1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
3 # This file is part of Librarian, licensed under GNU Affero GPLv3 or later.
4 # Copyright © Fundacja Nowoczesna Polska. See NOTICE for more information.
6 from __future__ import with_statement
10 from StringIO import StringIO
11 from tempfile import mkdtemp, NamedTemporaryFile
13 from copy import deepcopy
14 from subprocess import call, PIPE
16 from Texml.processor import process
17 from lxml import etree
18 from lxml.etree import XMLSyntaxError, XSLTApplyError
20 from librarian.dcparser import Person
21 from librarian.parser import WLDocument
22 from librarian import ParseError, DCNS, get_resource, OutputFile
23 from librarian import functions
24 from librarian.cover import ImageCover as WLCover
27 functions.reg_substitute_entities()
29 functions.reg_starts_white()
30 functions.reg_ends_white()
31 functions.reg_texcommand()
34 'wl2tex': 'pdf/wl2tex.xslt',
46 def insert_tags(doc, split_re, tagname, exclude=None):
47 """ inserts <tagname> for every occurence of `split_re' in text nodes in the `doc' tree
49 >>> t = etree.fromstring('<a><b>A-B-C</b>X-Y-Z</a>');
50 >>> insert_tags(t, re.compile('-'), 'd');
51 >>> print etree.tostring(t)
52 <a><b>A<d/>B<d/>C</b>X<d/>Y<d/>Z</a>
55 for elem in doc.iter(tag=etree.Element):
56 if exclude and elem.tag in exclude:
59 chunks = split_re.split(elem.text)
60 while len(chunks) > 1:
61 ins = etree.Element(tagname)
62 ins.tail = chunks.pop()
64 elem.text = chunks.pop(0)
66 chunks = split_re.split(elem.tail)
67 parent = elem.getparent()
68 ins_index = parent.index(elem) + 1
69 while len(chunks) > 1:
70 ins = etree.Element(tagname)
71 ins.tail = chunks.pop()
72 parent.insert(ins_index, ins)
73 elem.tail = chunks.pop(0)
76 def substitute_hyphens(doc):
78 re.compile("(?<=[^-\s])-(?=[^-\s])"),
80 exclude=[DCNS("identifier.url"), DCNS("rights.license")]
86 re.compile("(?<=\s\w)\s+"),
88 exclude=[DCNS("identifier.url"), DCNS("rights.license")]
92 def move_motifs_inside(doc):
93 """ moves motifs to be into block elements """
94 for master in doc.xpath('//powiesc|//opowiadanie|//liryka_l|//liryka_lp|//dramat_wierszowany_l|//dramat_wierszowany_lp|//dramat_wspolczesny'):
95 for motif in master.xpath('motyw'):
96 for sib in motif.itersiblings():
97 if sib.tag not in ('sekcja_swiatlo', 'sekcja_asterysk', 'separator_linia', 'begin', 'end', 'motyw', 'extra', 'uwaga'):
98 # motif shouldn't have a tail - it would be untagged text
100 motif.getparent().remove(motif)
105 def hack_motifs(doc):
106 """ dirty hack for the marginpar-creates-orphans LaTeX problem
107 see http://www.latex-project.org/cgi-bin/ltxbugs2html?pr=latex/2304
109 moves motifs in stanzas from first verse to second
110 and from next to last to last, then inserts negative vspace before them
112 for motif in doc.findall('//strofa//motyw'):
113 # find relevant verse-level tag
114 verse, stanza = motif, motif.getparent()
115 while stanza is not None and stanza.tag != 'strofa':
116 verse, stanza = stanza, stanza.getparent()
117 breaks_before = sum(1 for i in verse.itersiblings('br', preceding=True))
118 breaks_after = sum(1 for i in verse.itersiblings('br'))
119 if (breaks_before == 0 and breaks_after > 0) or breaks_after == 1:
121 if breaks_after == 2:
123 moved_motif = deepcopy(motif)
126 moved_motif.tail = None
127 moved_motif.set('moved', str(move_by))
129 for br in verse.itersiblings('br'):
133 br.addnext(moved_motif)
137 def parse_creator(doc):
138 """ find all dc:creator and dc.contributor tags and add *_parsed versions with forenames first """
139 for person in doc.xpath("|".join('//dc:'+(tag) for tag in (
140 'creator', 'contributor.translator', 'contributor.editor', 'contributor.technical_editor')),
141 namespaces = {'dc': str(DCNS)})[::-1]:
144 p = Person.from_text(person.text)
145 person_parsed = deepcopy(person)
146 person_parsed.tag = person.tag + '_parsed'
147 person_parsed.set('sortkey', person.text)
148 person_parsed.text = p.readable()
149 person.getparent().insert(0, person_parsed)
