From: Radek Czajka Date: Wed, 5 Oct 2011 09:38:06 +0000 (+0200) Subject: move initial_data to a migration X-Git-Url:;hp=92ee86bde94e75c38f9f8b2e1242acd031e73dc0 move initial_data to a migration --- diff --git a/apps/toolbar/fixtures/initial_data.yaml b/apps/toolbar/fixtures/initial_data.yaml deleted file mode 100644 index 45a1c7de..00000000 --- a/apps/toolbar/fixtures/initial_data.yaml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,997 +0,0 @@ -- fields: {name: Akapity, position: 0, slug: akapity} - model: toolbar.buttongroup - pk: 14 -- fields: {name: Autokorekta, position: 0, slug: autokorekta} - model: toolbar.buttongroup - pk: 2 -- fields: {name: Autotagowanie, position: 0, slug: autotagowanie} - model: toolbar.buttongroup - pk: 28 -- fields: {name: Bloki, position: 0, slug: bloki} - model: toolbar.buttongroup - pk: 21 -- fields: {name: 'Dramat ', position: 0, slug: dramat} - model: toolbar.buttongroup - pk: 12 -- fields: {name: "Elementy pocz\u0105tkowe", position: 0, slug: elementy-poczatkowe} - model: toolbar.buttongroup - pk: 13 -- fields: {name: Mastery, position: 0, slug: mastery} - model: toolbar.buttongroup - pk: 11 -- fields: {name: "Nag\u0142\xF3wki", position: 0, slug: naglowki} - model: toolbar.buttongroup - pk: 1 -- fields: {name: "Pocz\u0105tek dramatu", position: 0, slug: poczatek-dramatu} - model: toolbar.buttongroup - pk: 22 -- fields: {name: Przypisy, position: 0, slug: przypisy} - model: toolbar.buttongroup - pk: 26 -- fields: {name: Separatory, position: 0, slug: separatory} - model: toolbar.buttongroup - pk: 16 -- fields: {name: Style znakowe, position: 0, slug: style-znakowe} - model: toolbar.buttongroup - pk: 15 -- fields: {name: Uwaga, position: 0, slug: uwaga} - model: toolbar.buttongroup - pk: 29 -- fields: {name: Wersy, position: 0, slug: wersy} - model: toolbar.buttongroup - pk: 17 -- fields: - accesskey: a - group: [14, 12] - label: akapit - link: '' - params: '{"padding_top": 1, "padding_bottom": 3, "tag": "akap"}' - scriptlet: insert_tag - slug: akapit - tooltip: wstawia akapit - model: toolbar.button - pk: 39 -- fields: - accesskey: '' - group: [14] - label: akapit cd. - link: '' - params: '{"padding_top": 1, "padding_bottom": 3, "tag": "akap_cd"}' - scriptlet: insert_tag - slug: akapit-cd - tooltip: "ci\u0105g dalszy akapitu po wewn\u0105trzakapitowym wtr\u0105ceniu" - model: toolbar.button - pk: 40 -- fields: - accesskey: d - group: [14] - label: akapit dialogowy - link: '' - params: '{"padding_top": 1, "padding_bottom": 3, "tag": "akap_dialog"}' - scriptlet: insert_tag - slug: akapit-dialogowy - tooltip: wstawia akapit dialogowy - model: toolbar.button - pk: 41 -- fields: - accesskey: '' - group: [28] - label: akapity - link: '' - params: '{"tag": "akap"}' - scriptlet: autotag - slug: akapity - tooltip: "autotagowanie akapit\xF3w" - model: toolbar.button - pk: 97 -- fields: - accesskey: '' - group: [1] - label: akt - link: '' - params: '{"padding_top": 1, "padding_bottom": 4, "tag": "naglowek_akt"}' - scriptlet: insert_tag - slug: akt - tooltip: '' - model: toolbar.button - pk: 14 -- fields: - accesskey: '' - group: [13] - label: autor - link: '' - params: '{"padding_top": 1, "padding_bottom": 2, "tag": "autor_utworu"}' - scriptlet: insert_tag - slug: autor - tooltip: '' - model: toolbar.button - pk: 32 -- fields: - accesskey: '' - group: [2] - label: Podstawowa - link: '' - params: '[["fulltextregexp", {"exprs": [["\ufeff", ""], ["$[\\s]*\\d+[\\s]*^", - ""], ["-\\s*^", ""], ["\\,\\.\\.|\\.\\,\\.|\\.\\.\\,", "..."], ["<(/?)P([aert])", - "<$1p$2"], ["[\u2014\u2013\u2010-]{2,}|[\u2014\u2013\u2010]+", "---"], - ["(\\s)-([^-])", "$1---$2"], ["([^-])-(\\s)", "$1---$2"], ["(\\d)-+(\\d)", - "$1--$2"], ["---(\\S)", "--- $1"], ["(\\S)---", "$1 ---"], ["\\s*-+\\s*", - "--- "]]}], ["lineregexp", {"exprs": [["^\\s+|\\s+$", ""], - ["\\s+", " "], ["(,,)\\s+", "$1"], ["\\s+(\")", "$1"], ["([^\\.])(\\s*)AKT$1"], - ["^SCENA(\\s\\w*)$", "SCENA$1"], ["([A-Z\u0104\u0106\u0118\u0141\u0143\u00d3\u015a\u017b\u0179]{2}[A-Z\u0104\u0106\u0118\u0141\u0143\u00d3\u015a\u017b\u0179\\s]+)$", - "$1"]]}' - scriptlet: lineregexp - slug: nagl-dramatu - tooltip: "autotagowanie akt\xF3w, scen, nag\u0142\xF3wk\xF3w os\xF3b" - model: toolbar.button - pk: 103 -- fields: - accesskey: '' - group: [12] - label: "nag\u0142\xF3wek kwestii" - link: '' - params: '{"padding_top": 1, "padding_bottom": 4, "tag": "naglowek_osoba"}' - scriptlet: insert_tag - slug: naglowek-kwestii - tooltip: "nag\u0142\xF3wek kwestii - nazwa osoby" - model: toolbar.button - pk: 16 -- fields: - accesskey: '' - group: [22] - label: "nag\u0142\xF3wek listy" - link: '' - params: '{"padding_top": 1, "padding_bottom": 2, "tag": "naglowek_listy"}' - scriptlet: insert_tag - slug: naglowek-listy - tooltip: "nag\u0142\xF3wek listy os\xF3b" - model: toolbar.button - pk: 94 -- fields: - accesskey: '' - group: [13] - label: nazwa utworu - link: '' - params: '{"padding_top": 1, "padding_bottom": 2, "tag": "nazwa_utworu"}' - scriptlet: insert_tag - slug: nazwa-utworu - tooltip: '' - model: toolbar.button - pk: 33 -- fields: - accesskey: '' - group: [13] - label: nota - link: '' - params: '{"tag": "nota"}' - scriptlet: insert_tag - slug: nota - tooltip: '' - model: toolbar.button - pk: 35 -- fields: - accesskey: '' - group: [13] - label: nota red. - link: '' - params: '{"padding_top": 1, "padding_bottom": 3, "tag": "nota_red"}' - scriptlet: insert_tag - slug: nota-red - tooltip: nota redakcyjna - model: toolbar.button - pk: 104 -- fields: - accesskey: '' - group: [11] - label: opowiadanie - link: '' - params: '{"padding_top": 1, "padding_bottom": 4, "tag": "opowiadanie"}' - scriptlet: insert_tag - slug: opowiadanie - tooltip: '' - model: toolbar.button - pk: 18 -- fields: - accesskey: b - group: [12] - label: osoba - link: '' - params: '{"tag": "osoba"}' - scriptlet: insert_tag - slug: osoba - tooltip: "wstawia nazw\u0119 osoby w didaskaliach" - model: toolbar.button - pk: 64 -- fields: - accesskey: '' - group: [22] - label: osoba na liscie - link: '' - params: '{"padding_top": 1, "padding_bottom": 1, "tag": "lista_osoba"}' - scriptlet: insert_tag - slug: osoba-na-liscie - tooltip: "nazwa osoby na liscie os\xF3b" - model: toolbar.button - pk: 95 -- fields: - accesskey: '' - group: [1] - label: "podrozdzia\u0142" - link: '' - params: '{"tag": "naglowek_podrozdzial"}' - scriptlet: insert_tag - slug: podrozdzial - tooltip: '' - model: toolbar.button - pk: 12 -- fields: - accesskey: '' - group: [1] - label: "podtytu\u0142" - link: '' - params: '{"tag": "podtytul"}' - scriptlet: insert_tag - slug: podtytul - tooltip: '' - model: toolbar.button - pk: 34 -- fields: - accesskey: '' - group: [11] - label: "powie\u015B\u0107" - link: '' - params: '{"padding_top": 1, "padding_bottom": 4, "tag": "powiesc"}' - scriptlet: insert_tag - slug: powiesc - tooltip: '' - model: toolbar.button - pk: 19 -- fields: - accesskey: '' - group: [] - label: Wydrukuj - link: print/xml - params: '[]' - scriptlet: insert_tag - slug: print-xml - tooltip: '' - model: toolbar.button - pk: 86 -- fields: - accesskey: '' - group: [26] - label: przypis autorski - link: '' - params: '{"tag": "pa"}' - scriptlet: insert_tag - slug: przypis-autorski - tooltip: '' - model: toolbar.button - pk: 68 -- fields: - accesskey: '' - group: [26] - label: przypis edytorski - link: '' - params: '{"tag": "pe"}' - scriptlet: insert_tag - slug: przypis-edytorski - tooltip: '' - model: toolbar.button - pk: 71 -- fields: - accesskey: '' - group: [26] - label: przypis redaktorski - link: '' - params: '{"tag": "pr"}' - scriptlet: insert_tag - slug: przypis-redaktorski - tooltip: '' - model: toolbar.button - pk: 70 -- fields: - accesskey: '' - group: [26] - label: "przypis t\u0142umacza" - link: '' - params: '{"tag": "pt"}' - scriptlet: insert_tag - slug: przypis-tlumacza - tooltip: '' - model: toolbar.button - pk: 69 -- fields: - accesskey: '' - group: [1] - label: "rozdzia\u0142" - link: '' - params: '{"padding_top": 1, "padding_bottom": 4, "tag": "naglowek_rozdzial"}' - scriptlet: insert_tag - slug: rozdzial - tooltip: '' - model: toolbar.button - pk: 11 -- fields: - accesskey: '' - group: [1] - label: scena - link: '' - params: '{"tag": "naglowek_scena"}' - scriptlet: insert_tag - slug: scena - tooltip: '' - model: toolbar.button - pk: 15 -- fields: - accesskey: '' - group: [16] - label: asterysk - link: '' - params: '{"nocontent": "true", "tag": "sekcja_asterysk"}' - scriptlet: insert_tag - slug: sep-asterysk - tooltip: rozdzielenie partii tekstu asteryskiem - model: toolbar.button - pk: 54 -- fields: - accesskey: '' - group: [16] - label: linia - link: '' - params: '{"nocontent": "true", "tag": "separator_linia"}' - scriptlet: insert_tag - slug: sep-linia - tooltip: "rozdzielenie partii tekstu pozioma lini\u0105" - model: toolbar.button - pk: 55 -- fields: - accesskey: '' - group: [16] - label: "\u015Bwiat\u0142o" - link: '' - params: '{"nocontent": "true", "tag": "sekcja_swiatlo"}' - scriptlet: insert_tag - slug: sep-swiatlo - tooltip: "\u015Bwiat\u0142o rozdzielaj\u0105ce sekcje tekstu" - model: toolbar.button - pk: 53 -- fields: - accesskey: '' - group: [15] - label: "s\u0142owo obce" - link: '' - params: '{"tag": "slowo_obce"}' - scriptlet: insert_tag - slug: slowo-obce - tooltip: "frazy w j\u0119zykach innych ni\u017C polski/definiendum w przypisie" - model: toolbar.button - pk: 46 -- fields: - accesskey: '' - group: [2] - label: slug - link: '' - params: '[]' - scriptlet: slugify - slug: slug - tooltip: slugifikacja - model: toolbar.button - pk: 105 -- fields: - accesskey: '' - group: [1] - label: "\u015Br\xF3dtytu\u0142" - link: '' - params: '{"tag": "srodtytul"}' - scriptlet: insert_tag - slug: srodtytul - tooltip: '' - model: toolbar.button - pk: 13 -- fields: - accesskey: s - group: [12, 17] - label: strofa - link: '' - params: '{"padding_top": 1, "padding_bottom": 3, "tag": "strofa"}' - scriptlet: insert_stanza - slug: strofa - tooltip: "wstawia strof\u0119" - model: toolbar.button - pk: 81 -- fields: - accesskey: '' - group: [28] - label: strofy - link: '' - params: '{"tag": "strofa"}' - scriptlet: autotag - slug: strofy - tooltip: autotagowanie strof - model: toolbar.button - pk: 99 -- fields: - accesskey: '' - group: [11] - label: "tag g\u0142\xF3wny" - link: '' - params: '{"tag": "utwor"}' - scriptlet: insert_tag - slug: tag-glowny - tooltip: '' - model: toolbar.button - pk: 17 -- fields: - accesskey: u - group: [2] - label: "A\u2193" - link: '' - params: '[]' - scriptlet: lowercase - slug: tolowercase - tooltip: "Zamie\u0144 wielkie litery na ma\u0142e" - model: toolbar.button - pk: 76 -- fields: - accesskey: '' - group: [15] - label: "tytu\u0142 dzie\u0142a" - link: '' - params: '{"tag": "tytul_dziela"}' - scriptlet: insert_tag - slug: tytul-dziela - tooltip: '' - model: toolbar.button - pk: 92 -- fields: - accesskey: '' - group: [15] - label: "tytu\u0142 dzie\u0142a typ 1" - link: '' - params: '{"tag": "tytul_dziela", "attrs": {"typ": "1"}}' - scriptlet: insert_tag - slug: tytul-dziela-typ - tooltip: "tytu\u0142 dzie\u0142a w cytowanym tytule dzie\u0142a" - model: toolbar.button - pk: 45 -- fields: - accesskey: '' - group: [29] - label: uwaga - link: '' - params: '{"tag": "uwaga"}' - scriptlet: insert_tag - slug: uwaga - tooltip: 'uwagi redaktorsko-korektorskie ' - model: toolbar.button - pk: 51 -- fields: - accesskey: '' - group: [14, 17] - label: wers akap. - link: '' - params: '{"tag": "wers_akap"}' - scriptlet: insert_tag - slug: wers-akap - tooltip: "wers rozpoczynaj\u0105cy si\u0119 wci\u0119ciem akapitowym" - model: toolbar.button - pk: 83 -- fields: - accesskey: '' - group: [12, 17] - label: wers cd. - link: '' - params: '{"tag": "wers_cd"}' - scriptlet: insert_tag - slug: wers-cd - tooltip: "cz\u0119\u015B\u0107 wersu przeniesiona do innego wiersza" - model: toolbar.button - pk: 85 -- fields: - accesskey: w - group: [12, 17] - label: "wers mocno wci\u0119ty" - link: '' - params: '{"tag": "wers_wciety", "attrs": {"typ": ""}}' - scriptlet: insert_tag - slug: wers-mocno-wciety - tooltip: "argumenty wersu wci\u0119tego: od 2 do 6" - model: toolbar.button - pk: 84 -- fields: - accesskey: q - group: [12, 17] - label: "wers wci\u0119ty" - link: '' - params: '{"tag": "wers_wciety", "attrs": {"typ": "1"}}' - scriptlet: insert_tag - slug: wers-wciety - tooltip: "wstawia wers wci\u0119ty" - model: toolbar.button - pk: 91 -- fields: - accesskey: '' - group: [28] - label: "wersy wci\u0119te" - link: '' - params: '{"padding": 1, "tag": "wers_wciety", "split": 1}' - scriptlet: autotag - slug: wersy-wciete - tooltip: "autotagowanie wers\xF3w wci\u0119tych" - model: toolbar.button - pk: 100 -- fields: - accesskey: '' - group: [15] - label: www - link: '' - params: '{"tag": "www"}' - scriptlet: insert_tag - slug: www - tooltip: '' - model: toolbar.button - pk: 48 -- fields: - accesskey: '' - group: [12, 15] - label: "wyr\xF3\u017Cnienie" - link: '' - params: '{"tag": "wyroznienie"}' - scriptlet: insert_tag - slug: wyroznienie - tooltip: "wyr\xF3\u017Cnienie autorskie" - model: toolbar.button - pk: 44 -- fields: - accesskey: '' - group: [11] - label: wywiad - link: '' - params: '{"padding_top": 1, "padding_bottom": 4, "tag": "wywiad"}' - scriptlet: insert_tag - slug: wywiad - tooltip: '' - model: toolbar.button - pk: 25 -- fields: - accesskey: '' - group: [21] - label: "wywiad odpowied\u017A" - link: '' - params: '{"tag": "wywiad_odp"}' - scriptlet: insert_tag - slug: wywiad-odpowiedz - tooltip: '' - model: toolbar.button - pk: 73 -- fields: - accesskey: '' - group: [21] - label: wywiad pytanie - link: '' - params: '{"tag": "wywiad_pyt"}' - scriptlet: insert_tag - slug: wywiad-pytanie - tooltip: '' - model: toolbar.button - pk: 72 -- fields: - accesskey: '' - group: [16] - label: "zast\u0119pnik wersu" - link: '' - params: '{"tag": "zastepnik_wersu"}' - scriptlet: insert_tag - slug: zastepnik-wersu - tooltip: wykropkowanie wersu - model: toolbar.button - pk: 56 -- fields: {code: "$(params).each(function() {\n $.log(this[0], this[1]);\n \ - \ editor.callScriptlet(this[0], panel, this[1]);\n\n});"} - model: toolbar.scriptlet - pk: macro -- fields: {code: "var texteditor = panel.texteditor;\nvar text = texteditor.selection();\n\ - var start_tag = '<'+params.tag;\nfor (var attr in params.attrs) {\n \ - \ start_tag += ' '+attr+'=\"' + params.attrs[attr] + '\"';\n};\nstart_tag\ - \ += '>';\nvar end_tag = '';\n\nif(text.length > 0) {\n\ - // tokenize\nvar output = ''\nvar token = ''\nfor(var index=0; index <\ - \ text.length; index++)\n{\n if (text[index].match(/\\s/)) { // whitespace\n\ - \ token += text[index];\n }\n else { // character\n \ - \ output += token;\n if(output == token) output += start_tag;\n\ - \ token = ''\n output += text[index];\n }\n}\n\nif( output[output.length-1]\ - \ == '\\\\' ) {\n output = output.substr(0, output.length-1) + end_tag\ - \ + '\\\\';\n} else {\n output += end_tag;\n}\noutput += token;\n}\n\ - else {\n output = start_tag + end_tag;\n}\n\ntexteditor.replaceSelection(output);\n\ - \nif (text.length == 0) {\n var pos = texteditor.cursorPosition();\n\ - \ texteditor.selectLines(pos.line, pos.character + params.tag.length\ - \ + 2);\n}\n\npanel.fireEvent('contentChanged');"} - model: toolbar.scriptlet - pk: insert_tag -- fields: {code: "editor.showPopup('generic-info', 'Przetwarzanie zaznaczonego tekstu...',\ - \ '', -1);\n\nvar cm = panel.texteditor;\nvar exprs = $.map(params.exprs,\ - \ function(expr) {\n\n var opts = \"g\";\n\n if(expr.length > 2)\n\ - \n