--- /dev/null
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# This file is part of Librarian, licensed under GNU Affero GPLv3 or later.
+# Copyright © Fundacja Nowoczesna Polska. See NOTICE for more information.
+"""PDF creation library.
+Creates one big XML from the book and its children, converts it to LaTeX
+with TeXML, then runs it by XeLaTeX.
+from __future__ import with_statement
+import os
+import os.path
+import shutil
+from StringIO import StringIO
+from tempfile import mkdtemp, NamedTemporaryFile
+import re
+from copy import deepcopy
+from subprocess import call, PIPE
+from Texml.processor import process
+from lxml import etree
+from lxml.etree import XMLSyntaxError, XSLTApplyError
+from xmlutils import Xmill, tag, tagged, ifoption
+from librarian.dcparser import Person
+from librarian.parser import WLDocument
+from librarian import ParseError, DCNS, get_resource, IOFile, Format
+from librarian import functions
+from pdf import PDFFormat
+def escape(really):
+ def deco(f):
+ def _wrap(*args, **kw):
+ value = f(*args, **kw)
+ prefix = (u'<TeXML escape="%d">' % (really and 1 or 0))
+ postfix = u'</TeXML>'
+ if isinstance(value, list):
+ import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ if isinstance(value, tuple):
+ return prefix + value[0], value[1] + postfix
+ else:
+ return prefix + value + postfix
+ return _wrap
+ return deco
+def cmd(name, pass_text=False):
+ def wrap(self, element):
+ pre = u'<cmd name="%s">' % name
+ if pass_text:
+ pre += "<parm>%s</parm>" % element.text
+ return pre + '</cmd>'
+ else:
+ return pre, '</cmd>'
+ return wrap
+def mark_alien_characters(text):
+ text = re.sub(ur"([\u0400-\u04ff]+)", ur"<alien>\1</alien>", text)
+ return text
+class EduModule(Xmill):
+ def __init__(self, options=None):
+ super(EduModule, self).__init__(options)
+ self.activity_counter = 0
+ self.register_text_filter(functions.substitute_entities)
+ self.register_text_filter(mark_alien_characters)
+ def get_dc(self, element, dc_field, single=False):
+ values = map(lambda t: t.text, element.xpath("//dc:%s" % dc_field, namespaces={'dc': DCNS.uri}))
+ if single:
+ return values[0]
+ return values
+ def handle_rdf__RDF(self, _):
+ "skip metadata in generation"
+ return
+ @escape(True)
+ def get_rightsinfo(self, element):
+ rights_lic = self.get_dc(element, 'rights.license', True)
+ return u'<cmd name="rightsinfostr">' + \
+ (rights_lic and u'<opt>%s</opt>' % rights_lic or '') +\
+ u'<parm>%s</parm>' % self.get_dc(element, 'rights', True) +\
+ u'</cmd>'
+ @escape(True)
+ def get_authors(self, element):
+ authors = self.get_dc(element, 'creator.expert') + \
+ self.get_dc(element, 'creator.scenario') + \
+ self.get_dc(element, 'creator.textbook')
+ return u', '.join(authors)
+ @escape(1)
+ def get_title(self, element):
+ return self.get_dc(element, 'title', True)
+ def handle_utwor(self, element):
+ lines = [
+ u'''
+ <TeXML xmlns="http://getfo.sourceforge.net/texml/ns1">
+ <TeXML escape="0">
+ \\documentclass[%s]{wl}
+ \\usepackage{style}''' % self.options['customization_str'],
+ self.options['has_cover'] and '\usepackage{makecover}',
+ (self.options['morefloats'] == 'new' and '\usepackage[maxfloats=64]{morefloats}') or
+ (self.options['morefloats'] == 'old' and '\usepackage{morefloats}') or
+ (self.options['morefloats'] == 'none' and
+ u'''\\IfFileExists{morefloats.sty}{
+ \\usepackage{morefloats}
