X-Git-Url: https://git.mdrn.pl/fnpeditor.git/blobdiff_plain/fcecb8e0ed56cd955b1d2bcbc12e2675f40f0243..79d1f9aef5454bf4cf75ef8f41c07d6439914569:/src/smartxml/smartxml.test.js
diff --git a/src/smartxml/smartxml.test.js b/src/smartxml/smartxml.test.js
index 0883ba7..8f7deb6 100644
--- a/src/smartxml/smartxml.test.js
+++ b/src/smartxml/smartxml.test.js
@@ -220,6 +220,7 @@ describe('smartxml', function() {
+ });
describe('Setting node attributes', function() {
it('can set node attribute', function() {
@@ -242,8 +243,6 @@ describe('smartxml', function() {
- });
describe('Basic TextNode properties', function() {
@@ -385,6 +384,15 @@ describe('smartxml', function() {
describe('Manipulations', function() {
+ describe('detaching nodes', function() {
+ it('can detach document root node', function() {
+ var doc = getDocumentFromXML('
+ doc.root.detach();
+ expect(doc.root).to.equal(null);
+ });
+ });
describe('replacing node with another one', function() {
it('replaces node with another one', function() {
var doc = getDocumentFromXML(''),
@@ -458,12 +466,95 @@ describe('smartxml', function() {
- it('wraps element node with another element node', function() {
+ describe('adding text nodes', function() {
+ it('merges text nodes on append', function() {
+ var doc = getDocumentFromXML('text1'),
+ returned;
+ returned = doc.root.append({text: 'text2'});
+ expect(doc.root.contents().length).to.equal(1);
+ expect(returned.sameNode(doc.root.contents()[0])).to.equal(true, 'modified node returned');
+ expect(doc.root.contents()[0].getText()).to.equal('text1text2');
+ });
+ it('merges text nodes on prepend', function() {
+ var doc = getDocumentFromXML('text1'),
+ returned;
+ returned = doc.root.prepend({text: 'text2'});
+ expect(doc.root.contents().length).to.equal(1);
+ expect(returned.sameNode(doc.root.contents()[0])).to.equal(true, 'modified node returned');
+ expect(doc.root.contents()[0].getText()).to.equal('text2text1');
+ });
+ it('merges text nodes on before text node', function() {
+ var doc = getDocumentFromXML('text1'),
+ textNode = doc.root.contents()[0],
+ returned;
+ returned = textNode.before({text: 'text2'});
+ expect(doc.root.contents().length).to.equal(1);
+ expect(returned.sameNode(doc.root.contents()[0])).to.equal(true, 'modified node returned');
+ expect(doc.root.contents()[0].getText()).to.equal('text2text1');
+ });
+ it('merges text nodes on after text node', function() {
+ var doc = getDocumentFromXML('text1'),
+ textNode = doc.root.contents()[0],
+ returned;
+ returned = textNode.after({text: 'text2'});
+ expect(doc.root.contents().length).to.equal(1);
+ expect(returned.sameNode(doc.root.contents()[0])).to.equal(true, 'modified node returned');
+ expect(doc.root.contents()[0].getText()).to.equal('text1text2');
+ });
+ it('merges text nodes on before element node', function() {
+ var doc = getDocumentFromXML('text1'),
+ textNode = doc.root.contents()[0],
+ div = doc.root.contents()[1],
+ returned;
+ returned = div.before({text: 'text2'});
+ expect(doc.root.contents().length).to.equal(2);
+ expect(returned.sameNode(doc.root.contents()[0])).to.equal(true, 'modified node returned');
+ expect(textNode.getText()).to.equal('text1text2');
+ });
+ it('merges text nodes on after element node', function() {
+ var doc = getDocumentFromXML('text1'),
+ textNode = doc.root.contents()[1],
+ div = doc.root.contents()[0],
+ returned;
+ returned = div.after({text: 'text2'});
+ expect(doc.root.contents().length).to.equal(2);
+ expect(returned.sameNode(doc.root.contents()[1])).to.equal(true, 'modified node returned');
+ expect(textNode.getText()).to.equal('text2text1');
+ });
+ });
+ it('wraps root element node with another element node', function() {
var node = elementNodeFromXML(''),
wrapper = elementNodeFromXML('');
+ expect(node.document.root.sameNode(wrapper)).to.be.true;
+ });
+ it('wraps element node with another element node', function() {
+ var doc = getDocumentFromXML(''),
+ div = doc.root.contents()[0];
+ var wrapper = div.wrapWith({tagName: 'wrapper'});
+ expect(wrapper.sameNode(doc.root.contents()[0])).to.equal(true, '1');
