1 {% extends "catalogue/base.html" %}
4 {% block inner_content %}
5 <h1>{% trans "Create a new resource" %}</h1>
8 <form enctype="multipart/form-data" method="POST">
10 {{ form.non_field_errors }}
11 <label for="owner">{% trans "Owner" %}</label>
12 {{ form.owner_organization.errors }}
13 <select class="form-control" name="owner_organization" id="owner"
14 data-toggle="tutorial" data-tutorial="1" data-placement="bottom"
15 data-content="{% trans 'You can choose whether the resource should be owned by you or by your organization. This can be changed later.' %}"
17 <option>{{ request.user }}</option>
18 {% for org in request.user.membership_set.all %}
19 <option value="{{ org.organization.pk }}"
20 {% if form.owner_organization.value == org.organization.pk %}selected="selected"{% endif %}
21 >{{ org.organization }}</option>
24 <label for="title">{% trans "Title" %}</label>
25 {{ form.title.errors }}
26 <input class="form-control" name="title" id="title" type="text" value='{{ form.title.value|default:"" }}'>
27 <label for="title">{% trans "Cover image" %}</label>
28 {{ form.cover.errors }}
30 <label for="language">{% trans "Language" %}</label>
31 {{ form.language.errors }}
32 <input class="form-control" name="language" id="language" type="text" value='{{ form.language.value|default:"" }}'>
33 <label for="publisher">{% trans "Publisher" %}</label>
34 {{ form.publisher.errors }}
35 <input class="form-control" name="publisher" id="publisher" type="text" value='{{ form.publisher.value|default:"" }}'>
36 <label for="rights">{% trans "Rights" %}</label>
37 {{ form.rights.errors }}
38 <select class="form-control" name="rights" id="rights"
39 data-toggle="tutorial" data-tutorial="2" data-placement="bottom"
40 data-content="{% trans 'You should choose a free license for your resource. We recommend using Creative Commons Attribution - Share Alike.' %}"
42 <option value=''>–</option>
44 data-help="{% trans 'Only set for resources that are not restricted with copyright.' %}"
45 >{% trans "public domain" %}</option>
47 data-help="{% trans "Non-copyleft free culture license. See <a target='_blank' href='//creativecommons.org/choose/'>creativecommons.org</a>" %}"
48 >{% trans "Creative Commons Attribution" %}</option>
49 <option name='cc-by-sa'
50 data-help="{% trans "Copyleft free culture license. See <a target='_blank' href='//creativecommons.org/choose/'>creativecommons.org</a>" %}"
51 >{% trans "Creative Commons Attribution – Share Alike" %}</option>
53 data-help="{% trans "Copyleft free culture license. See <a target='_blank' href='http://artlibre.org/'>artlibre.org</a>" %}"
54 >{% trans "Free Art License" %}</option>
56 <div class="help-text" style="text-align: right;"></div>
57 <label for="audience">{% trans "Audience" %}</label>
58 {{ form.audience.errors }}
59 <select class="form-control" name="audience" id="audience"
60 data-toggle="tutorial" data-tutorial="3" data-placement="bottom"
61 data-content="{% trans 'Choose primary audience for your resource.' %}"
66 <option>12-18</option>
68 <option>Adults</option>
71 <label for="description">{% trans "Summary" %}</label>
72 {{ form.description.errors }}
73 <textarea class="form-control" name="description" id="description"
74 data-toggle="tutorial" data-tutorial="4" data-placement="top"
75 data-content="{% trans 'You can provide a short description of the document here.' %}"
76 >{{ form.description.value|default:"" }}</textarea>
77 {% for tag_form in tag_forms %}
78 {% for tag_field in tag_form %}
79 <label for="id_{{ tag_form.prefix }}-{{ tag_field.name }}">{{ tag_field.label }}</label>
80 {{ tag_field.errors }}
85 <button style="margin-top:1em;" class="btn btn-default" type="submit">{% trans "Create resource" %}</button>