Marcin Koziejhtml preview imported from WL
2012-04-19 Marcin Koziejadd a revert button to return scan gallery to first...
2012-04-19 Marcin Koziejfix overwriting of saved state.
2012-04-18 Radek Czajkamultiple minor cover fixes
2012-04-18 Radek Czajkasort by name is assign form
2012-04-03 Radek Czajkause strict xml validator
2012-03-16 Radek Czajkalibrarian update
2012-03-16 Radek Czajkapublished flag for tracking
2012-03-02 Radek Czajkahtml preview fix
2012-02-03 Radek Czajkafix
2012-02-03 Radek Czajkafix
2012-02-03 Radek Czajkabasic flickr support
2012-02-03 Radek Czajkacover previews
2012-02-03 Radek Czajkause librarian 1.4
2012-01-05 Radek Czajkafix for book form problem
2012-01-04 Radek Czajkaadd method for splitting a book
2011-12-29 Radek Czajkafeed fix
2011-12-29 Radek Czajkapublic books in feed
2011-12-29 Radek Czajkapublish plan fix
2011-12-29 Radek Czajkafixes
2011-12-29 Radek Czajkapublish plan feed
2011-12-01 Radek Czajkaprovider fixes,
2011-12-01 Radek Czajkapdf and epub previews
2011-11-30 Radek Czajkapublishable in save dialog
2011-11-30 Radek Czajkaprettier history view
2011-11-30 Radek Czajkawall coloured and split in days,
2011-11-29 Radek Czajka#1831: populate user data from CAS
2011-11-25 Radek Czajkaremvoe the wrong publish button,
2011-11-21 Radek Czajkaadd dry_run to fix_rdf_about
2011-11-21 Radek Czajka#388: change rdf:about links,
2011-10-28 Radek Czajkaremove USE_CELERY setting,
2011-10-25 Radek Czajkadvcs history fixes
2011-10-24 Radek Czajka#1769: joining a document's history
2011-10-24 Radek Czajka#880: hide copyrighted stuff,
2011-10-21 Radek Czajkachunk split option comes back,
2011-10-21 Radek Czajka#1189: generate theme table for Redmine
2011-10-18 Radek Czajkatrimming buttons on toolbar
2011-10-18 Radek Czajkadelete old xml check
2011-10-18 Radek Czajkamove xml check to celery,
2011-10-17 Radek Czajkashow my page link to unlogged, hide admin links,
2011-10-14 Radek Czajkatypo
2011-10-14 Radek Czajkal10n fix
2011-10-14 Radek Czajkanew error pages
2011-10-14 Radek Czajka#1753: require author info when not logged in
2011-10-14 Radek Czajkabook sorting fix
2011-10-13 Radek Czajkaminor fix
2011-10-13 Radek Czajkasome usability changes
2011-10-13 Radek Czajka#1744: go back after chunk edit,
2011-10-13 Radek Czajkatests fix
2011-10-13 Radek Czajkarequire permissions to do non-versioned stuff
2011-10-13 Radek Czajkaappending fix
2011-10-12 Radek Czajka#1757: keep calm on slug changes
2011-10-11 Radek Czajkal10n
2011-10-11 Radek Czajkaminor fixes
2011-10-11 Radek Czajkateh publish button again
2011-10-06 Radek Czajkastage fix
2011-10-06 Radek Czajkasearch book list by chunk title,
2011-10-06 Radek Czajkamissing translation
2011-10-06 Radek Czajkaadd gallery start for a chunk,
2011-10-05 Radek Czajkatests fixes
2011-10-05 Radek Czajkafilebrowser csrf issues fix
2011-10-05 Radek Czajkaannotations fix
2011-10-05 Radek Czajkapublishable setting fix