+ expect(div.parent().sameNode(wrapper)).to.equal(true, '2');
+ expect(wrapper.contents()[0].sameNode(div)).to.equal(true, '3');
+ });
+ it('wraps element outside of document tree', function() {
+ var doc = getDocumentFromXML(''),
+ node = doc.createDocumentNode({tagName: 'node'});
+ node.wrapWith({tagName: 'wrapper'});
+ expect(node.parent().getTagName()).to.equal('wrapper');
+ expect(node.parent().contents()[0].sameNode(node)).to.be.true;
+ expect(doc.root.getTagName()).to.equal('section');
it('unwraps element node contents', function() {
@@ -582,6 +673,176 @@ describe('smartxml', function() {
+ var getTextNodes = function(text, doc) {
+ /* globals Node */
+ var toret = [];
+ var search = function(node) {
+ node.contents().forEach(function(node) {
+ if(node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) {
+ if(node.getText() === text) {
+ toret.push(node);
+ }
+ } else {
+ search(node);
+ }
+ });
+ };
+ search(doc.root);
+ return toret;
+ };
+ var getTextNode = function(text, doc) {
+ var nodes = getTextNodes(text, doc),
+ error;
+ if(nodes.length === 0) {
+ error = 'Text not found';
+ } else if(nodes.length > 1) {
+ error = 'Text not unique';
+ } else if(nodes[0].getText() !== text) {
+ error = 'I was trying to cheat your test :(';
+ }
+ if(error) {
+ throw new Error(error);
+ }
+ return nodes[0];
+ };
+ describe('Removing arbitrary text', function() {
+ it('removes within single text element', function() {
+ var doc = getDocumentFromXML('Alice
+ text = getTextNode('Alice', doc);
+ doc.deleteText({
+ from: {
+ node: text,
+ offset: 1
+ },
+ to: {
+ node: text,
+ offset: 4
+ }
+ });
+ expect(doc.root.contents().length).to.equal(1);
+ expect(doc.root.contents()[0].getText()).to.equal('Ae');
+ });
+ it('removes across elements - 1', function() {
+ var doc = getDocumentFromXML('');
+ doc.deleteText({
+ from: {
+ node: getTextNode('aaa', doc),
+ offset: 2
+ },
+ to: {
+ node: getTextNode('bbb', doc),
+ offset: 2
+ }
+ });
+ var contents = doc.root.contents();
+ expect(contents.length).to.equal(2);
+ expect(contents[0].contents()[0].getText()).to.equal('aa');
+ expect(contents[1].contents()[0].getText()).to.equal('b');
+ });
+ it('removes across elements - 2', function() {
+ var doc = getDocumentFromXML('cccxxx');
+ doc.deleteText({
+ from: {
+ node: getTextNode('ccc', doc),
+ offset: 2
+ },
+ to: {
+ node: getTextNode('xxx', doc),
+ offset: 2
+ }
+ });
+ var contents = doc.root.contents();
+ expect(contents.length).to.equal(2);
+ expect(contents[0].getTagName()).to.equal('b');
+ expect(contents[1].getText()).to.equal('x');
+ var bContents = contents[0].contents();
+ expect(bContents.length).to.equal(1);
+ expect(bContents[0].getTagName()).to.equal('c');
+ expect(bContents[0].contents().length).to.equal(1);
+ expect(bContents[0].contents()[0].getText()).to.equal('cc');
+ });
+ it('remove across elements - 3 (merged text nodes)', function() {
+ var doc = getDocumentFromXML('Alice has a cat
+ doc.deleteText({
+ from: {
+ node: getTextNode('Alice ', doc),
+ offset: 1
+ },
+ to: {
+ node: getTextNode(' a cat', doc),
+ offset: 3
+ }
+ });
+ var contents = doc.root.contents();
+ expect(contents.length).to.equal(1);
+ expect(contents[0].getText()).to.equal('Acat');
+ });
+ it('remove across elements - 4', function() {
+ var doc = getDocumentFromXML('');
+ doc.deleteText({
+ from: {
+ node: getTextNode('Alice ', doc),
+ offset: 1
+ },
+ to: {
+ node: getTextNode(' cat', doc),
+ offset: 1
+ }
+ });
+ var contents = doc.root.contents();
+ expect(contents.length).to.equal(2);
+ expect(contents[0].getText()).to.equal('A');
+ expect(contents[1].getTagName()).to.equal('div');
+ expect(contents[1].contents().length).to.equal(1);
+ expect(contents[1].contents()[0].getText()).to.equal('cat');
+ });
+ it('removes across elements - 5 (whole document)', function() {
+ var doc = getDocumentFromXML('');
+ doc.deleteText({
+ from: {
+ node: getTextNode('Alice ', doc),
+ offset: 0
+ },
+ to: {
+ node: getTextNode('!!!', doc),
+ offset: 3
+ }
+ });
+ expect(doc.root.getTagName()).to.equal('div');
+ expect(doc.root.contents().length).to.equal(1);
