X-Git-Url: https://git.mdrn.pl/fnpeditor.git/blobdiff_plain/fd01330786845fedb31dd93439bf8b1c82cd56c6..4e0553edaf87974f2e9565fcb0514b928cb48d8e:/modules/visualEditor.js diff --git a/modules/visualEditor.js b/modules/visualEditor.js index 2fecfde..c30c282 100644 --- a/modules/visualEditor.js +++ b/modules/visualEditor.js @@ -1,35 +1,499 @@ -rng.modules.visualEditor = function(sandbox) { - var transformations = rng.modules.visualEditor.transformations; +define(['./visualEditor.transformations'], function(transformations) { - var view = $(sandbox.getTemplate('main')()); - var isDirty = false; +return function(sandbox) { + + var view = { + node: $(sandbox.getTemplate('main')()), + currentNode: null, + setup: function() { + var view = this; + + this.node.find('#rng-visualEditor-content').on('keyup', function() { + isDirty = true; + }); + + this.node.find('#rng-visualEditor-meta').on('keyup', function() { + isDirty = true; + }); + + this.node.on('mouseover', '[wlxml-tag]', function(e) { mediator.nodeHovered($(e.target));}); + this.node.on('mouseout', '[wlxml-tag]', function(e) { mediator.nodeBlured($(e.target));}); + this.node.on('click', '[wlxml-tag]', function(e) { + console.log('clicked node type: '+e.target.nodeType); + view._markSelected($(e.target)); + }); + + this.node.on('keyup', '#rng-visualEditor-contentWrapper', function(e) { + var anchor = $(window.getSelection().anchorNode); + if(anchor[0].nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) + anchor = anchor.parent(); + if(!anchor.is('[wlxml-tag]')) + return; + view._markSelected(anchor); + }); + + this.node.on('keydown', '#rng-visualEditor-contentWrapper', function(e) { + if(e.which === 13) { + e.preventDefault(); + view.insertNewNode(null, null); + } + }); + + + var metaTable = this.metaTable = this.node.find('#rng-visualEditor-meta table'); + + this.node.find('.rng-visualEditor-metaAddBtn').click(function() { + var newRow = view._addMetaRow('', ''); + $(newRow.find('td div')[0]).focus(); + isDirty = true; + }); + + this.metaTable.on('click', '.rng-visualEditor-metaRemoveBtn', function(e) { + $(e.target).closest('tr').remove(); + isDirty = true; + }); + + this.metaTable.on('keydown', '[contenteditable]', function(e) { + console.log(e.which); + if(e.which === 13) { + if($(document.activeElement).hasClass('rng-visualEditor-metaItemKey')) { + metaTable.find('.rng-visualEditor-metaItemValue').focus(); + } else { + var input = $(''); + input.appendTo('body').focus() + view.node.find('.rng-visualEditor-metaAddBtn').focus(); + input.remove(); + } + e.preventDefault(); + } + + }); + + + var observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) { + mutations.forEach(function(mutation) { + _.each(mutation.addedNodes, function(node) { + node = $(node); + node.parent().find('[wlxml-tag]').each(function() { + tag = $(this); + if(!tag.attr('id')) + tag.attr('id', 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, function(c) {var r = Math.random()*16|0,v=c=='x'?r:r&0x3|0x8;return v.toString(16);})); + }); + }); + }); + }); + var config = { attributes: true, childList: true, characterData: true, subtree: true }; + observer.observe(this.node.find('#rng-visualEditor-contentWrapper')[0], config); + + this.gridToggled = false; + }, + _createNode: function(wlxmlTag, wlxmlClass) { + var toBlock = ['div', 'document', 'section', 'header']; + var htmlTag = _.contains(toBlock, wlxmlTag) ? 