{% extends "catalogue/base.html" %} {% load i18n %} {% load thumbnail %} {% load static %} {% block content %}


{% blocktrans %}

Media & Information Literacy
Platform for Exchanging
Educational Resources

{% endblocktrans %} {% trans "Create and share your resources
Start tutorial" %}
{#{% trans "Competition" %}#}

{% trans "Joint project by:" %}

{{ block.super }} {% endblock %} {% block inner_content %}

{% trans "See active organizations and join" %}

{% for org in organizations %}
{% if org.logo %} {% thumbnail org.logo "160x100" format="PNG" padding=True as th %} {% endthumbnail %} {% endif %}
{{ org.name }}
{% endfor %} {% if more_organizations %}

{% trans "More organizations" %}

{% endif %}

{% trans "Finished resources" %}

{% for doc in finished %} {% include "catalogue/resource_box.html" with link_url='catalogue_html' %} {% endfor %} {% if more_finished %}

{% trans "More finished resources" %}

{% endif %}

{% trans "Upcoming resources" %}

{% for doc in upcoming %} {% include "catalogue/resource_box.html" with link_url='catalogue_preview' %} {% endfor %} {% if more_upcoming %}

{% trans "More upcoming resources" %}

{% endif %}
{% endblock %}