+define(function(require) {
+'use strict';
+/* globals gettext */
+var $ = require('libs/jquery'),
+ _ = require('libs/underscore'),
+ documentElement = require('modules/documentCanvas/canvas/documentElement'),
+ Dialog = require('views/dialog/dialog');
+var choiceBase = Object.create(documentElement.DocumentNodeElement.prototype);
+_.extend(choiceBase, {
+ init: function() {
+ var el = this;
+ documentElement.DocumentNodeElement.prototype.init.call(this);
+ this.x = $('<div class="edumed-exercise-remove btn btn-mini btn-danger">x</div>');
+ this.x.on('click', function() {
+ var dialog = Dialog.create({
+ title: 'Removing exercise',
+ text: gettext('Do you really want to remove this exercise?'),
+ executeButtonText: gettext('Yes'),
+ cancelButtonText: gettext('No, don\'t do anything!')
+ });
+ dialog.on('execute', function(event) {
+ el.canvas.wlxmlDocument.transaction(function() {
+ el.wlxmlNode.detach();
+ }, {
+ metadata: {
+ description: gettext('Removing exercise')
+ },
+ success: function() {
+ event.success();
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ dialog.show();
+ });
+ this.addWidget(this.x);
+ },
+return choiceBase;
\ No newline at end of file