'div' : 'span'; + var toret = $('<' + htmlTag + '>'); + toret.attr('wlxml-tag', wlxmlTag); + if(wlxmlClass) + toret.attr('wlxml-class', wlxmlClass); + return toret; + }, + insertNewNode: function(wlxmlTag, wlxmlClass) { + //TODO: Insert inline + var anchor = $(window.getSelection().anchorNode); + var anchorOffset = window.getSelection().anchorOffset; + if(anchor[0].nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) + anchor = anchor.parent(); + if(anchor.text() === '') { + var todel = anchor; + anchor = anchor.parent(); + todel.remove(); + } + if(anchorOffset > 0 && anchorOffset < anchor.text().length) { + if(wlxmlTag === null && wlxmlClass === null) { + return this.splitWithNewNode(anchor); + } + return this.wrapSelectionWithNewNode(wlxmlTag, wlxmlClass); + } + var newNode = this._createNode(wlxmlTag || anchor.attr('wlxml-tag'), wlxmlClass || anchor.attr('wlxml-class')); + if(anchorOffset === 0) + anchor.before(newNode) + else + anchor.after(newNode); + mediator.nodeCreated(newNode); + isDirty = true; + }, + wrapSelectionWithNewNode: function(wlxmlTag, wlxmlClass) { + var selection = window.getSelection(); + if(selection.anchorNode === selection.focusNode && selection.anchorNode.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) { + var startOffset = selection.anchorOffset; + var endOffset = selection.focusOffset; + if(startOffset > endOffset) { + var tmp = startOffset; + startOffset = endOffset; + endOffset = tmp; + } + var node = selection.anchorNode; + var prefix = node.data.substr(0, startOffset); + var suffix = node.data.substr(endOffset); + var core = node.data.substr(startOffset, endOffset - startOffset); + var newNode = this._createNode(wlxmlTag, wlxmlClass); + newNode.text(core || 'test'); + $(node).replaceWith(newNode); + newNode.before(prefix); + newNode.after(suffix); + mediator.nodeCreated(newNode); + isDirty = true; + } + }, + splitWithNewNode: function(node) { + var selection = window.getSelection(); + if(selection.anchorNode === selection.focusNode && selection.anchorNode.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) { + var startOffset = selection.anchorOffset; + var endOffset = selection.focusOffset; + if(startOffset > endOffset) { + var tmp = startOffset; + startOffset = endOffset; + endOffset = tmp; + } + var anchor = selection.anchorNode; + var prefix = anchor.data.substr(0, startOffset); + var suffix = anchor.data.substr(endOffset); + var prefixNode = this._createNode(node.attr('wlxml-tag'), node.attr('wlxml-class')); + var newNode = this._createNode(node.attr('wlxml-tag'), node.attr('wlxml-class')); + var suffixNode = this._createNode(node.attr('wlxml-tag'), node.attr('wlxml-class')); + prefixNode.text(prefix); + suffixNode.text(suffix); + node.replaceWith(newNode); + newNode.before(prefixNode); + newNode.after(suffixNode); + mediator.nodeCreated(newNode); + isDirty = true; + } + }, + getMetaData: function() { + var toret = {}; + this.metaTable.find('tr').each(function() { + var tr = $(this); + var inputs = $(this).find('td [contenteditable]'); + var key = $(inputs[0]).text(); + var value = $(inputs[1]).text(); + toret[key] = value; + }); + console.log(toret); + return toret; + }, + setMetaData: function(metadata) { + var view = this; + this.metaTable.find('tr').remove(); + _.each(_.keys(metadata), function(key) { + view._addMetaRow(key, metadata[key]); + }); + }, + setBody: function(HTMLTree) { + this.node.find('#rng-visualEditor-content').html(HTMLTree); + }, + getBody: function() { + return this.node.find('#rng-visualEditor-content').html(); + }, + _markSelected: function(node) { + this.dimNode(node); + + this.node.find('.rng-current').removeClass('rng-current'); + + node.addClass('rng-current'); + + this.currentNode = node; + mediator.nodeSelected(node); + }, + selectNode: function(node) { + view._markSelected(node); + var range = document.createRange(); + range.selectNodeContents(node[0]); + range.collapse(false); + + var selection = document.getSelection(); + selection.removeAllRanges() + selection.addRange(range); + }, + selectNodeById: function(id) { + var node = this.node.find('#'+id); + if(node) + this.selectNode(node); + }, + highlightNode: function(node) { + if(!this.gridToggled) { + node.addClass('rng-hover'); + var label = node.attr('wlxml-tag'); + if(node.attr('wlxml-class')) + label += ' / ' + node.attr('wlxml-class'); + var tag = $('
