function FileSubmit(FileURL, ThumbURL, FileType) { // var"___").join("."); var,'-').split("___").join("."); var preview_id = 'image_' + input_id; var link_id = 'link_' + input_id; var help_id = 'help_' + input_id; input = opener.document.getElementById(input_id); preview = opener.document.getElementById(preview_id); link = opener.document.getElementById(link_id); help = opener.document.getElementById(help_id); // set new value for input field input.value = FileURL; if (ThumbURL && FileType != "") { // selected file is an image and thumbnail is available: // display the preview-image (thumbnail) // link the preview-image to the original image link.setAttribute("href", FileURL); link.setAttribute("target", "_blank"); preview.setAttribute("src", ThumbURL); help.setAttribute("style", "display:block"); } else { // hide preview elements link.setAttribute("href", ""); link.setAttribute("target", ""); preview.setAttribute("src", ""); help.setAttribute("style", "display:none"); } this.close(); }