X-Git-Url: https://git.mdrn.pl/redakcja.git/blobdiff_plain/2f9c60b76f3ab4e69d794a6bb14388a81ff29eb7..5ae7908036c081c642aafd1c37dfaf9b94bf2445:/apps/catalogue/helpers.py?ds=sidebyside

diff --git a/apps/catalogue/helpers.py b/apps/catalogue/helpers.py
index c9dc0bd9..e88c7e24 100644
--- a/apps/catalogue/helpers.py
+++ b/apps/catalogue/helpers.py
@@ -1,6 +1,16 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# This file is part of MIL/PEER, licensed under GNU Affero GPLv3 or later.
+# Copyright © Fundacja Nowoczesna Polska. See NOTICE for more information.
+from datetime import date
 from functools import wraps
-from django.db.models import Count
+from os.path import join
+from os import listdir
+from shutil import move, rmtree
+from django.conf import settings
+import re
+import filecmp
 def active_tab(tab):
@@ -16,50 +26,135 @@ def active_tab(tab):
     return wrapper
-class ChunksList(object):
-    def __init__(self, chunk_qs):
-        self.chunk_qs = chunk_qs.annotate(
-            book_length=Count('book__chunk')).select_related(
-            'book', 'stage__name',
-            'user')
-        self.book_qs = chunk_qs.values('book_id')
-    def __getitem__(self, key):
-        if isinstance(key, slice):
-            return self.get_slice(key)
-        elif isinstance(key, int):
-            return self.get_slice(slice(key, key+1))[0]
-        else:
-            raise TypeError('Unsupported list index. Must be a slice or an int.')
-    def __len__(self):
-        return self.book_qs.count()
-    def get_slice(self, slice_):
-        book_ids = [x['book_id'] for x in self.book_qs[slice_]]
-        chunk_qs = self.chunk_qs.filter(book__in=book_ids)
-        chunks_list = []
-        book = None
-        for chunk in chunk_qs:
-            if chunk.book != book:
-                book = chunk.book
-                chunks_list.append(ChoiceChunks(book, [chunk], chunk.book_length))
+def cached_in_field(field_name):
+    def decorator(f):
+        @property
+        @wraps(f)
+        def wrapped(self, *args, **kwargs):
+            value = getattr(self, field_name)
+            if value is None:
+                value = f(self, *args, **kwargs)
+                type(self)._default_manager.filter(pk=self.pk).update(**{field_name: value})
+            return value
+        return wrapped
+    return decorator
+def parse_isodate(isodate):
+    try:
+        return date(*[int(p) for p in isodate.split('-')])
+    except (AttributeError, TypeError, ValueError):
+        raise ValueError("Not a date in ISO format.")
+class GalleryMerger(object):
+    def __init__(self, dest_gallery, src_gallery):
+        self.dest = dest_gallery
+        self.src = src_gallery
+        self.dest_size = None
+        self.src_size = None
+        self.num_deleted = 0
+    @staticmethod
+    def path(gallery):
+        return join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, settings.IMAGE_DIR, gallery)
+    @staticmethod
+    def get_prefix(name):
+        m = re.match(r"^([0-9])-", name)
+        if m:
+            return int(m.groups()[0])
+        return None
+    @staticmethod
+    def set_prefix(name, prefix, always=False):
+        m = not always and re.match(r"^([0-9])-", name)
+        return "%1d-%s" % (prefix, m and name[2:] or name)
+    @property
+    def was_merged(self):
+        """Check if we have gallery size recorded"""
+        return self.dest_size is not None
+    def merge(self):
+        if not self.dest:
+            return self.src
+        if not self.src:
+            return self.dest
+        files = listdir(self.path(self.dest))
+        files.sort()
+        self.dest_size = len(files)
+        files_other = listdir(self.path(self.src))
+        files_other.sort()
+        self.src_size = len(files_other)
+        if files and files_other:
+            if filecmp.cmp(
+                    join(self.path(self.dest), files[-1]),
+                    join(self.path(self.src), files_other[0]),
+                    False
+                    ):
+                files_other.pop(0)
+                self.num_deleted = 1
+        prefixes = {}
+        renamed_files = {}
+        renamed_files_other = {}
+        last_pfx = -1
+        # check if all elements of my files have a prefix
+        files_prefixed = True
+        for f in files:
+            p = self.get_prefix(f)
+            if p:
+                if p > last_pfx:
+                    last_pfx = p
-                chunks_list[-1].chunks.append(chunk)
-        return chunks_list
+                files_prefixed = False
+                break
+        # if not, add a 0 prefix to them
+        if not files_prefixed:
+            prefixes[0] = 0
+            for f in files:
+                renamed_files[f] = self.set_prefix(f, 0, True)
-class ChoiceChunks(object):
-    """
-        Associates the given chunks iterable for a book.
-    """
+        # two cases here - either all are prefixed or not.
+        files_other_prefixed = True
+        for f in files_other:
+            pfx = self.get_prefix(f)
+            if pfx is not None:
+                if pfx not in prefixes:
+                    last_pfx += 1
+                    prefixes[pfx] = last_pfx
+                renamed_files_other[f] = self.set_prefix(f, prefixes[pfx])
+            else:
+                # ops, not all files here were prefixed.
+                files_other_prefixed = False
+                break
+        # just set a 1- prefix to all of them
+        if not files_other_prefixed:
+            for f in files_other:
+                renamed_files_other[f] = self.set_prefix(f, 1, True)
+        # finally, move / rename files.
+        for frm, to in renamed_files.items():
+            move(join(self.path(self.dest), frm),
+                 join(self.path(self.dest), to))
+        for frm, to in renamed_files_other.items():
+            move(join(self.path(self.src), frm),
+                 join(self.path(self.dest), to))
+        rmtree(join(self.path(self.src)))
+        return self.dest
-    chunks = None
-    def __init__(self, book, chunks, book_length):
-        self.book = book
-        self.chunks = chunks
-        self.book_length = book_length
+# Maybe subclass?
+def sstdocument(text):
+    from librarian.document import Document
+    return Document.from_string(
+        text,
+        )