').addClass('rng-visualEditor-nodeHoverTag').text(label); + node.append(tag); + } + }, + dimNode: function(node) { + if(!this.gridToggled) { + node.removeClass('rng-hover'); + node.find('.rng-visualEditor-nodeHoverTag').remove(); + } + }, + highlightNodeById: function(id) { + var node = this.node.find('#'+id); + if(node) + this.highlightNode(node); + }, + dimNodeById: function(id) { + var node = this.node.find('#'+id); + if(node) + this.dimNode(node); + }, + selectFirstNode: function() { + var firstNodeWithText = this.node.find('[wlxml-tag]').filter(function() { + return $(this).clone().children().remove().end().text().trim() !== ''; + }).first(); + var node; + if(firstNodeWithText.length) + node = $(firstNodeWithText[0]) + else { + node = this.node.find('[wlxml-class|="p"]') + } + this.selectNode(node); + }, + _addMetaRow: function(key, value) { + var newRow = $(sandbox.getTemplate('metaItem')({key: key || '', value: value || ''})); + newRow.appendTo(this.metaTable); + return newRow; + }, + toggleGrid: function(toggle) { + this.node.find('[wlxml-tag]').toggleClass('rng-hover', toggle); + this.gridToggled = toggle; + }, + toggleTags: function(toggle) { + + } + }; - $('#rng-visualEditor-content', view).on('keyup', function() { - isDirty = true; - }); + var sideBarView = { + node: view.node.find('#rng-visualEditor-sidebar'), + setup: function() { + var view = this; + this.node.find('#rng-visualEditor-sidebarButtons a').click(function(e) { + e.preventDefault(); + var target = $(e.currentTarget); + if(!target.attr('data-content-id')) + return; + view.selectTab(target.attr('data-content-id')); + }); + view.selectTab('rng-visualEditor-edit'); + + view.node.on('change', '.rng-visualEditor-editPaneNodeForm select', function(e) { + var target = $(e.target); + var attr = target.attr('id').split('-')[2].split('editPane')[1].substr(0,3) === 'Tag' ? 'tag' : 'class'; + mediator.getCurrentNode().attr('wlxml-'+attr, target.val()); + isDirty = true; + }); + + view.node.on('click', '.rng-visualEditor-editPaneSurrouding a', function(e) { + var target = $(e.target); + mediator.nodeDimmedById(target.attr('data-id')); + mediator.nodeSelectedById(target.attr('data-id')); + }); + + view.node.on('mouseenter', '.rng-visualEditor-editPaneSurrouding a', function(e) { + var target = $(e.target); + mediator.nodeHighlightedById(target.attr('data-id')); + }); + view.node.on('mouseleave', '.rng-visualEditor-editPaneSurrouding a', function(e) { + var target = $(e.target); + mediator.nodeDimmedById(target.attr('data-id')); + }); + }, + selectTab: function(id) { + this.node.find('.rng-visualEditor-sidebarContentItem').hide(); + this.node.find('#'+id).show(); + this.node.find('#rng-visualEditor-sidebarButtons li').removeClass('active'); + this.node.find('#rng-visualEditor-sidebarButtons li a[data-content-id=' + id + ']').parent().addClass('active'); + + }, + updateEditPane: function(node) { + var pane = this.node.find('#rng-visualEditor-edit'); + var parentClass = node.parent().attr('wlxml-class'); + pane.html( $(sandbox.getTemplate('editPane')({tag: node.attr('wlxml-tag'), klass: node.attr('wlxml-class')}))); + + var parent = node.parent('[wlxml-tag]').length ? { + repr: node.parent().attr('wlxml-tag') + (parentClass ? ' / ' + parentClass : ''), + id: node.parent().attr('id') + } : undefined; + var children = []; + node.children('[wlxml-tag]').each(function() { + var child = $(this); + var childClass = child.attr('wlxml-class'); + children.push({repr: child.attr('wlxml-tag') + (childClass ? ' / ' + childClass : ''), id: child.attr('id')}); + }); + var naviTemplate = sandbox.getTemplate('editPaneNavigation')({parent: parent, children: children}); + pane.find('.rng-visualEditor-editPaneSurrouding > div').html($(naviTemplate)); + }, + highlightNode: function(id) { + var pane = this.node.find('#rng-visualEditor-edit'); + pane.find('a[data-id="'+id+'"]').addClass('rng-hover'); + }, + dimNode: function(id) { + var pane = this.node.find('#rng-visualEditor-edit'); + pane.find('a[data-id="' +id+'"]').removeClass('rng-hover'); + } + } + + var toolbarView = { + node: view.node.find('#rng-visualEditor-toolbar'), + setup: