1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
3 # This file is part of Librarian, licensed under GNU Affero GPLv3 or later.
4 # Copyright © Fundacja Nowoczesna Polska. See NOTICE for more information.
7 from librarian import IOFile, RDFNS, DCNS, Format
8 from xmlutils import Xmill, tag, tagged, ifoption, tag_open_close
9 from librarian import functions
12 from copy import deepcopy
17 from fnpdjango.utils.text.slughifi import slughifi
18 def naglowek_to_anchor(naglowek):
19 return slughifi(naglowek.text)
21 from urllib import quote
22 def naglowek_to_anchor(naglowek):
23 return quote(re.sub(r" +", " ", naglowek.text.strip()))
25 class EduModule(Xmill):
26 def __init__(self, options=None):
27 super(EduModule, self).__init__(options)
28 self.activity_counter = 0
29 self.activity_last = None
30 self.exercise_counter = 0
33 def swap_endlines(txt):
34 if self.options['strofa']:
35 txt = txt.replace("/\n", "<br/>\n")
37 self.register_text_filter(functions.substitute_entities)
38 self.register_escaped_text_filter(swap_endlines)
40 @tagged('div', 'stanza')
41 def handle_strofa(self, element):
42 self.options = {'strofa': True}
45 def handle_powiesc(self, element):
47 <div class="module" id="book-text">
48 <!-- <span class="teacher-toggle">
49 <input type="checkbox" name="teacher-toggle" id="teacher-toggle"/>
50 <label for="teacher-toggle">Pokaż treść dla nauczyciela</label>
55 handle_autor_utworu = tag("span", "author")
56 handle_dzielo_nadrzedne = tag("span", "collection")
57 handle_podtytul = tag("span", "subtitle")
58 handle_naglowek_akt = handle_naglowek_czesc = handle_srodtytul = tag("h2")
59 handle_naglowek_scena = tag('h2')
60 handle_naglowek_osoba = tag('h3')
61 handle_akap = handle_akap_dialog = handle_akap_cd = tag('p', 'paragraph')
63 handle_wyroznienie = tag('em')
64 handle_tytul_dziela = tag('em', 'title')
65 handle_slowo_obce = tag('em', 'foreign')
67 def handle_nazwa_utworu(self, element):
69 for naglowek in element.getparent().findall('.//naglowek_rozdzial'):
70 a = etree.Element("a")
71 a.attrib["href"] = "#" + naglowek_to_anchor(naglowek)
72 a.text = naglowek.text
73 atxt = etree.tostring(a, encoding=unicode)
74 toc.append("<li>%s</li>" % atxt)
75 toc = "<ul class='toc'>%s</ul>" % "".join(toc)
76 add_header = "Lekcja: " if self.options['wldoc'].book_info.type in ('course', 'synthetic') else ''
77 return "<h1 class='title' id='top'>%s" % add_header, "</h1>" + toc
79 def handle_naglowek_rozdzial(self, element):
80 return_to_top = u"<a href='#top' class='top-link'>wróć do spisu treści</a>"
81 pre, post = tag_open_close("h2", id=naglowek_to_anchor(element))
82 return return_to_top + pre, post
84 def handle_naglowek_podrozdzial(self, element):
85 self.activity_counter = 0
86 return tag('h3')(self, element)
88 def handle_uwaga(self, _e):
91 def handle_aktywnosc(self, element):
92 self.activity_counter += 1
95 'activity_counter': self.activity_counter,
97 submill = EduModule(dict(self.options.items() + {'sub_gen': True}.items()))
99 if element.xpath('opis'):
100 opis = submill.generate(element.xpath('opis')[0])
104 n = element.xpath('wskazowki')
105 if n: wskazowki = submill.generate(n[0])
108 n = element.xpath('pomoce')
110 if n: pomoce = submill.generate(n[0])
113 forma = ''.join(element.xpath('forma/text()'))
115 czas = ''.join(element.xpath('czas/text()'))
117 counter = self.activity_counter
119 if element.getnext().tag == 'aktywnosc' or self.activity_last.getnext() == element:
120 counter_html = """<span class="act_counter">%(counter)d.</span>""" % locals()
124 self.activity_last = element
127 <div class="activity">
130 %(opis)s""" % locals(), \
134 <section class="infobox time"><h1>Czas</h1><p>%(czas)s min</p></section>