+ expect(doc.root.contents()[0].getText()).to.equal('');
+ });
+ it('removes nodes in between', function() {
+ var doc = getDocumentFromXML('');
+ doc.deleteText({
+ from: {
+ node: getTextNode('aaa', doc),
+ offset: 2
+ },
+ to: {
+ node: getTextNode('bbb', doc),
+ offset: 2
+ }
+ });
+ var contents = doc.root.contents();
+ expect(contents.length).to.equal(2, 'two nodes survived');
+ expect(contents[0].getTagName()).to.equal('a');
+ expect(contents[1].getTagName()).to.equal('b');
+ expect(contents[0].contents().length).to.equal(1);
+ expect(contents[0].contents()[0].getText()).to.equal('aa');
+ expect(contents[1].contents().length).to.equal(1);
+ expect(contents[1].contents()[0].getText()).to.equal('b');
+ });
+ });
describe('Splitting text', function() {
it('splits TextNode\'s parent into two ElementNodes', function() {
@@ -700,6 +961,7 @@ describe('smartxml', function() {
+ expect(node.document.root.sameNode(event.meta.parent)).to.equal(true, 'previous parent attached to event meta');
it('emits nodeAdded event when prepending new node', function() {
@@ -879,6 +1141,16 @@ describe('smartxml', function() {
expect(siblingParents.node1.sameNode(aliceText)).to.equal(true, 'aliceText');
expect(siblingParents.node2.sameNode(span)).to.equal(true, 'span');
+ it('returns node itself for two same nodes', function() {
+ var doc = getDocumentFromXML(''),
+ div = doc.root.contents()[0];
+ var siblingParents = doc.getSiblingParents({node1: div, node2: div});
+ expect(!!siblingParents.node1 && !!siblingParents.node2).to.equal(true, 'nodes defined');
+ expect(siblingParents.node1.sameNode(div)).to.be.equal(true, 'node1');
+ expect(siblingParents.node2.sameNode(div)).to.be.equal(true, 'node2');
+ });
@@ -1139,6 +1411,7 @@ describe('smartxml', function() {
var sampleMethod = function(val) {
this._$.attr('x', val);
+ this.triggerChangeEvent();
var transformations = {
@@ -1235,10 +1508,12 @@ describe('smartxml', function() {
doc.registerExtension({elementNode: {transformations: {
nested: function(v) {
this._$.attr('innerAttr', v);
+ this.triggerChangeEvent();
outer: function(v) {
this._$.attr('outerAttr', v);
+ this.triggerChangeEvent();
@@ -1270,6 +1545,20 @@ describe('smartxml', function() {
+ it('ignores transformation if document didn\'t emit change event', function() {
+ var doc = getDocumentFromXML('');
+ doc.registerExtension({elementNode: {transformations: {
+ test: function() {
+ // empty
+ }
+ }}});
+ doc.root.test();
+ expect(doc.undoStack.length).to.equal(0);
+ });
describe('Transactions', function() {
it('allows to undo/redo series of transformations at once', function() {
var doc = getDocumentFromXML('');
@@ -1314,14 +1603,17 @@ describe('smartxml', function() {
elementNode: {transformations: {
unaware: function(v) {
this.setAttr('unware', v);
+ this.triggerChangeEvent();
smart: {
impl: function(t, v) {
t.oldVal = this.getAttr('smart');
this.setAttr('smart', v);
+ this.triggerChangeEvent();
undo: function(t) {
this.setAttr('smart', t.oldVal);
+ this.triggerChangeEvent();
@@ -1339,6 +1631,52 @@ describe('smartxml', function() {
+ it('can have associated metadata', function() {
+ var doc = getDocumentFromXML(''),
+ metadata = Object.create({});
+ doc.registerExtension({document: {transformations: {
+ test: function() {
+ this.trigger('change');
+ }
+ }}});
+ doc.startTransaction(metadata);
+ doc.test();
+ doc.endTransaction();
+ var transaction = doc.undoStack[0];
+ expect(transaction.metadata).to.equal(metadata);
+ });
+ });
+ describe('Regression tests', function() {
+ it('redos correctly after running its own undo followed by unaware transformation undo', function() {
+ var doc = getDocumentFromXML('');
+ doc.registerExtension({elementNode: {transformations: {
+ unaware: function() {
+ this.triggerChangeEvent();
+ },
+ test: {
+ impl: function() {
+ this._$.attr('t', 1);
+ this.triggerChangeEvent();
+ },
+ undo: function() {
+ this._$.attr('t', 0);
+ }
+ }
+ }}});
+ doc.root.unaware();
+ doc.root.test();
+ doc.undo();
+ doc.undo();
+ doc.redo();
+ doc.redo();
+ expect(doc.root.getAttr('t')).to.equal('1');
+ });