-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of Librarian, licensed under GNU Affero GPLv3 or later.
-# Copyright © Fundacja Nowoczesna Polska. See NOTICE for more information.
+# Copyright © Fundacja Wolne Lektury. See NOTICE for more information.
-from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals
+import io
import os
import re
import copy
+import urllib.parse
+import urllib.request
from lxml import etree
-from librarian import XHTMLNS, ParseError, OutputFile
from librarian import functions
+from PIL import Image
-from lxml.etree import XMLSyntaxError, XSLTApplyError
-import six
- 'legacy': 'xslt/book2html.xslt',
- 'full': 'xslt/wl2html_full.xslt',
- 'partial': 'xslt/wl2html_partial.xslt'
-def get_stylesheet(name):
- return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), STYLESHEETS[name])
-def html_has_content(text):
- return etree.ETXPath('//p|//{%(ns)s}p|//h1|//{%(ns)s}h1' % {'ns': str(XHTMLNS)})(text)
-def transform_abstrakt(abstrakt_element):
- style_filename = get_stylesheet('legacy')
- style = etree.parse(style_filename)
- xml = etree.tostring(abstrakt_element, encoding='unicode')
- document = etree.parse(six.StringIO(xml.replace('abstrakt', 'dlugi_cytat'))) # HACK
- result = document.xslt(style)
- html = re.sub('<a name="sec[0-9]*"/>', '', etree.tostring(result, encoding='unicode'))
- return re.sub('</?blockquote[^>]*>', '', html)
-def transform(wldoc, stylesheet='legacy', options=None, flags=None, css=None):
- """Transforms the WL document to XHTML.
- If output_filename is None, returns an XML,
- otherwise returns True if file has been written,False if it hasn't.
- File won't be written if it has no content.
- """
- # Parse XSLT
+def add_image_sizes(tree, gallery_path, gallery_url, base_url):
+ widths = [360, 600, 1200, 1800, 2400]
- style_filename = get_stylesheet(stylesheet)
- style = etree.parse(style_filename)
- document = copy.deepcopy(wldoc)
- del wldoc
- document.swap_endlines()
- if flags:
- for flag in flags:
- document.edoc.getroot().set(flag, 'yes')
- document.clean_ed_note()
- document.clean_ed_note('abstrakt')
- if not options:
- options = {}
- options.setdefault('gallery', "''")
- css = css or 'https://static.wolnelektury.pl/css/compressed/book_text.css'
- css = "'%s'" % css
- result = document.transform(style, css=css, **options)
- del document # no longer needed large object :)
- if html_has_content(result):
- add_anchors(result.getroot())
- add_table_of_themes(result.getroot())
- add_table_of_contents(result.getroot())
- return OutputFile.from_bytes(etree.tostring(
- result, method='html', xml_declaration=False, pretty_print=True, encoding='utf-8'))
- else:
- return None
- except KeyError:
- raise ValueError("'%s' is not a valid stylesheet.")
- except (XMLSyntaxError, XSLTApplyError) as e:
- raise ParseError(e)
-class Fragment(object):
+ os.makedirs(gallery_path)
+ except:
+ pass
+ for i, ilustr in enumerate(tree.findall('//ilustr')):
+ rel_path = ilustr.attrib['src']
+ img_url = urllib.parse.urljoin(base_url, rel_path)
+ f = urllib.request.urlopen(img_url)
+ img = Image.open(f)
+ ext = {'GIF': 'gif', 'PNG': 'png'}.get(img.format, 'jpg')
+ srcset = []
+ # Needed widths: predefined and original, limited by
+ # whichever is smaller.