135 <section class="infobox kind"><h1>Metoda</h1><p>%(forma)s</p></section>
138 <div class="clearboth"></div>
142 handle_opis = ifoption(sub_gen=True)(tag('div', 'description'))
143 handle_wskazowki = ifoption(sub_gen=True)(tag('div', ('hints', 'teacher')))
145 @ifoption(sub_gen=True)
146 @tagged('section', 'infobox materials')
147 def handle_pomoce(self, _):
148 return """<h1>Pomoce</h1>""", ""
150 def handle_czas(self, *_):
153 def handle_forma(self, *_):
156 def handle_cwiczenie(self, element):
157 exercise_handlers = {
159 'uporzadkuj': Uporzadkuj,
162 'przyporzadkuj': Przyporzadkuj,
163 'prawdafalsz': PrawdaFalsz
166 typ = element.attrib['typ']
167 self.exercise_counter += 1
168 self.options = {'exercise_counter': self.exercise_counter}
169 handler = exercise_handlers[typ](self.options)
170 return handler.generate(element)
173 def handle_lista(self, element, attrs={}):
174 ltype = element.attrib.get('typ', 'punkt')
175 if not element.findall("punkt"):
176 if ltype == 'czytelnia':
177 return '<p>W przygotowaniu.</p>'
180 if ltype == 'slowniczek':
181 surl = element.attrib.get('src', None)
183 # print '** missing src on <slowniczek>, setting default'
184 surl = 'http://edukacjamedialna.edu.pl/lekcje/slowniczek/'
187 sxml = etree.fromstring(self.options['provider'].by_uri(surl).get_string())
188 self.options = {'slowniczek': True, 'slowniczek_xml': sxml }
189 pre, post = '<div class="slowniczek">', '</div>'
190 if self.options['wldoc'].book_info.url.slug != 'slowniczek':
191 post += u'<p class="see-more"><a href="%s">Zobacz cały słowniczek.</a></p>' % surl
194 listtag = {'num': 'ol',
197 'czytelnia': 'ul'}[ltype]
199 classes = attrs.get('class', '')
200 if classes: del attrs['class']
202 attrs_s = ' '.join(['%s="%s"' % kv for kv in attrs.items()])
203 if attrs_s: attrs_s = ' ' + attrs_s
205 return '<%s class="lista %s %s"%s>' % (listtag, ltype, classes, attrs_s), '</%s>' % listtag
207 def handle_punkt(self, element):
208 if self.options['slowniczek']:
209 return '<dl>', '</dl>'
211 return '<li>', '</li>'
213 def handle_definiendum(self, element):
214 nxt = element.getnext()
218 print "!! Empty <definiendum/>"
221 # let's pull definiens from another document
222 if self.options['slowniczek_xml'] is not None and (nxt is None or nxt.tag != 'definiens'):
223 sxml = self.options['slowniczek_xml']
224 defloc = sxml.xpath("//definiendum[text()='%s']" % element.text)
226 definiens = defloc[0].getnext()
227 if definiens.tag == 'definiens':
228 subgen = EduModule(self.options)
229 definiens_s = subgen.generate(definiens)
231 print '!! Missing definiendum in source:', element.text
233 return u"<dt>", u"</dt>" + definiens_s
235 def handle_definiens(self, element):
236 return u"<dd>", u"</dd>"
238 def handle_podpis(self, element):
239 return u"""<div class="caption">""", u"</div>"
241 def handle_tabela(self, element):
242 has_frames = int(element.attrib.get("ramki", "0"))
243 if has_frames: frames_c = "framed"
245 return u"""<table class="%s">""" % frames_c, u"</table>"
247 def handle_wiersz(self, element):
248 return u"<tr>", u"</tr>"
250 def handle_kol(self, element):
251 return u"<td>", u"</td>"
253 def handle_rdf__RDF(self, _):
254 # ustal w opcjach rzeczy :D
257 def handle_link(self, element):
258 if 'url' in element.attrib:
259 return tag('a', href=element.attrib['url'])(self, element)
260 elif 'material' in element.attrib:
261 material_err = u' [BRAKUJĄCY MATERIAŁ]'
262 slug = element.attrib['material']
263 make_url = lambda f: self.options['urlmapper'] \
264 .url_for_material(slug, f)
266 if 'format' in element.attrib:
267 formats = re.split(r"[, ]+",
268 element.attrib['format'])
272 formats = self.options['urlmapper'].materials(slug)