+ }{}'''),
+ u'''\\def\\authors{%s}''' % self.get_authors(element),
+ u'''\\author{\\authors}''',
+ u'''\\title{%s}''' % self.get_title(element),
+ u'''\\def\\bookurl{%s}''' % self.get_dc(element, 'identifier.url', True),
+ u'''\\def\\rightsinfo{%s}''' % self.get_rightsinfo(element),
+ u'</TeXML>']
+ return u"".join(filter(None, lines)), u'</TeXML>'
+ handle_naglowek_rozdzial = escape(True)(cmd("naglowekrozdzial", True))
+ handle_naglowek_podrozdzial = escape(True)(cmd("naglowekpodrozdzial", True))
+ @escape(1)
+ def handle_powiesc(self, element):
+ return u"""
+ <env name="document">
+ <cmd name="maketitle"/>
+ """, """</env>"""
+ handle_autor_utworu = cmd('autorutworu', True)
+ handle_nazwa_utworu = cmd('nazwautworu', True)
+ handle_dzielo_nadrzedne = cmd('dzielonadrzedne', True)
+ handle_podtytul = cmd('podtytul', True)
+ handle_akap = handle_akap_dialog = handle_akap_cd = lambda s, e: ("\n", "\n")
+ handle_strofa = lambda s, e: ("\n","\n")
+ def handle_aktywnosc(self, element):
+ self.activity_counter += 1
+ self.options = {
+ 'activity': True,
+ 'activity_counter': self.activity_counter,
+ 'sub_gen': True,
+ }
+ submill = EduModule(self.options)
+ opis = submill.generate(element.xpath('opis')[0])
+ n = element.xpath('wskazowki')
+ if n: wskazowki = submill.generate(n[0])
+ else: wskazowki = ''
+ n = element.xpath('pomoce')
+ if n: pomoce = submill.generate(n[0])
+ else: pomoce = ''
+ forma = ''.join(element.xpath('forma/text()'))
+ czas = ''.join(element.xpath('czas/text()'))
+ counter = self.activity_counter
+ return u"""
+Czas: %(czas)s min
+Forma: %(forma)s
+%(counter)d. %(opis)s
+""" % locals()
+ handle_opis = ifoption(sub_gen=True)(lambda s, e: ('', ''))
+ handle_wskazowki = ifoption(sub_gen=True)(lambda s, e: ('', ''))
+ @ifoption(sub_gen=True)
+ def handle_pomoce(self, _):
+ return "Pomoce: ", ""
+ def handle_czas(self, *_):
+ return
+ def handle_forma(self, *_):
+ return
+# def handle_cwiczenie(self, element):
+# exercise_handlers = {
+# 'wybor': Wybor,
+# 'uporzadkuj': Uporzadkuj,
+# 'luki': Luki,
+# 'zastap': Zastap,
+# 'przyporzadkuj': Przyporzadkuj,
+# 'prawdafalsz': PrawdaFalsz
+# }
+# typ = element.attrib['typ']
+# handler = exercise_handlers[typ](self.options)
+# return handler.generate(element)
+# # Lists
+# def handle_lista(self, element, attrs={}):
+# ltype = element.attrib.get('typ', 'punkt')
+# if ltype == 'slowniczek':
+# surl = element.attrib.get('href', None)
+# sxml = None
+# if surl:
+# sxml = etree.fromstring(self.options['provider'].by_uri(surl).get_string())
+# self.options = {'slowniczek': True, 'slowniczek_xml': sxml }
+# return '<div class="slowniczek">', '</div>'
+# listtag = {'num': 'ol',
+# 'punkt': 'ul',
+# 'alfa': 'ul',
+# 'czytelnia': 'ul'}[ltype]
+# classes = attrs.get('class', '')
+# if classes: del attrs['class']
+# attrs_s = ' '.join(['%s="%s"' % kv for kv in attrs.items()])
+# if attrs_s: attrs_s = ' ' + attrs_s
+# return '<%s class="lista %s %s"%s>' % (listtag, ltype, classes, attrs_s), '</%s>' % listtag
+# def handle_punkt(self, element):
+# if self.options['slowniczek']:
+# return '<dl>', '</dl>'
+# else:
+# return '<li>', '</li>'
+# def handle_definiendum(self, element):
+# nxt = element.getnext()
+# definiens_s = ''
+# # let's pull definiens from another document
+# if self.options['slowniczek_xml'] and (not nxt or nxt.tag != 'definiens'):