function() { + var view = this; + + view.node.find('button').click(function(e) { + var btn = $(e.currentTarget); + if(btn.attr('data-btn-type') === 'toggle') { + btn.toggleClass('active') + mediator.toolbarButtonToggled(btn.attr('data-btn'), btn.hasClass('active')); + } + if(btn.attr('data-btn-type') === 'cmd') { + mediator.toolbarButtonCmd(btn.attr('data-btn'), btn.attr('data-meta')); + } + }); + }, + getOption: function(option) { + return this.node.find('.rng-visualEditor-toolbarOption[data-option=' + option +']').val(); + } + } + + var statusBarView = { + node: view.node.find('#rng-visualEditor-statusbar'), + setup: function() { + var view = this; + view.node.on('mouseenter', 'a', function(e) { + var target = $(e.target); + mediator.nodeHighlightedById(target.attr('data-id')); + }); + view.node.on('mouseleave', 'a', function(e) { + var target = $(e.target); + mediator.nodeDimmedById(target.attr('data-id')); + }); + view.node.on('click', 'a', function(e) { + e.preventDefault(); + mediator.nodeSelectedById($(e.target).attr('data-id')); + }); + }, + + showNode: function(node) { + this.node.empty(); + this.node.html(sandbox.getTemplate('statusBarNodeDisplay')({node: node, parents: node.parents('[wlxml-tag]')})); + //node.parents('[wlxml-tag]') + }, + + highlightNode: function(id) { + this.node.find('a[data-id="'+id+'"]').addClass('rng-hover'); + }, + dimNode: function(id) { + this.node.find('a[data-id="' +id+'"]').removeClass('rng-hover'); + } + } + + view.setup(); + sideBarView.setup(); + toolbarView.setup(); + statusBarView.setup(); + + var mediator = { + getCurrentNode: function() { + return view.currentNode; + }, + nodeCreated: function(node) { + view.selectNode(node); + }, + nodeSelected: function(node) { + sideBarView.updateEditPane(node); + statusBarView.showNode(node); + }, + nodeSelectedById: function(id) { + view.selectNodeById(id); + }, + nodeHighlightedById: function(id) { + view.highlightNodeById(id); + }, + nodeDimmedById: function(id) { + view.dimNodeById(id); + }, + toolbarButtonToggled: function(btn, toggle) { + if(btn === 'grid') + view.toggleGrid(toggle); + if(btn === 'tags') + view.toggleTags(toggle); + }, + toolbarButtonCmd: function(btn, meta) { + if(btn === 'new-node') { + var wlxmlTag = toolbarView.getOption('newTag-tag'); + var wlxmlClass = toolbarView.getOption('newTag-class'); + if(meta) { + var split = meta.split('/'); + wlxmlTag = split[0]; + wlxmlClass = split[1]; + } + if(window.getSelection().isCollapsed) + view.insertNewNode(wlxmlTag, wlxmlClass); + else { + this.wrapWithNodeRequest(wlxmlTag, wlxmlClass); + } + + + } + }, + nodeHovered: function(node) { + view.highlightNode(node); + sideBarView.highlightNode(node.attr('id')); + statusBarView.highlightNode(node.attr('id')); + }, + nodeBlured: function(node) { + view.dimNode(node); + sideBarView.dimNode(node.attr('id')); + statusBarView.dimNode(node.attr('id')); + }, + wrapWithNodeRequest: function(wlxmlTag, wlxmlClass) { + view.wrapSelectionWithNewNode(wlxmlTag, wlxmlClass); + } + + } + + var isDirty = false; + var wasShownAlready = false; + return { start: function() { sandbox.publish('ready'); }, getView: function() { - return view; + return view.node; }, setDocument: function(xml) { var transformed = transformations.fromXML.getDocumentDescription(xml); - $('#rng-visualEditor-content', view).html(transformed.HTMLTree); + view.setBody(transformed.HTMLTree); + view.setMetaData(transformed.metadata); isDirty = false; }, getDocument: function() { - return transformations.toXML.getXML({HTMLTree: $('#rng-visualEditor-content').text(), metadata: {}}); + return transformations.toXML.getXML({HTMLTree: view.getBody(), metadata: view.getMetaData()}); }, isDirty: function() { return isDirty; }, setDirty: function(dirty) { isDirty = dirty; + }, + onShowed: function() { + if(!wasShownAlready) { + wasShownAlready = true; + view.selectFirstNode(); + } } } -}; \ No newline at end of file +}; + +}); \ No newline at end of file