275 def_href = make_url(formats[0][0])
277 except (IndexError, self.options['urlmapper'].MaterialNotFound):
278 def_err = material_err
281 for f in formats[1:]:
283 fmt_links.append(u'<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (make_url(f[0]), f[0].upper()))
284 except self.options['urlmapper'].MaterialNotFound:
285 fmt_links.append(u'<a>%s%s</a>' % (f[0].upper(), material_err))
286 more_links = u' (%s)' % u', '.join(fmt_links) if fmt_links else u''
288 return u"<a href='%s'>" % def_href, u'%s</a>%s' % (def_err, more_links)
290 def handle_obraz(self, element):
291 name = element.attrib.get('nazwa', '').strip()
293 print '!! <obraz> missing "nazwa"'
295 alt = element.attrib.get('alt', '')
297 print '** <obraz> missing "alt"'
298 slug, ext = name.rsplit('.', 1)
299 url = self.options['urlmapper'].url_for_image(slug, ext)
300 thumb_url = self.options['urlmapper'].url_for_image(slug, ext, IMAGE_THUMB_WIDTH)
301 e = etree.Element("a", attrib={"href": url, "class": "image"})
302 e.append(etree.Element("img", attrib={"src": thumb_url, "alt": alt,
303 "width": str(IMAGE_THUMB_WIDTH)}))
304 return etree.tostring(e, encoding=unicode), u""
306 def handle_video(self, element):
307 url = element.attrib.get('url')
309 print '!! <video> missing url'
311 m = re.match(r'(?:https?://)?(?:www.)?youtube.com/watch\?(?:.*&)?v=([^&]+)(?:$|&)', url)
313 print '!! unknown <video> url scheme:', url
315 return """<iframe width="630" height="384" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/%s"
316 frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>""" % m.group(1), ""
319 class Exercise(EduModule):
321 def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
322 self.question_counter = 0
323 super(Exercise, self).__init__(*args, **kw)
324 self.instruction_printed = False
326 @tagged('div', 'description')
327 def handle_opis(self, element):
328 return "", self.get_instruction()
330 def handle_rozw_kom(self, element):
331 return u"""<div style="display:none" class="comment">""", u"""</div>"""
333 def handle_cwiczenie(self, element):
334 self.options = {'exercise': element.attrib['typ']}
335 self.question_counter = 0
336 self.piece_counter = 0
339 <div class="exercise %(typ)s" data-type="%(typ)s">
340 <form action="#" method="POST">
341 <h3>Zadanie %(exercies_counter)d</h3>
342 <div class="buttons">
343 <span class="message"></span>
344 <input type="button" class="check" value="sprawdź"/>
345 <input type="button" class="retry" style="display:none" value="spróbuj ponownie"/>
346 <input type="button" class="solutions" value="pokaż rozwiązanie"/>
347 <input type="button" class="reset" value="reset"/>
350 """ % {'exercies_counter': self.options['exercise_counter'], 'typ': element.attrib['typ']}
352 <div class="buttons">
353 <span class="message"></span>
354 <input type="button" class="check" value="sprawdź"/>
355 <input type="button" class="retry" style="display:none" value="spróbuj ponownie"/>
356 <input type="button" class="solutions" value="pokaż rozwiązanie"/>
357 <input type="button" class="reset" value="reset"/>
362 # Add a single <pytanie> tag if it's not there
363 if not element.xpath(".//pytanie"):
364 qpre, qpost = self.handle_pytanie(element)
369 def handle_pytanie(self, element):
370 """This will handle <cwiczenie> element, when there is no <pytanie>
373 self.question_counter += 1
374 self.piece_counter = 0
375 solution = element.attrib.get('rozw', None)
376 if solution: solution_s = ' data-solution="%s"' % solution
377 else: solution_s = ''
379 handles = element.attrib.get('uchwyty', None)
381 add_class += ' handles handles-%s' % handles
382 self.options = {'handles': handles}
384 minimum = element.attrib.get('min', None)
385 if minimum: minimum_s = ' data-minimum="%d"' % int(minimum)
