{% extends "catalogue/base.html" %} {% load i18n pipeline catalogue_files %} {% block title %}{{ sst.meta.title }}{% endblock %} {% load thumbnail %} {% block content %} {% if preview or can_edit and revision == published_revision %}

{% if specific %} {% url 'catalogue_html' doc.pk as url %} {% blocktrans %}This is a preview of a specific revision of this resource.{% endblocktrans %}
{% endif %} {% if revision.pk != doc.revision.pk and doc.revision.pk != published_revision.pk %} {% url 'catalogue_preview' doc.pk as url %} {% blocktrans %}There have been some changes since this revision. See the current revision.{% endblocktrans %}
{% endif %} {% if published_revision %} {% if published_revision != revision %} {% url 'catalogue_html' doc.pk as url %} {% blocktrans %}This resource has a published version.{% endblocktrans %} {% endif %} {% else %} {% trans "This resource hasn't been published yet." %} {% endif %}

{% if can_edit and not revision == published_revision %}
{% csrf_token %}
{% endif %} {% if can_edit and revision == published_revision %}
{% csrf_token %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% trans "Audience" %}: {{ doc.meta.audience|default:"–" }}
{{ block.super }}
{% endblock %} {% block inner_content %} {{ html|safe }} {% endblock %}