fix relative paths bug for build 2
[fnpeditor.git] / karma.conf.js
2013-09-16 Aleksander Łukaszcleanup: moving vkbeautify.js to /libs
2013-09-13 Aleksander ŁukaszRefactoring: cleaning directories structure
2013-08-07 Aleksander ŁukaszCustom wlxml names in label widget
2013-07-01 Aleksander ŁukaszConverting end of lines from crlf to lf
2013-06-20 Aleksander ŁukaszExperimenting with higher level canvas api
2013-06-18 Aleksander Łukasztesting wip: using requirejs
2013-06-18 Aleksander Łukasztesting wip - fixing path
2013-06-18 Aleksander Łukasztesting wip - exposing chai.assert
2013-06-18 Aleksander Łukasztesting wip: mocha.conf.js
2013-06-18 Aleksander Łukasztesting wip: karma + chai