{% extends "wiki/base.html" %} {% load comments i18n %} {% block leftcolumn %} {% trans "edit" %}

{{ book.title }}

{% for c in chunks %} {% endfor %} {% if need_fixing %} {% endif %}
{{ c.chunk.comment }} {% for fix in c.fix %} {% ifequal fix "wl" %}</>{% endifequal %} {% ifequal fix "bad-master" %}master{% endifequal %} {% ifequal fix "trim-begin" %}{% endifequal %} {% ifequal fix "trim-end" %}{% endifequal %} {% endfor %} {% ifequal c.grade "plain" %} {% trans "unstructured text" %} {% endifequal %} {% ifequal c.grade "xml" %} {% trans "unknown XML" %} {% endifequal %} {% ifequal c.grade "wl-broken" %} {% trans "broken document" %} {% endifequal %} [{% trans "edit" %}] {% if c.chunk.publishable %}P{% endif %} {% if c.chunk.user.is_authenticated %} {{ c.chunk.user }} {% endif %} [+]
{% csrf_token %} {% if choose_master %} {{ form.master }} {% endif %}

{% trans "Append to other book" %}

{% trans "Last published" %}: {{ book.last_published }}

{% if book.publishable %}

{% trans "Full XML" %}
{% trans "HTML version" %}
{% trans "TXT version" %}
{% comment %} {% trans "EPUB version" %}
{% trans "PDF version" %}
{% endcomment %}

{% csrf_token %}

{% else %} {% trans "This book cannot be published yet" %} {% endif %} {% endblock leftcolumn %} {% block rightcolumn %} {% render_comment_list for book %} {% render_comment_form for book %} {% endblock rightcolumn %}