+# sxml = self.options['slowniczek_xml']
+# assert element.text != ''
+# defloc = sxml.xpath("//definiendum[text()='%s']" % element.text)
+# if defloc:
+# definiens = defloc[0].getnext()
+# if definiens.tag == 'definiens':
+# subgen = EduModule(self.options)
+# definiens_s = subgen.generate(definiens)
+# return u"<dt>", u"</dt>" + definiens_s
+# def handle_definiens(self, element):
+# return u"<dd>", u"</dd>"
+# def handle_podpis(self, element):
+# return u"""<div class="caption">""", u"</div>"
+# def handle_tabela(self, element):
+# has_frames = int(element.attrib.get("ramki", "0"))
+# if has_frames: frames_c = "framed"
+# else: frames_c = ""
+# return u"""<table class="%s">""" % frames_c, u"</table>"
+# def handle_wiersz(self, element):
+# return u"<tr>", u"</tr>"
+# def handle_kol(self, element):
+# return u"<td>", u"</td>"
+# def handle_rdf__RDF(self, _):
+# # ustal w opcjach rzeczy :D
+# return
+# def handle_link(self, element):
+# if 'material' in element.attrib:
+# formats = re.split(r"[, ]+", element.attrib['format'])
+# fmt_links = []
+# for f in formats:
+# fmt_links.append(u'<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (self.options['urlmapper'].url_for_material(element.attrib['material'], f), f.upper()))
+# return u"", u' (%s)' % u' '.join(fmt_links)
+# class Exercise(EduModule):
+# def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
+# self.question_counter = 0
+# super(Exercise, self).__init__(*args, **kw)
+# def handle_rozw_kom(self, element):
+# return u"""<div style="display:none" class="comment">""", u"""</div>"""
+# def handle_cwiczenie(self, element):
+# self.options = {'exercise': element.attrib['typ']}
+# self.question_counter = 0
+# self.piece_counter = 0
+# pre = u"""
+# <div class="exercise %(typ)s" data-type="%(typ)s">
+# <form action="#" method="POST">
+# """ % element.attrib
+# post = u"""
+# <div class="buttons">
+# <span class="message"></span>
+# <input type="button" class="check" value="sprawdź"/>
+# <input type="button" class="retry" style="display:none" value="spróbuj ponownie"/>
+# <input type="button" class="solutions" value="pokaż rozwiązanie"/>
+# <input type="button" class="reset" value="reset"/>
+# </div>
+# </form>
+# </div>
+# """
+# # Add a single <pytanie> tag if it's not there
+# if not element.xpath(".//pytanie"):
+# qpre, qpost = self.handle_pytanie(element)
+# pre = pre + qpre
+# post = qpost + post
+# return pre, post
+# def handle_pytanie(self, element):
+# """This will handle <cwiczenie> element, when there is no <pytanie>
+# """
+# add_class = ""
+# self.question_counter += 1
+# self.piece_counter = 0
+# solution = element.attrib.get('rozw', None)
+# if solution: solution_s = ' data-solution="%s"' % solution
+# else: solution_s = ''
+# handles = element.attrib.get('uchwyty', None)
+# if handles:
+# add_class += ' handles handles-%s' % handles
+# self.options = {'handles': handles}
+# minimum = element.attrib.get('min', None)
+# if minimum: minimum_s = ' data-minimum="%d"' % int(minimum)
+# else: minimum_s = ''
+# return '<div class="question%s" data-no="%d" %s>' %\
+# (add_class, self.question_counter, solution_s + minimum_s), \
+# "</div>"
+class EduModulePDFFormat(PDFFormat):
+ def get_texml(self):
+ edumod = EduModule()
+ texml = edumod.generate(self.wldoc.edoc.getroot()).encode('utf-8')
+ open("/tmp/texml.xml", "w").write(texml)
+ return texml