388 return '<div class="question%s" data-no="%d" %s>' %\
389 (add_class, self.question_counter, solution_s + minimum_s), \
392 def get_instruction(self):
393 if not self.instruction_printed:
394 self.instruction_printed = True
396 return u'<span class="instruction">%s</span>' % self.INSTRUCTION
404 class Wybor(Exercise):
405 def handle_cwiczenie(self, element):
406 pre, post = super(Wybor, self).handle_cwiczenie(element)
407 is_single_choice = True
408 pytania = element.xpath(".//pytanie")
412 solutions = re.split(r"[, ]+", p.attrib.get('rozw', ''))
413 if len(solutions) != 1:
414 is_single_choice = False
416 choices = p.xpath(".//*[@nazwa]")
418 for n in choices: uniq.add(n.attrib.get('nazwa', ''))
419 if len(choices) != len(uniq):
420 is_single_choice = False
423 self.options = {'single': is_single_choice}
426 def handle_punkt(self, element):
427 if self.options['exercise'] and element.attrib.get('nazwa', None):
428 qc = self.question_counter
429 self.piece_counter += 1
430 no = self.piece_counter
431 eid = "q%(qc)d_%(no)d" % locals()
432 aname = element.attrib.get('nazwa', None)
433 if self.options['single']:
435 <li class="question-piece" data-qc="%(qc)d" data-no="%(no)d" data-name="%(aname)s">
436 <input type="radio" name="q%(qc)d" id="%(eid)s" value="%(aname)s" />
437 <label for="%(eid)s">
438 """ % locals(), u"</label></li>"
441 <li class="question-piece" data-qc="%(qc)d" data-no="%(no)d" data-name="%(aname)s">
442 <input type="checkbox" name="%(eid)s" id="%(eid)s" />
443 <label for="%(eid)s">
444 """ % locals(), u"</label></li>"
447 return super(Wybor, self).handle_punkt(element)
450 class Uporzadkuj(Exercise):
451 INSTRUCTION = u"Kliknij wybraną odpowiedź i przeciągnij w nowe miejsce."
453 def handle_pytanie(self, element):
455 Overrides the returned content default handle_pytanie
457 # we ignore the result, returning our own
458 super(Uporzadkuj, self).handle_pytanie(element)
459 order_items = element.xpath(".//punkt/@rozw")
461 return u"""<div class="question" data-original="%s" data-no="%s">""" % \
462 (','.join(order_items), self.question_counter), \
465 def handle_punkt(self, element):
466 return """<li class="question-piece" data-pos="%(rozw)s">""" \
471 class Luki(Exercise):
472 INSTRUCTION = u"Przeciągnij odpowiedzi i upuść w wybranym polu."
473 def find_pieces(self, question):
474 return question.xpath(".//luka")
476 def solution_html(self, piece):
477 piece = deepcopy(piece)
480 return sub.generate(piece)
482 def handle_pytanie(self, element):
483 qpre, qpost = super(Luki, self).handle_pytanie(element)
485 luki = list(enumerate(self.find_pieces(element)))
489 for (i, luka) in luki:
491 luka_html = self.solution_html(luka)
492 luki_html += u'<span class="draggable question-piece" data-no="%d">%s</span>' % (i, luka_html)
493 self.words_html = '<div class="words">%s</div>' % luki_html
497 def handle_opis(self, element):
498 return '', self.words_html
500 def handle_luka(self, element):
501 self.piece_counter += 1
502 return '<span class="placeholder" data-solution="%d"></span>' % self.piece_counter
506 INSTRUCTION = u"Przeciągnij odpowiedzi i upuść je na słowie lub wyrażeniu, które chcesz zastąpić."
508 def find_pieces(self, question):
509 return question.xpath(".//zastap")
511 def solution_html(self, piece):
512 return piece.attrib.get('rozw', '')
514 def handle_zastap(self, element):
515 self.piece_counter += 1
516 return '<span class="placeholder zastap question-piece" data-solution="%d">' \
517 % self.piece_counter, '</span>'
520 class Przyporzadkuj(Exercise):
521 INSTRUCTION = [u"Przeciągnij odpowiedzi i upuść w wybranym polu.",
522 u"Kliknij numer odpowiedzi, przeciągnij i upuść w wybranym polu."]