+ img_widths = [
+ w for w in
+ sorted(
+ set(widths + [img.size[0]])
+ )
+ if w <= min(widths[-1], img.size[0])
+ ]
+ largest = None
+ for w in widths:
+ fname = '%d.W%d.%s' % (i, w, ext)
+ fpath = gallery_path + fname
+ if not os.path.exists(fpath):
+ height = round(img.size[1] * w / img.size[0])
+ th = img.resize((w, height))
+ th.save(fpath)
+ th_url = gallery_url + fname
+ srcset.append(" ".join((
+ th_url,
+ '%dw' % w
+ )))
+ largest_url = th_url
+ ilustr.attrib['srcset'] = ", ".join(srcset)
+ ilustr.attrib['src'] = largest_url
+ f.close()
+class Fragment:
def __init__(self, id, themes):
super(Fragment, self).__init__()
self.id = id
result = []
for event, element in self.closed_events():
if event == 'start':
- result.append(u'<%s %s>' % (
- element.tag, ' '.join('%s="%s"' % (k, v) for k, v in element.attrib.items())))
+ result.append('<%s %s>' % (
+ element.tag,
+ ' '.join(
+ '%s="%s"' % (k, v)
+ for k, v in element.attrib.items()
+ )
+ ))
if element.text:
elif event == 'end':
- result.append(u'</%s>' % element.tag)
+ result.append('</%s>' % element.tag)
if element.tail:
# iterparse would die on a HTML document
parser = etree.HTMLParser(encoding='utf-8')
- buf = six.BytesIO()
- buf.write(etree.tostring(etree.parse(input_filename, parser).getroot()[0][0], encoding='utf-8'))
+ buf = io.BytesIO()
+ buf.write(etree.tostring(
+ etree.parse(input_filename, parser).getroot()[0][0],
+ encoding='utf-8'
+ ))
for event, element in etree.iterparse(buf, events=('start', 'end')):
while parent.get('id', None) != 'book-text':
cparent = copy.deepcopy(parent)
cparent.text = None
+ if 'id' in cparent.attrib:
+ del cparent.attrib['id']
parent = parent.getparent()
for parent in parents:
fragment.append('start', parent)
- open_fragments[fragment.id] = fragment
+ if fragment.id not in open_fragments:
+ open_fragments[fragment.id] = fragment
# Close existing fragment
fragment = open_fragments[element.get('fid')]
except KeyError:
- print('%s:closed not open fragment #%s' % (input_filename, element.get('fid')))
+ print('%s:closed not open fragment #%s' % (
+ input_filename, element.get('fid')
+ ))
closed_fragments[fragment.id] = fragment
del open_fragments[fragment.id]
- # Append element tail to lost_text (we don't want to lose any text)
+ # Append element tail to lost_text
+ # (we don't want to lose any text)
if element.tail:
for fragment_id in open_fragments:
open_fragments[fragment_id].append('text', element.tail)
# Process all elements except begin and end
# Omit annotation tags
- if (len(element.get('name', '')) or
- element.get('class', '') in ('annotation', 'anchor')):
+ if (len(element.get('name', '')) or
+ element.get('class', '') in ('annotation-anchor', 'anchor', 'wl-num', 'reference')):
if event == 'end' and element.tail:
for fragment_id in open_fragments:
- open_fragments[fragment_id].append('text', element.tail)
+ open_fragments[fragment_id].append(
+ 'text', element.tail
+ )
for fragment_id in open_fragments:
- open_fragments[fragment_id].append(event, copy.copy(element))
+ celem = copy.copy(element)
+ if 'id' in celem.attrib:
+ del celem.attrib['id']
+ open_fragments[fragment_id].append(
+ event, celem
+ )
return closed_fragments, open_fragments
-def add_anchor(element, prefix, with_link=True, with_target=True, link_text=None):
+def add_anchor(element, prefix, link_text=None):
parent = element.getparent()
index = parent.index(element)
- if with_link:
- if link_text is None:
- link_text = prefix
- anchor = etree.Element('a', href='#%s' % prefix)
- anchor.set('class', 'anchor')
- anchor.text = six.text_type(link_text)
- parent.insert(index, anchor)
- if with_target:
- anchor_target = etree.Element('a', name='%s' % prefix)
- anchor_target.set('class', 'target')
- anchor_target.text = u' '
- parent.insert(index, anchor_target)
+ if link_text is None:
