X-Git-Url: https://git.mdrn.pl/redakcja.git/blobdiff_plain/7d90e33be7ee1de4f79216b33ce9e28794685dc4..bea8d1caad32069ceb8c68feea989fc551b7917d:/redakcja/static/js/wiki/view_editor_wysiwyg.js
diff --git a/redakcja/static/js/wiki/view_editor_wysiwyg.js b/redakcja/static/js/wiki/view_editor_wysiwyg.js
index d8704fde..4e0bdee8 100644
--- a/redakcja/static/js/wiki/view_editor_wysiwyg.js
+++ b/redakcja/static/js/wiki/view_editor_wysiwyg.js
@@ -43,8 +43,8 @@
return true;
- /* Convert HTML frament to plaintext */
- var ANNOT_FORBIDDEN = ['pt', 'pa', 'pr', 'pe', 'begin', 'end', 'theme'];
+ /* Convert HTML fragment to plaintext */
+ var ANNOT_FORBIDDEN = ['pt', 'pa', 'pr', 'pe', 'begin', 'end', 'motyw'];
function html2plainText(fragment){
var text = "";
@@ -91,7 +91,6 @@
// BUG #273 - selected text can contain themes, which should be omitted from
// defining term
var text = html2plainText(range.cloneContents());
var tag = $(' ');
@@ -194,6 +193,90 @@
+ function addSymbol() {
+ if($('div.html-editarea textarea')[0]) {
+ var specialCharsContainer = $("
+ var specialChars = ['Ä','Ä
','Ä','Ä','Ä','Ä','Å','Å','Å','Å','Ã','ó','Å','Å','Å»','ż','Ź','ź','Ã','á','Ã','à ',
+ 'Ã','â','Ã','ä','Ã
+ 'Ã','æ','Ã','ç','Ä','Ä','Ä','Ä','Ä','Ä','Ã','é','Ã','è',
+ 'Ã','ê','Ã','ë','Ä','Ä','Ä','Ä','Ä ','Ä¡','Ħ','ħ','Ã','Ã','Ã','î',
+ 'Ī','Ä«','Ĭ','Ä','Ľ','ľ','Ã','ñ','Å','Å','Ã','ó','Ã','ö',
+ 'Ã','ô','Å','Å','Ç','Ç','Å','Å','Ã','ø','Å','Å','Å ',
+ 'Å¡','Å','Å','Ť','Å¥','Å¢','Å£','Å°','ű','Ã','ú',
+ 'Ã','ü','Å®','ů','Ū','Å«','Ã','û','Ŭ','Å',
+ 'Ã','ý','Ž','ž','Ã','Ã','ð','Ã','þ','Ð','а','Ð',
+ 'б','Ð','в','Ð','г','Ð','д','Ð','е','Ð','Ñ','Ð',
+ 'ж','Ð','з','Ð','и','Ð','й','Ð','к','Ð','л','Ð',
+ 'м','Ð','н','Ð','о','Ð','п','Ð ','Ñ','С','Ñ',
+ 'Т','Ñ','У','Ñ','Ф','Ñ','Ð¥','Ñ
+ 'Ñ','Ш','Ñ','Щ','Ñ','Ъ','Ñ','Ы','Ñ','Ь','Ñ','Ð',
+ 'Ñ','Ю','Ñ','Я','Ñ','Ñ','Ñ','Ñ','Ñ','Ñ','Ñ','Ñ',
+ 'Ò','Ò','Î','α','Î','β','Î','γ','Î','δ','Î','ε',
+ 'Î','ζ','Î','η','Î','θ','Î','ι','Î','κ','Î','λ','Î',
+ 'μ','Î','ν','Î','ξ','Î','ο','Î ','Ï','Ρ','Ï','Σ','Ï','Ï',
+ 'Τ','Ï','Î¥','Ï
+ 'â','¡','¿','$','¢','£','â¬','©','®','°','¹','²','³',
+ '¼','½','¾','â ','§','â°','â¢','â','â','â','â',
+ 'ââ','«»','â','[',']','[','~','|','â','·',
+ 'Ã','÷','â','â ','±','â¤','â¥','â'];
+ var tableContent = "";
+ for(var i in specialChars) {
+ if(i % 14 == 0 && i > 0) {
+ tableContent += " ";
+ }
+ tableContent += " ";
+ }
+ tableContent += " ";
+ $("#content").append(specialCharsContainer);
+ $("#tableSpecialChars").append(tableContent);
+ /* events */
+ $('.specialBtn').click(function(){
+ insertAtCaret($('div.html-editarea textarea')[0], $(this).val());
+ $(specialCharsContainer).remove();
+ });
+ $('#specialCharsClose').click(function(){
+ $(specialCharsContainer).remove();
+ });
+ } else {
+ window.alert('Najedź na fragment tekstu, wybierz "Edytuj" i ustaw kursor na miejscu gdzie chcesz wstawiÄ symbol.');
+ }
+ }
+ function insertAtCaret(txtarea,text) {
+ /* http://www.scottklarr.com/topic/425/how-to-insert-text-into-a-textarea-where-the-cursor-is/ */
+ var scrollPos = txtarea.scrollTop;
+ var strPos = 0;
+ var br = ((txtarea.selectionStart || txtarea.selectionStart == '0') ? "ff" : (document.selection ? "ie" : false ) );
+ if (br == "ie") {
+ txtarea.focus();
+ var range = document.selection.createRange();
+ range.moveStart ('character', -txtarea.value.length);
+ strPos = range.text.length;
+ } else if (br == "ff") strPos = txtarea.selectionStart;
+ var front = (txtarea.value).substring(0,strPos);
+ var back = (txtarea.value).substring(strPos,txtarea.value.length);
+ txtarea.value=front+text+back;
+ strPos = strPos + text.length;
+ if (br == "ie") {
+ txtarea.focus();
+ var range = document.selection.createRange();
+ range.moveStart ('character', -txtarea.value.length);
+ range.moveStart ('character', strPos);
+ range.moveEnd ('character', 0);
+ range.select();
+ } else if (br == "ff") {
+ txtarea.selectionStart = strPos;
