{% load i18n %}
{% csrf_token %}
{% csrf_token %}
{% trans "About" %}
{% trans "App Your School" %}
{% trans "Competition" %}
{% trans "Organizations" %}
{% trans "New organization" %}
{% trans "All organizations" %}
{% if user.membership_set.all.exists %}
{% trans "My organizations" %}:
{% for membership in user.membership_set.all %}
{{ membership.organization }}
{% endfor %} {% else %}
{% trans "You are not a member of any organizations" %}
{% endif %}
{% trans "Resources" %}
{% trans "New resource" %}
{% if user.is_authenticated %}
{% trans "My resources" %}
{% endif %}
{% trans "Finished resources" %}
{% trans "Upcoming resources" %}
{% if user.is_authenticated %}
{{ user.username }}
{% trans "Edit my data" %}
{% if user.is_staff %}
{% trans "Admin" %}
{% endif %}
{% trans "Logout" %}
{% else %} {% url "login" as login_url %} {% ifnotequal login_url request.path %}
{% trans "Log in / Register" %}
{% trans "Log in / Register" %}
{% csrf_token %}
{% trans "E-mail" %}
{% trans "Password" %}
{% trans "Log in" %}
{% trans "I forgot my password" %}
{% trans "
Register now
to start editing your own materials." %}
{% trans "Register" %}
{% endifnotequal %} {% endif %}