+ link_text = prefix
+ anchor = etree.Element('a', href='#%s' % prefix)
+ anchor.set('class', 'anchor')
+ anchor.text = str(link_text)
+ parent.insert(index, anchor)
def any_ancestor(element, test):
return False
-def add_anchors(root):
- counter = 1
- for element in root.iterdescendants():
- def f(e):
- return e.get('class') in ('note', 'motto', 'motto_podpis', 'dedication', 'frame') or \
- e.get('id') == 'nota_red' or e.tag == 'blockquote'
- if any_ancestor(element, f):
- continue
- if element.tag == 'div' and 'verse' in element.get('class', ''):
- if counter == 1 or counter % 5 == 0:
- add_anchor(element, "f%d" % counter, link_text=counter)
- counter += 1
- elif 'paragraph' in element.get('class', ''):
- add_anchor(element, "f%d" % counter, link_text=counter)
- counter += 1
def raw_printable_text(element):
working = copy.deepcopy(element)
- for e in working.findall('a'):
+ for e in working.findall('.//a'):
if e.get('class') in ('annotation', 'theme-begin'):
e.text = ''
return etree.tostring(working, method='text', encoding='unicode').strip()
def add_table_of_contents(root):
sections = []
- counter = 1
for element in root.iterdescendants():
if element.tag in ('h2', 'h3'):
- if any_ancestor(element,
- lambda e: e.get('id') in ('footnotes', 'nota_red') or e.get('class') in ('person-list',)):
+ if any_ancestor(
+ element,
+ lambda e: e.get('id') in (
+ 'footnotes', 'nota_red'
+ ) or e.get('class') in ('person-list',)):
element_text = raw_printable_text(element)
- if element.tag == 'h3' and len(sections) and sections[-1][1] == 'h2':
- sections[-1][3].append((counter, element.tag, element_text, []))
+ if (element.tag == 'h3' and len(sections)
+ and sections[-1][1] == 'h2'):
+ sections[-1][3].append(
+ (element.attrib['id'], element.tag, element_text, [])
+ )
- sections.append((counter, element.tag, element_text, []))
- add_anchor(element, "s%d" % counter, with_link=False)
- counter += 1
+ sections.append((element.attrib['id'], element.tag, element_text, []))
+ if not sections:
+ return
toc = etree.Element('div')
toc.set('id', 'toc')
toc_header = etree.SubElement(toc, 'h2')
- toc_header.text = u'Spis treści'
+ toc_header.text = 'Spis treści'
toc_list = etree.SubElement(toc, 'ol')
for n, section, text, subsections in sections:
section_element = etree.SubElement(toc_list, 'li')
- add_anchor(section_element, "s%d" % n, with_target=False, link_text=text)
+ add_anchor(section_element, n,
+ link_text=text)
if len(subsections):
subsection_list = etree.SubElement(section_element, 'ol')
for n1, subsection, subtext, _ in subsections:
subsection_element = etree.SubElement(subsection_list, 'li')
- add_anchor(subsection_element, "s%d" % n1, with_target=False, link_text=subtext)
+ add_anchor(subsection_element, n1,
+ link_text=subtext)
root.insert(0, toc)
def add_table_of_themes(root):
from sortify import sortify
item = etree.SubElement(themes_li, 'a', href="#%s" % fragment)
item.text = str(i + 1)
item.tail = ' '
+ if not len(themes_ol):
+ return
root.insert(0, themes_div)
+ themes_div.tail = root.text
+ root.text = None
def extract_annotations(html_path):
footnote.text = None
if len(footnote) and footnote[-1].tail == '\n':
footnote[-1].tail = None
- text_str = etree.tostring(footnote, method='text', encoding='unicode').strip()
- html_str = etree.tostring(footnote, method='html', encoding='unicode').strip()
+ text_str = etree.tostring(footnote, method='text',
+ encoding='unicode').strip()
+ html_str = etree.tostring(footnote, method='html',
+ encoding='unicode').strip()
match = re_qualifier.match(text_str)
if match:
candidate = candidate.strip()
if candidate in FN_QUALIFIERS:
- elif candidate.startswith('z '):
- subcandidate = candidate.split()[1]
+ elif candidate.startswith('z\u00A0'):
+ subcandidate = candidate.split('\u00A0')[1].split()[0]
if subcandidate in FN_QUALIFIERS: