{% extends "wiki/base.html" %} {% load i18n %} {% load pagination_tags %} {% load wiki %} {% block extrabody %} {{ block.super }} {% endblock %} {% block leftcolumn %}
{% autopaginate books 100 %} {% if not books %} {% endif %} {% for item in books %} {% with item.book as book %} {% ifequal item.book_length 1 %} {% with item.chunks.0 as chunk %} {% endwith %} {% else %} {% for chunk in item.chunks %} {% endfor %} {% endifequal %} {% endwith %} {% endfor %}
{% trans "No books found." %}
[B] [c] {{ book.title }} ({{ chunk.stage }}) {% if chunk.user %}{{ chunk.user.first_name }} {{ chunk.user.last_name }}{% endif %}
[B] {{ book.title }}
[c] {{ chunk.number }}. {{ chunk.comment }} ({{ chunk.stage }}) {% if chunk.user %}{{ chunk.user.first_name }} {{ chunk.user.last_name }}{% endif %}
{% paginate %}
{% endblock leftcolumn %} {% block rightcolumn %}

{% trans "Your last edited documents" %}

    {% for slugs, item in last_books %}
  1. {{ item.title }}
    ({{ item.time|date:"H:i:s, d/m/Y" }})
  2. {% endfor %}

{% trans "Recent activity" %}

{% wall %} {% endblock rightcolumn %}