1 {% extends "wiki/base.html" %}
8 <h2>{% trans "Bulk documents upload" %}</h2>
11 {% trans "Please submit a ZIP with UTF-8 encoded XML files. Files not ending with <code>.xml</code> will be ignored." %}
14 <form enctype="multipart/form-data" method="POST" action="">
16 <p><button type="submit">{% trans "Upload" %}</button></p>
23 <p class='error'>{% trans "There have been some errors. No files have been added to the repository." %}
24 <h3>{% trans "Offending files" %}</h3>
26 {% for filename, title, error in error_list %}
27 <li>{{ title }} (<code>{{ filename }}</code>): {{ error }}</li>
32 <h3>{% trans "Correct files" %}</h3>
34 {% for filename, slug, title in ok_list %}
35 <li>{{ title }} (<code>{{ filename }}</code>)</li>
43 <p class='success'>{% trans "Files have been successfully uploaded to the repository." %}</p>
44 <h3>{% trans "Uploaded files" %}</h3>
46 {% for filename, slug, title in ok_list %}
47 <li><a href='{% url wiki_editor slug %}'>{{ title }}</a> (<code>{{ filename }})</a></li>
54 <h3>{% trans "Skipped files" %}</h3>
55 <p>{% trans "Files skipped due to no <code>.xml</code> extension" %}</p>
56 <ul id='skipped-list'>
57 {% for filename in skipped_list %}
58 <li>{{ filename }}</li>
64 {% endblock leftcolumn %}
67 {% block rightcolumn %}
68 {% endblock rightcolumn %}