+ txtarea.selectionEnd = strPos;
+ txtarea.focus();
+ }
+ txtarea.scrollTop = scrollPos;
+ }
/* open edition window for selected fragment */
function openForEdit($origin){
var $box = null
@@ -205,32 +288,42 @@
else {
$box = $origin;
var x = $box[0].offsetLeft;
- var y = $box[0].offsetTop;
+ var y = $box[0].offsetTop;
var w = $box.outerWidth();
var h = $box.innerHeight();
if ($origin.is(".annotation-inline-box")) {
w = Math.max(w, 400);
h = Math.max(h, 60);
+ if($('.htmlview div').offset().left + $('.htmlview div').width() > ($('.vsplitbar').offset().left - 480)){
+ x = -(Math.max($origin.offset().left, $origin.width()));
+ } else {
+ x = 100;
+ }
// start edition on this node
- var $overlay = $('Zapisz UsuÅ
+ var $overlay = $('Zapisz UsuÅ tytuÅ dzieÅa wyróżnienie sÅowo obce
position: 'absolute',
height: h,
left: x,
top: y,
width: w
}).appendTo($box[0].offsetParent || $box.parent()).show();
if ($origin.is('.motyw')) {
- $('textarea', $overlay).autocomplete(THEMES, {
- autoFill: true,
- multiple: true,
- selectFirst: true
- });
+ $('.akap-edit-button').remove();
+ withThemes(function(canonThemes){
+ $('textarea', $overlay).autocomplete(canonThemes, {
+ autoFill: true,
+ multiple: true,
+ selectFirst: true,
+ highlight: false
+ });
+ })
if ($origin.is('.motyw')){
@@ -254,7 +347,14 @@
else {
- $('.delete-button', $overlay).hide();
+ $('.delete-button', $overlay).html("Anuluj");
+ $('.delete-button', $overlay).click(function(){
+ if (window.confirm("Czy jesteÅ pewien, że chcesz anulowaÄ zmiany?")) {
+ $overlay.remove();
+ $(document).unbind('click.blur-overlay');
+ return false;
+ };
+ });
@@ -281,7 +381,13 @@
xml: '<' + nodeName + '>' + insertedText + '' + nodeName + '>',
success: function(element){
- $origin.html($(element).html());
+ if (nodeName == 'out-of-flow-text') {
+ $(element).children().insertAfter($origin);
+ $origin.remove()
+ }
+ else {
+ $origin.html($(element).html());
+ }
error: function(text){
@@ -289,8 +395,49 @@
d! ' + text);
+ var msg = $("Twoje zmiany zostaÅy naniesione na tekst źródÅowy. PamiÄtaj, że aby zmiany zostaÅy utrwalone należy je zapisaÄ !
Ta wiadomoÅÄ zostanie automatycznie zamkniÄta za 6 sekund.
+ $("#base").prepend(msg);
+ $("#save-button").css({border: '2px solid #801000', backgroundColor: '#E1C1C1'});
+ $('#base .saveNotify').fadeOut(7000, function(){
+ $(this).remove();
+ $("#save-button").css({border: '1px solid black'});
+ });
+ $('.akap-edit-button', $overlay).click(function(){
+ var textAreaOpened = $('textarea', $overlay)[0];
+ var startTag = "";
+ var endTag = "";
+ var buttonName = this.innerHTML;
+ if(buttonName == "sÅowo obce") {
+ startTag = "";
+ endTag = " ";
+ } else if (buttonName == "wyróżnienie") {
+ startTag = "";
+ endTag = " ";
+ } else if (buttonName == "tytuÅ dzieÅa") {
+ startTag = "";
+ endTag = " ";
+ }
+ var myField = textAreaOpened;
+ //IE support
+ if (document.selection) {
+ textAreaOpened.focus();
+ sel = document.selection.createRange();
+ sel.text = startTag + sel.text + endTag;
+ }
+ else if (textAreaOpened.selectionStart || textAreaOpened.selectionStart == '0') {
+ var startPos = textAreaOpened.selectionStart;
+ var endPos = textAreaOpened.selectionEnd;
+ textAreaOpened.value = textAreaOpened.value.substring(0, startPos)
+ + startTag + textAreaOpened.value.substring(startPos, endPos) + endTag + textAreaOpened.value.substring(endPos, textAreaOpened.value.length);
+ }
+ });
$('.accept-button', $overlay).click(function(){
@@ -300,7 +447,6 @@
@@ -348,6 +494,11 @@
return false;
+ $('#insert-symbol-button').click(function(){
+ addSymbol();
+ return false;
+ });
$('.edit-button').live('click', function(event){
@@ -391,12 +542,11 @@
- error: function(text){
- var message = $(' ');
- message.text(text);
- $('#html-view').html('WystÄ
piÅ bÅÄ
' +
- message.html() +
- ' ');
+ error: function(text, source){
+ err = 'WystÄ
piÅ bÅÄ
+ if (source)
+ err += ''+source.replace(/&/g, '&').replace(/'
+ $('#html-view').html(err);