524 def get_instruction(self):
525 if not self.instruction_printed:
526 self.instruction_printed = True
527 return u'<span class="instruction">%s</span>' % self.INSTRUCTION[self.options['handles'] and 1 or 0]
531 def handle_cwiczenie(self, element):
532 pre, post = super(Przyporzadkuj, self).handle_cwiczenie(element)
533 lista_with_handles = element.xpath(".//*[@uchwyty]")
534 if lista_with_handles:
535 self.options = {'handles': True}
538 def handle_pytanie(self, element):
539 pre, post = super(Przyporzadkuj, self).handle_pytanie(element)
540 minimum = element.attrib.get("min", None)
542 self.options = {"min": int(minimum)}
545 def handle_lista(self, lista):
546 if 'nazwa' in lista.attrib:
548 'data-name': lista.attrib['nazwa'],
551 self.options = {'predicate': True}
552 elif 'cel' in lista.attrib:
554 'data-target': lista.attrib['cel'],
557 self.options = {'subject': True}
560 pre, post = super(Przyporzadkuj, self).handle_lista(lista, attrs)
561 return pre, post + '<br class="clr"/>'
563 def handle_punkt(self, element):
564 if self.options['subject']:
565 self.piece_counter += 1
566 if self.options['handles']:
567 return '<li><span data-solution="%s" data-no="%s" class="question-piece draggable handle add-li">%s</span>' % (element.attrib.get('rozw', ''), self.piece_counter, self.piece_counter), '</li>'
569 return '<li data-solution="%s" data-no="%s" class="question-piece draggable">' % (element.attrib.get('rozw', ''), self.piece_counter), '</li>'
571 elif self.options['predicate']:
572 if self.options['min']:
573 placeholders = u'<li class="placeholder"></li>' * self.options['min']
575 placeholders = u'<li class="placeholder multiple"></li>'
576 return '<li data-predicate="%s">' % element.attrib.get('nazwa', ''), '<ul class="subjects">' + placeholders + '</ul></li>'
579 return super(Przyporzadkuj, self).handle_punkt(element)
582 class PrawdaFalsz(Exercise):
583 def handle_punkt(self, element):
584 if 'rozw' in element.attrib:
585 return u'''<li data-solution="%s" class="question-piece">
586 <span class="buttons">
587 <a href="#" data-value="true" class="true">Prawda</a>
588 <a href="#" data-value="false" class="false">Fałsz</a>
589 </span>''' % {'prawda': 'true', 'falsz': 'false'}[element.attrib['rozw']], '</li>'
591 return super(PrawdaFalsz, self).handle_punkt(element)
594 class EduModuleFormat(Format):
595 PRIMARY_MATERIAL_FORMATS = ('pdf', 'odt')
597 class MaterialNotFound(BaseException):
600 def __init__(self, wldoc, **kwargs):
601 super(EduModuleFormat, self).__init__(wldoc, **kwargs)
604 # Sort materials by slug.
605 self.materials_by_slug = {}
606 for name, att in self.wldoc.source.attachments.items():
607 parts = name.rsplit('.', 1)
611 if slug not in self.materials_by_slug:
612 self.materials_by_slug[slug] = {}
613 self.materials_by_slug[slug][ext] = att
615 edumod = EduModule({'provider': self.wldoc.provider, 'urlmapper': self, 'wldoc': self.wldoc})
617 html = edumod.generate(self.wldoc.edoc.getroot())
619 return IOFile.from_string(html.encode('utf-8'))
621 def materials(self, slug):
622 """Returns a list of pairs: (ext, iofile)."""
623 order = dict(reversed(k) for k in enumerate(self.PRIMARY_MATERIAL_FORMATS))
624 mats = self.materials_by_slug.get(slug, {}).items()
626 pass # print "!! Material missing: '%s'" % slug
627 return sorted(mats, key=lambda (x, y): order.get(x, x))
629 def url_for_material(self, slug, fmt):
630 return "%s.%s" % (slug, fmt)
632 def url_for_image(self, slug, fmt, width=None):
633 return self.url_for_material(self, slug, fmt)
636 def transform(wldoc, stylesheet='edumed', options=None, flags=None, verbose=None):
637 """Transforms the WL document to XHTML.
639 If output_filename is None, returns an XML,
640 otherwise returns True if file has been written,False if it hasn't.
641 File won't be written if it has no content.
643 edumodfor = EduModuleFormat(wldoc)
644 return edumodfor.build()