opts = expr[2];\n\n return {rx: new RegExp(expr[0], opts),\ - \ repl: expr[1]};\n\n});\n\n\n\nvar partial = true;\n\nvar text = cm.selection();\n\ - \n\n\nif(!text) {\n\n var cpos = cm.cursorPosition();\n\n cpos.line\ - \ = cm.lineNumber(cpos.line)\n\n cm.selectLines(cm.firstLine(), 0,\ - \ cm.lastLine(), 0);\n\n text = cm.selection();\n\n partial = false;\n\ - \n}\n\n\n\nvar changed = 0;\nvar lines = text.split('\\n');\nvar lines\ - \ = $.map(lines, function(line) { \n var old_line = line;\n $(exprs).each(function()\ - \ { \n var expr = this;\n line = line.replace(expr.rx, expr.repl);\n\ - \ });\n\n if(old_line != line) changed += 1;\n return line;\n\ - });\n\nif(changed > 0) \n{\n cm.replaceSelection( lines.join('\\n')\ - \ );\n panel.fireEvent('contentChanged');\n editor.showPopup('generic-yes',\ - \ 'Zmieniono ' + changed + ' linii.', 1500);\n editor.advancePopupQueue();\n\ - }\nelse {\n editor.showPopup('generic-info', 'Brak zmian w tek\u015B\ - cie', 1500);\n editor.advancePopupQueue();\n}\n\nif(!partial)\n \ - \ cm.selectLines( cm.nthLine(cpos.line), cpos.character )"} - model: toolbar.scriptlet - pk: lineregexp -- fields: {code: '-'} - model: toolbar.scriptlet - pk: autotag -- fields: {code: "editor.showPopup('generic-info', 'Przetwarzanie zaznaczonego tekstu...',\ - \ '', -1);\n$.log(editor, panel, params);\nvar cm = panel.texteditor;\n\ - var exprs = $.map(params.exprs, function(expr) {\n var opts = \"mg\"\ - ;\n if(expr.length > 2)\n opts = expr[2];\n\n return {rx:\ - \ new RegExp(expr[0], opts), repl: expr[1]};\n});\n\nvar partial = true;\n\ - var text = cm.selection();\n\nif(!text) {\n var cpos = cm.cursorPosition();\n\ - \ cpos.line = cm.lineNumber(cpos.line)\n cm.selectLines(cm.firstLine(),\ - \ 0, cm.lastLine(), 0);\n\n text = cm.selection();\n partial = false;\n\ - }\n\nvar original = text;\n$(exprs).each(function() { \n text = text.replace(this.rx,\ - \ this.repl);\n});\n\nif( original != text) \n{ \n cm.replaceSelection(text);\n\ - \ panel.fireEvent('contentChanged');\n editor.showPopup('generic-yes',\ - \ 'Zmieniono tekst' );\n editor.advancePopupQueue();\n}\nelse {\n \ - \ editor.showPopup('generic-info', 'Brak zmian w tek\u015Bcie.');\n\ - \ editor.advancePopupQueue();\n}\n\nif(!partial) {\n cm.selectLines(\ - \ cm.nthLine(cpos.line), cpos.character );\n}"} - model: toolbar.scriptlet - pk: fulltextregexp -- fields: {code: "var cm = panel.texteditor;\r\nvar text = cm.selection();\r\n\r\ - \nif(!text) return;\r\nvar repl = '';\r\nvar lcase = text.toLowerCase();\r\ - \nvar ucase = text.toUpperCase();\r\n\r\nif(lcase == text) repl = ucase;\ - \ /* was lowercase */\r\nelse if(ucase != text) repl = lcase; /* neither\ - \ lower- or upper-case */\r\nelse { /* upper case -> title-case */\r\n\ - \ var words = $(lcase.split(/\\s/)).map(function() { \r\n if(this.length\ - \ > 0) { return this[0].toUpperCase() + this.slice(1); } else { return\ - \ ''}\r\n }); \r\n repl = words.join(' ');\r\n} \r\n\r\nif(repl !=\ - \ text) {\r\n cm.replaceSelection(repl);\r\n panel.fireEvent('contentChanged');\r\ - \n};"} - model: toolbar.scriptlet - pk: lowercase -- fields: {code: "var texteditor = panel.texteditor;\r\nvar text = texteditor.selection();\r\ - \n\r\nif(text) {\r\n var verses = text.split('\\n');\r\n var text =\ - \ ''; var buf = ''; var ebuf = '';\r\n var first = true;\r\n\r\n for(var\ - \ i=0; i < verses.length; i++) {\r\n verse = verses[i].replace(/^\\\ - s+/, \"\").replace(/\\s+$/, \"\"); \r\n if(verse) {\r\n text\ - \ += (buf ? buf + '/\\n' : '') + ebuf;\r\n buf = (first ? '\\\ - n' : '') + verses[i];\r\n ebuf = '';\r\n first = false;\r\n\ - \ } else { \r\n ebuf += '\\n' + verses[i];\r\n }\r\n };\r\ - \n text = text + buf + '\\n' + ebuf; \r\n texteditor.replaceSelection(text);\r\ - \n}\r\n\r\nif (!text) {\r\n var pos = texteditor.cursorPosition();\r\ - \n texteditor.selectLines(pos.line, pos.character + 6 + 2);\r\n}\r\n\ - \r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\npanel.fireEvent('contentChanged');"} - model: toolbar.scriptlet - pk: insert_stanza -- fields: {code: '-'} - model: toolbar.scriptlet - pk: slugify - diff --git a/apps/toolbar/fixtures/initial_toolbar.yaml b/apps/toolbar/fixtures/initial_toolbar.yaml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..45a1c7de --- /dev/null +++ b/apps/toolbar/fixtures/initial_toolbar.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,997 @@ +- fields: {name: Akapity, position: 0, slug: akapity} + model: toolbar.buttongroup + pk: 14 +- fields: {name: Autokorekta, position: 0, slug: autokorekta} + model: toolbar.buttongroup + pk: 2 +- fields: {name: Autotagowanie, position: 0, slug: autotagowanie} + model: toolbar.buttongroup + pk: 28 +- fields: {name: Bloki, position: 0, slug: bloki} + model: toolbar.buttongroup + pk: 21 +- fields: {name: 'Dramat ', position: 0, slug: dramat} + model: toolbar.buttongroup + pk: 12 +- fields: {name: "Elementy pocz\u0105tkowe", position: 0, slug: elementy-poczatkowe} + model: toolbar.buttongroup + pk: 13 +- fields: {name: Mastery, position: 0, slug: mastery} + model: toolbar.buttongroup + pk: 11 +- fields: {name: "Nag\u0142\xF3wki", position: 0, slug: naglowki} + model: toolbar.buttongroup + pk: 1 +- fields: {name: "Pocz\u0105tek dramatu", position: 0, slug: poczatek-dramatu} + model: toolbar.buttongroup + pk: 22 +- fields: {name: Przypisy, position: 0, slug: przypisy} + model: toolbar.buttongroup + pk: 26 +- fields: {name: Separatory, position: 0, slug: separatory} + model: toolbar.buttongroup + pk: 16 +- fields: {name: Style znakowe, position: 0, slug: style-znakowe} + model: toolbar.buttongroup + pk: 15 +- fields: {name: Uwaga, position: 0, slug: uwaga} + model: toolbar.buttongroup + pk: 29 +- fields: {name: Wersy, position: 0, slug: wersy} + model: toolbar.buttongroup + pk: 17 +- fields: + accesskey: a + group: [14, 12] + label: akapit + link: '' + params: '{"padding_top": 1, "padding_bottom": 3, "tag": "akap"}' + scriptlet: insert_tag + slug: akapit + tooltip: wstawia akapit + model: toolbar.button + pk: 39 +- fields: + accesskey: '' + group: [14] + label: akapit cd. + link: '' + params: '{"padding_top": 1, "padding_bottom": 3, "tag": "akap_cd"}' + scriptlet: insert_tag + slug: akapit-cd + tooltip: "ci\u0105g dalszy akapitu po wewn\u0105trzakapitowym wtr\u0105ceniu" + model: toolbar.button + pk: 40 +- fields: + accesskey: d + group: [14] + label: akapit dialogowy + link: '' + params: '{"padding_top": 1, "padding_bottom": 3, "tag": "akap_dialog"}' + scriptlet: insert_tag + slug: akapit-dialogowy + tooltip: wstawia akapit dialogowy + model: toolbar.button + pk: 41 +- fields: + accesskey: '' + group: [28] + label: akapity + link: '' + params: '{"tag": "akap"}' + scriptlet: autotag + slug: akapity + tooltip: "autotagowanie akapit\xF3w" + model: toolbar.button + pk: 97 +- fields: + accesskey: '' + group: [1] + label: akt + link: '' + params: '{"padding_top": 1, "padding_bottom": 4, "tag": "naglowek_akt"}' + scriptlet: insert_tag + slug: akt + tooltip: '' + model: toolbar.button + pk: 14 +- fields: + accesskey: '' + group: [13] + label: autor + link: '' + params: '{"padding_top": 1, "padding_bottom": 2, "tag": "autor_utworu"}' + scriptlet: insert_tag + slug: autor + tooltip: '' + model: toolbar.button + pk: 32 +- fields: + accesskey: '' + group: [2] + label: Podstawowa + link: '' + params: '[["fulltextregexp", {"exprs": [["\ufeff", ""], ["$[\\s]*\\d+[\\s]*^", + ""], ["-\\s*^", ""], ["\\,\\.\\.|\\.\\,\\.|\\.\\.\\,", "..."], ["<(/?)P([aert])", + "<$1p$2"], ["[\u2014\u2013\u2010-]{2,}|[\u2014\u2013\u2010]+", "---"], + ["(\\s)-([^-])", "$1---$2"], ["([^-])-(\\s)", "$1---$2"], ["(\\d)-+(\\d)", + "$1--$2"], ["---(\\S)", "--- $1"], ["(\\S)---", "$1 ---"], ["\\s*-+\\s*", + "--- "]]}], ["lineregexp", {"exprs": [["^\\s+|\\s+$", ""], + ["\\s+", " "], ["(,,)\\s+", "$1"], ["\\s+(\")", "$1"], ["([^\\.])(\\s*)AKT$1"], + ["^SCENA(\\s\\w*)$", "SCENA$1"], ["([A-Z\u0104\u0106\u0118\u0141\u0143\u00d3\u015a\u017b\u0179]{2}[A-Z\u0104\u0106\u0118\u0141\u0143\u00d3\u015a\u017b\u0179\\s]+)$", + "$1"]]}' + scriptlet: lineregexp + slug: nagl-dramatu + tooltip: "autotagowanie akt\xF3w, scen, nag\u0142\xF3wk\xF3w os\xF3b" + model: toolbar.button + pk: 103 +- fields: + accesskey: '' + group: [12] + label: "nag\u0142\xF3wek kwestii" + link: '' + params: '{"padding_top": 1, "padding_bottom": 4, "tag": "naglowek_osoba"}' + scriptlet: insert_tag + slug: naglowek-kwestii + tooltip: "nag\u0142\xF3wek kwestii - nazwa osoby" + model: toolbar.button + pk: 16 +- fields: + accesskey: '' + group: [22] + label: "nag\u0142\xF3wek listy" + link: '' + params: '{"padding_top": 1, "padding_bottom": 2, "tag": "naglowek_listy"}' + scriptlet: insert_tag + slug: naglowek-listy + tooltip: "nag\u0142\xF3wek listy os\xF3b" + model: toolbar.button + pk: 94 +- fields: + accesskey: '' + group: [13] + label: nazwa utworu + link: '' + params: '{"padding_top": 1, "padding_bottom": 2, "tag": "nazwa_utworu"}' + scriptlet: insert_tag + slug: nazwa-utworu + tooltip: '' + model: toolbar.button + pk: 33 +- fields: + accesskey: '' + group: [13] + label: nota + link: '' + params: '{"tag": "nota"}' + scriptlet: insert_tag + slug: nota + tooltip: '' + model: toolbar.button + pk: 35 +- fields: + accesskey: '' + group: [13] + label: nota red. + link: '' + params: '{"padding_top": 1, "padding_bottom": 3, "tag": "nota_red"}' + scriptlet: insert_tag + slug: nota-red + tooltip: nota redakcyjna + model: toolbar.button + pk: 104 +- fields: + accesskey: '' + group: [11] + label: opowiadanie + link: '' + params: '{"padding_top": 1, "padding_bottom": 4, "tag": "opowiadanie"}' + scriptlet: insert_tag + slug: opowiadanie + tooltip: '' + model: toolbar.button + pk: 18 +- fields: + accesskey: b + group: [12] + label: osoba + link: '' + params: '{"tag": "osoba"}' + scriptlet: insert_tag + slug: osoba + tooltip: "wstawia nazw\u0119 osoby w didaskaliach" + model: toolbar.button + pk: 64 +- fields: + accesskey: '' + group: [22] + label: osoba na liscie + link: '' + params: '{"padding_top": 1, "padding_bottom": 1, "tag": "lista_osoba"}' + scriptlet: insert_tag + slug: osoba-na-liscie + tooltip: "nazwa osoby na liscie os\xF3b" + model: toolbar.button + pk: 95 +- fields: + accesskey: '' + group: [1] + label: "podrozdzia\u0142" + link: '' + params: '{"tag": "naglowek_podrozdzial"}' + scriptlet: insert_tag + slug: podrozdzial + tooltip: '' + model: toolbar.button + pk: 12 +- fields: + accesskey: '' + group: [1] + label: "podtytu\u0142" + link: '' + params: '{"tag": "podtytul"}' + scriptlet: insert_tag + slug: podtytul + tooltip: '' + model: toolbar.button + pk: 34 +- fields: + accesskey: '' + group: [11] + label: "powie\u015B\u0107" + link: '' + params: '{"padding_top": 1, "padding_bottom": 4, "tag": "powiesc"}' + scriptlet: insert_tag + slug: powiesc + tooltip: '' + model: toolbar.button + pk: 19 +- fields: + accesskey: '' + group: [] + label: Wydrukuj + link: print/xml + params: '[]' + scriptlet: insert_tag + slug: print-xml + tooltip: '' + model: toolbar.button + pk: 86 +- fields: + accesskey: '' + group: [26] + label: przypis autorski + link: '' + params: '{"tag": "pa"}' + scriptlet: insert_tag + slug: przypis-autorski + tooltip: '' + model: toolbar.button + pk: 68 +- fields: + accesskey: '' + group: [26] + label: przypis edytorski + link: '' + params: '{"tag": "pe"}' + scriptlet: insert_tag + slug: przypis-edytorski + tooltip: '' + model: toolbar.button + pk: 71 +- fields: + accesskey: '' + group: [26] + label: przypis redaktorski + link: '' + params: '{"tag": "pr"}' + scriptlet: insert_tag + slug: przypis-redaktorski + tooltip: '' + model: toolbar.button + pk: 70 +- fields: + accesskey: '' + group: [26] + label: "przypis t\u0142umacza" + link: '' + params: '{"tag": "pt"}' + scriptlet: insert_tag + slug: przypis-tlumacza + tooltip: '' + model: toolbar.button + pk: 69 +- fields: + accesskey: '' + group: [1] + label: "rozdzia\u0142" + link: '' + params: '{"padding_top": 1, "padding_bottom": 4, "tag": "naglowek_rozdzial"}' + scriptlet: insert_tag + slug: rozdzial + tooltip: '' + model: toolbar.button + pk: 11 +- fields: + accesskey: '' + group: [1] + label: scena + link: '' + params: '{"tag": "naglowek_scena"}' + scriptlet: insert_tag + slug: scena + tooltip: '' + model: toolbar.button + pk: 15 +- fields: + accesskey: '' + group: [16] + label: asterysk + link: '' + params: '{"nocontent": "true", "tag": "sekcja_asterysk"}' + scriptlet: insert_tag + slug: sep-asterysk + tooltip: rozdzielenie partii tekstu asteryskiem + model: toolbar.button + pk: 54 +- fields: + accesskey: '' + group: [16] + label: linia + link: '' + params: '{"nocontent": "true", "tag": "separator_linia"}' + scriptlet: insert_tag + slug: sep-linia + tooltip: "rozdzielenie partii tekstu pozioma lini\u0105" + model: toolbar.button + pk: 55 +- fields: + accesskey: '' + group: [16] + label: "\u015Bwiat\u0142o" + link: '' + params: '{"nocontent": "true", "tag": "sekcja_swiatlo"}' + scriptlet: insert_tag + slug: sep-swiatlo + tooltip: "\u015Bwiat\u0142o rozdzielaj\u0105ce sekcje tekstu" + model: toolbar.button + pk: 53 +- fields: + accesskey: '' + group: [15] + label: "s\u0142owo obce" + link: '' + params: '{"tag": "slowo_obce"}' + scriptlet: insert_tag + slug: slowo-obce + tooltip: "frazy w j\u0119zykach innych ni\u017C polski/definiendum w przypisie" + model: toolbar.button + pk: 46 +- fields: + accesskey: '' + group: [2] + label: slug + link: '' + params: '[]' + scriptlet: slugify + slug: slug + tooltip: slugifikacja + model: toolbar.button + pk: 105 +- fields: + accesskey: '' + group: [1] + label: "\u015Br\xF3dtytu\u0142" + link: '' + params: '{"tag": "srodtytul"}' + scriptlet: insert_tag + slug: srodtytul + tooltip: '' + model: toolbar.button + pk: 13 +- fields: + accesskey: s + group: [12, 17] + label: strofa + link: '' + params: '{"padding_top": 1, "padding_bottom": 3, "tag": "strofa"}' + scriptlet: insert_stanza + slug: strofa + tooltip: "wstawia strof\u0119" + model: toolbar.button + pk: 81 +- fields: + accesskey: '' + group: [28] + label: strofy + link: '' + params: '{"tag": "strofa"}' + scriptlet: autotag + slug: strofy + tooltip: autotagowanie strof + model: toolbar.button + pk: 99 +- fields: + accesskey: '' + group: [11] + label: "tag g\u0142\xF3wny" + link: '' + params: '{"tag": "utwor"}' + scriptlet: insert_tag + slug: tag-glowny + tooltip: '' + model: toolbar.button + pk: 17 +- fields: + accesskey: u + group: [2] + label: "A\u2193" + link: '' + params: '[]' + scriptlet: lowercase + slug: tolowercase + tooltip: "Zamie\u0144 wielkie litery na ma\u0142e" + model: toolbar.button + pk: 76 +- fields: + accesskey: '' + group: [15] + label: "tytu\u0142 dzie\u0142a" + link: '' + params: '{"tag": "tytul_dziela"}' + scriptlet: insert_tag + slug: tytul-dziela + tooltip: '' + model: toolbar.button + pk: 92 +- fields: + accesskey: '' + group: [15] + label: "tytu\u0142 dzie\u0142a typ 1" + link: '' + params: '{"tag": "tytul_dziela", "attrs": {"typ": "1"}}' + scriptlet: insert_tag + slug: tytul-dziela-typ + tooltip: "tytu\u0142 dzie\u0142a w cytowanym tytule dzie\u0142a" + model: toolbar.button + pk: 45 +- fields: + accesskey: '' + group: [29] + label: uwaga + link: '' + params: '{"tag": "uwaga"}' + scriptlet: insert_tag + slug: uwaga + tooltip: 'uwagi redaktorsko-korektorskie ' + model: toolbar.button + pk: 51 +- fields: + accesskey: '' + group: [14, 17] + label: wers akap. + link: '' + params: '{"tag": "wers_akap"}' + scriptlet: insert_tag + slug: wers-akap + tooltip: "wers rozpoczynaj\u0105cy si\u0119 wci\u0119ciem akapitowym" + model: toolbar.button + pk: 83 +- fields: + accesskey: '' + group: [12, 17] + label: wers cd. + link: '' + params: '{"tag": "wers_cd"}' + scriptlet: insert_tag + slug: wers-cd + tooltip: "cz\u0119\u015B\u0107 wersu przeniesiona do innego wiersza" + model: toolbar.button + pk: 85 +- fields: + accesskey: w + group: [12, 17] + label: "wers mocno wci\u0119ty" + link: '' + params: '{"tag": "wers_wciety", "attrs": {"typ": ""}}' + scriptlet: insert_tag + slug: wers-mocno-wciety + tooltip: "argumenty wersu wci\u0119tego: od 2 do 6" + model: toolbar.button + pk: 84 +- fields: + accesskey: q + group: [12, 17] + label: "wers wci\u0119ty" + link: '' + params: '{"tag": "wers_wciety", "attrs": {"typ": "1"}}' + scriptlet: insert_tag + slug: wers-wciety + tooltip: "wstawia wers wci\u0119ty" + model: toolbar.button + pk: 91 +- fields: + accesskey: '' + group: [28] + label: "wersy wci\u0119te" + link: '' + params: '{"padding": 1, "tag": "wers_wciety", "split": 1}' + scriptlet: autotag + slug: wersy-wciete + tooltip: "autotagowanie wers\xF3w wci\u0119tych" + model: toolbar.button + pk: 100 +- fields: + accesskey: '' + group: [15] + label: www + link: '' + params: '{"tag": "www"}' + scriptlet: insert_tag + slug: www + tooltip: '' + model: toolbar.button + pk: 48 +- fields: + accesskey: '' + group: [12, 15] + label: "wyr\xF3\u017Cnienie" + link: '' + params: '{"tag": "wyroznienie"}' + scriptlet: insert_tag + slug: wyroznienie + tooltip: "wyr\xF3\u017Cnienie autorskie" + model: toolbar.button + pk: 44 +- fields: + accesskey: '' + group: [11] + label: wywiad + link: '' + params: '{"padding_top": 1, "padding_bottom": 4, "tag": "wywiad"}' + scriptlet: insert_tag + slug: wywiad + tooltip: '' + model: toolbar.button + pk: 25 +- fields: + accesskey: '' + group: [21] + label: "wywiad odpowied\u017A" + link: '' + params: '{"tag": "wywiad_odp"}' + scriptlet: insert_tag + slug: wywiad-odpowiedz + tooltip: '' + model: toolbar.button + pk: 73 +- fields: + accesskey: '' + group: [21] + label: wywiad pytanie + link: '' + params: '{"tag": "wywiad_pyt"}' + scriptlet: insert_tag + slug: wywiad-pytanie + tooltip: '' + model: toolbar.button + pk: 72 +- fields: + accesskey: '' + group: [16] + label: "zast\u0119pnik wersu" + link: '' + params: '{"tag": "zastepnik_wersu"}' + scriptlet: insert_tag + slug: zastepnik-wersu + tooltip: wykropkowanie wersu + model: toolbar.button + pk: 56 +- fields: {code: "$(params).each(function() {\n $.log(this[0], this[1]);\n \ + \ editor.callScriptlet(this[0], panel, this[1]);\n\n});"} + model: toolbar.scriptlet + pk: macro +- fields: {code: "var texteditor = panel.texteditor;\nvar text = texteditor.selection();\n\ + var start_tag = '<'+params.tag;\nfor (var attr in params.attrs) {\n \ + \ start_tag += ' '+attr+'=\"' + params.attrs[attr] + '\"';\n};\nstart_tag\ + \ += '>';\nvar end_tag = '';\n\nif(text.length > 0) {\n\ + // tokenize\nvar output = ''\nvar token = ''\nfor(var index=0; index <\ + \ text.length; index++)\n{\n if (text[index].match(/\\s/)) { // whitespace\n\ + \ token += text[index];\n }\n else { // character\n \ + \ output += token;\n if(output == token) output += start_tag;\n\ + \ token = ''\n output += text[index];\n }\n}\n\nif( output[output.length-1]\ + \ == '\\\\' ) {\n output = output.substr(0, output.length-1) + end_tag\ + \ + '\\\\';\n} else {\n output += end_tag;\n}\noutput += token;\n}\n\ + else {\n output = start_tag + end_tag;\n}\n\ntexteditor.replaceSelection(output);\n\ + \nif (text.length == 0) {\n var pos = texteditor.cursorPosition();\n\ + \ texteditor.selectLines(pos.line, pos.character + params.tag.length\ + \ + 2);\n}\n\npanel.fireEvent('contentChanged');"} + model: toolbar.scriptlet + pk: insert_tag +- fields: {code: "editor.showPopup('generic-info', 'Przetwarzanie zaznaczonego tekstu...',\ + \ '', -1);\n\nvar cm = panel.texteditor;\nvar exprs = $.map(params.exprs,\ + \ function(expr) {\n\n var opts = \"g\";\n\n if(expr.length > 2)\n\ + \n opts = expr[2];\n\n return {rx: new RegExp(expr[0], opts),\ + \ repl: expr[1]};\n\n});\n\n\n\nvar partial = true;\n\nvar text = cm.selection();\n\ + \n\n\nif(!text) {\n\n var cpos = cm.cursorPosition();\n\n cpos.line\ + \ = cm.lineNumber(cpos.line)\n\n cm.selectLines(cm.firstLine(), 0,\ + \ cm.lastLine(), 0);\n\n text = cm.selection();\n\n partial = false;\n\ + \n}\n\n\n\nvar changed = 0;\nvar lines = text.split('\\n');\nvar lines\ + \ = $.map(lines, function(line) { \n var old_line = line;\n $(exprs).each(function()\ + \ { \n var expr = this;\n line = line.replace(expr.rx, expr.repl);\n\ + \ });\n\n if(old_line != line) changed += 1;\n return line;\n\ + });\n\nif(changed > 0) \n{\n cm.replaceSelection( lines.join('\\n')\ + \ );\n panel.fireEvent('contentChanged');\n editor.showPopup('generic-yes',\ + \ 'Zmieniono ' + changed + ' linii.', 1500);\n editor.advancePopupQueue();\n\ + }\nelse {\n editor.showPopup('generic-info', 'Brak zmian w tek\u015B\ + cie', 1500);\n editor.advancePopupQueue();\n}\n\nif(!partial)\n \ + \ cm.selectLines( cm.nthLine(cpos.line), cpos.character )"} + model: toolbar.scriptlet + pk: lineregexp +- fields: {code: '-'} + model: toolbar.scriptlet + pk: autotag +- fields: {code: "editor.showPopup('generic-info', 'Przetwarzanie zaznaczonego tekstu...',\ + \ '', -1);\n$.log(editor, panel, params);\nvar cm = panel.texteditor;\n\ + var exprs = $.map(params.exprs, function(expr) {\n var opts = \"mg\"\ + ;\n if(expr.length > 2)\n opts = expr[2];\n\n return {rx:\ + \ new RegExp(expr[0], opts), repl: expr[1]};\n});\n\nvar partial = true;\n\ + var text = cm.selection();\n\nif(!text) {\n var cpos = cm.cursorPosition();\n\ + \ cpos.line = cm.lineNumber(cpos.line)\n cm.selectLines(cm.firstLine(),\ + \ 0, cm.lastLine(), 0);\n\n text = cm.selection();\n partial = false;\n\ + }\n\nvar original = text;\n$(exprs).each(function() { \n text = text.replace(this.rx,\ + \ this.repl);\n});\n\nif( original != text) \n{ \n cm.replaceSelection(text);\n\ + \ panel.fireEvent('contentChanged');\n editor.showPopup('generic-yes',\ + \ 'Zmieniono tekst' );\n editor.advancePopupQueue();\n}\nelse {\n \ + \ editor.showPopup('generic-info', 'Brak zmian w tek\u015Bcie.');\n\ + \ editor.advancePopupQueue();\n}\n\nif(!partial) {\n cm.selectLines(\ + \ cm.nthLine(cpos.line), cpos.character );\n}"} + model: toolbar.scriptlet + pk: fulltextregexp +- fields: {code: "var cm = panel.texteditor;\r\nvar text = cm.selection();\r\n\r\ + \nif(!text) return;\r\nvar repl = '';\r\nvar lcase = text.toLowerCase();\r\ + \nvar ucase = text.toUpperCase();\r\n\r\nif(lcase == text) repl = ucase;\ + \ /* was lowercase */\r\nelse if(ucase != text) repl = lcase; /* neither\ + \ lower- or upper-case */\r\nelse { /* upper case -> title-case */\r\n\ + \ var words = $(lcase.split(/\\s/)).map(function() { \r\n if(this.length\ + \ > 0) { return this[0].toUpperCase() + this.slice(1); } else { return\ + \ ''}\r\n }); \r\n repl = words.join(' ');\r\n} \r\n\r\nif(repl !=\ + \ text) {\r\n cm.replaceSelection(repl);\r\n panel.fireEvent('contentChanged');\r\ + \n};"} + model: toolbar.scriptlet + pk: lowercase +- fields: {code: "var texteditor = panel.texteditor;\r\nvar text = texteditor.selection();\r\ + \n\r\nif(text) {\r\n var verses = text.split('\\n');\r\n var text =\ + \ ''; var buf = ''; var ebuf = '';\r\n var first = true;\r\n\r\n for(var\ + \ i=0; i < verses.length; i++) {\r\n verse = verses[i].replace(/^\\\ + s+/, \"\").replace(/\\s+$/, \"\"); \r\n if(verse) {\r\n text\ + \ += (buf ? buf + '/\\n' : '') + ebuf;\r\n buf = (first ? '\\\ + n' : '') + verses[i];\r\n ebuf = '';\r\n first = false;\r\n\ + \ } else { \r\n ebuf += '\\n' + verses[i];\r\n }\r\n };\r\ + \n text = text + buf + '\\n' + ebuf; \r\n texteditor.replaceSelection(text);\r\ + \n}\r\n\r\nif (!text) {\r\n var pos = texteditor.cursorPosition();\r\ + \n texteditor.selectLines(pos.line, pos.character + 6 + 2);\r\n}\r\n\ + \r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\npanel.fireEvent('contentChanged');"} + model: toolbar.scriptlet + pk: insert_stanza +- fields: {code: '-'} + model: toolbar.scriptlet + pk: slugify + diff --git a/apps/toolbar/migrations/ b/apps/toolbar/migrations/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b31f3809 --- /dev/null +++ b/apps/toolbar/migrations/ @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +# encoding: utf-8 +import datetime +from south.db import db +from south.v2 import DataMigration +from django.db import models + +class Migration(DataMigration): + + def forwards(self, orm): + from import call_command + call_command("loaddata", "initial_toolbar.yaml") + + + def backwards(self, orm): + "Write your backwards methods here." + pass + + + models = { + 'toolbar.button': { + 'Meta': {'ordering': "('slug',)", 'object_name': 'Button'}, + 'accesskey': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '1', 'blank': 'True'}), + 'group': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ManyToManyField', [], {'to': "orm['toolbar.ButtonGroup']", 'symmetrical': 'False'}), + 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), + 'label': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '32'}), + 'link': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'default': "''", 'max_length': '256', 'blank': 'True'}), + 'params': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'default': "'[]'"}), + 'scriptlet': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': "orm['toolbar.Scriptlet']", 'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), + 'slug': ('django.db.models.fields.SlugField', [], {'unique': 'True', 'max_length': '50', 'db_index': 'True'}), + 'tooltip': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '120', 'blank': 'True'}) + }, + 'toolbar.buttongroup': { + 'Meta': {'ordering': "('position', 'name')", 'object_name': 'ButtonGroup'}, + 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), + 'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '32'}), + 'position': ('django.db.models.fields.IntegerField', [], {'default': '0'}), + 'slug': ('django.db.models.fields.SlugField', [], {'max_length': '50', 'db_index': 'True'}) + }, + 'toolbar.scriptlet': { + 'Meta': {'object_name': 'Scriptlet'}, + 'code': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {}), + 'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '64', 'primary_key': 'True'}) + } + } + + complete_apps = ['toolbar']