152 def get_stylesheet(name):
153 return get_resource(STYLESHEETS[name])
156 def package_available(package, args='', verbose=False):
157 """ check if a verion of a latex package accepting given args is available """
158 tempdir = mkdtemp('-wl2pdf-test')
159 fpath = os.path.join(tempdir, 'test.tex')
166 """ % (args, package))
169 p = call(['xelatex', '-output-directory', tempdir, fpath])
171 p = call(['xelatex', '-interaction=batchmode', '-output-directory', tempdir, fpath], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
172 shutil.rmtree(tempdir)
176 def transform(wldoc, verbose=False, save_tex=None, morefloats=None,
177 cover=None, flags=None, customizations=None):
178 """ produces a PDF file with XeLaTeX
181 verbose: prints all output from LaTeX
182 save_tex: path to save the intermediary LaTeX file to
183 morefloats (old/new/none): force specific morefloats
184 cover: a cover.Cover object
185 flags: less-advertising,
186 customizations: user requested customizations regarding various formatting parameters (passed to wl LaTeX class)
191 document = load_including_children(wldoc)
196 the_cover = cover(document.book_info)
197 document.edoc.getroot().set('data-cover-width', str(the_cover.width))
198 document.edoc.getroot().set('data-cover-height', str(the_cover.height))
199 if the_cover.uses_dc_cover:
200 if document.book_info.cover_by:
201 document.edoc.getroot().set('data-cover-by', document.book_info.cover_by)
202 if document.book_info.cover_source:
203 document.edoc.getroot().set('data-cover-source', document.book_info.cover_source)
206 document.edoc.getroot().set('flag-' + flag, 'yes')
208 # check for LaTeX packages
210 document.edoc.getroot().set('morefloats', morefloats.lower())
211 elif package_available('morefloats', 'maxfloats=19'):
212 document.edoc.getroot().set('morefloats', 'new')
215 if customizations is not None:
216 document.edoc.getroot().set('customizations', u','.join(customizations))
219 #move_motifs_inside(document.edoc)
220 #hack_motifs(document.edoc)
221 parse_creator(document.edoc)
222 if document.book_info.language == 'pol':
223 substitute_hyphens(document.edoc)
224 fix_hanging(document.edoc)
227 style_filename = get_stylesheet("wl2tex")
228 style = etree.parse(style_filename)
230 texml = document.transform(style)
233 temp = mkdtemp('-wl2pdf')
236 with open(os.path.join(temp, 'cover.jpg'), 'w') as f:
239 del document # no longer needed large object :)
241 tex_path = os.path.join(temp, 'doc.tex')
242 fout = open(tex_path, 'w')
243 process(StringIO(texml), fout, 'utf-8')
248 shutil.copy(tex_path, save_tex)
251 shutil.copy(get_resource('pdf/wl.cls'), temp)
252 shutil.copy(get_resource('res/wl-logo.png'), temp)
253 shutil.copy('logo.eps', temp)
259 p = call(['xelatex', tex_path])
261 p = call(['xelatex', '-interaction=batchmode', tex_path], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
263 raise ParseError("Error parsing .tex file")
267 output_file = NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='librarian', suffix='.pdf', delete=False)
268 pdf_path = os.path.join(temp, 'doc.pdf')
269 shutil.move(pdf_path, output_file.name)
271 return OutputFile.from_filename(output_file.name)
273 except (XMLSyntaxError, XSLTApplyError), e:
277 def load_including_children(wldoc=None, provider=None, uri=None):
278 """ Makes one big xml file with children inserted at end.
280 Either wldoc or provider and URI must be provided.
284 f = provider.by_uri(uri)
285 text = f.read().decode('utf-8')
287 elif wldoc is not None:
288 text = etree.tostring(wldoc.edoc, encoding=unicode)
289 provider = wldoc.provider
291 raise ValueError('Neither a WLDocument, nor provider and URI were provided.')
293 text = re.sub(ur"([\u0400-\u04ff]+)", ur"<alien>\1</alien>", text)
295 document = WLDocument.from_string(text, parse_dublincore=True)
296 document.swap_endlines()
298 for child_uri in document.book_info.parts:
299 child = load_including_children(provider=provider, uri=child_uri)
300 document.edoc.getroot().append(child.edoc.getroot())