X-Git-Url: https://git.mdrn.pl/fnpeditor.git/blobdiff_plain/b729636a8bfe248aa9890a6f3bef56cbbab885fd..824b4e2265ab7fe8e30dc72feb5f299c28778da2:/src/smartxml/transformations.js

diff --git a/src/smartxml/transformations.js b/src/smartxml/transformations.js
index 8cf0819..4a8e5a8 100644
--- a/src/smartxml/transformations.js
+++ b/src/smartxml/transformations.js
@@ -6,138 +6,127 @@ var _ = require('libs/underscore'),
     toret = {};
-toret.createGenericTransformation = function(desc) {
+var getTransDesc = function(desc) {
+    if(typeof desc === 'function') {
+        desc = {impl: desc};
+    }
+    if(!desc.impl) {
+        throw new Error('Got transformation description without implementation.');
+    }
+    return desc;
+toret.createGenericTransformation = function(desc, name) {
+    desc = getTransDesc(desc);
     var GenericTransformation = function(document, args) {
-        this.args = args || {};
+        this.args = args || [];
         var transformation = this;
-        _.keys(this.args).forEach(function(key) {
-            if(transformation.args[key].nodeType) { //@@ change to instanceof check, fix circular dependency
-                var value = transformation.args[key],
-                    path = value.getPath();
-                Object.defineProperty(transformation.args, key, {
-                    get: function() {
-                        if(transformation.hasRun) {
-                            console.log('returning via path');
-                            return transformation.document.getNodeByPath(path);
-                        } else {
-                            console.log('returning original arg');
-                            return value;
-                        }
+        var patchObject = function(obj, depth) {
+            depth = _.isNumber(depth) ? depth : 1;
+            if(depth > 3) {
+                return;
+            }
+            _.keys(obj).forEach(function(key) {
+                var value = obj[key];
+                if(value) {
+                    if(value.nodeType) {
+                        transformation.wrapNodeProperty(obj, key);
+                    } else if(_.isObject(value)) {
+                        patchObject(value, depth+1);
-                });
+                }
+            });
+        };
+        this.args.forEach(function(arg, idx, args) {
+            if(arg) {
+                if(arg.nodeType) { // ~
+                    transformation.wrapNodeProperty(args, idx);
+                } else if(_.isObject(arg)) {
+                    patchObject(arg);
+                }
         this.document = document;
-        this.hasRun = false;
+        this.runCount = 0;
         if(desc.init) {
     _.extend(GenericTransformation.prototype, {
-        name: desc.name,
-        run: function() {
+        name: name,
+        run: function(options) {
             var changeRoot;
-            if(!desc.undo) {
-                changeRoot = desc.getChangeRoot ? desc.getChangeRoot.call(this) : this.document.root;
-                this.snapshot = changeRoot.clone();
+            if(!desc.undo && options.beUndoable) {
+                changeRoot = this.getChangeRoot();
+                if(!changeRoot) {
+                     throw new Error(
+                         'Transformation {name} returned invalid change root value'
+                         .replace('{name}', name)
+                     );
+                }
                 this.changeRootPath = changeRoot.getPath();
+                this.snapshot = changeRoot.clone();
-            var toret = desc.impl.call(this.context, this.args); // a argumenty do metody?
-            this.hasRun = true;
+            var argsToPass = desc.undo ? [this].concat(this.args) : this.args;
+            var toret = desc.impl.apply(this.context, argsToPass);
+            this.runCount++;
             return toret;
         undo: function() {
             if(desc.undo) {
-                desc.undo.call(this.context);
+                desc.undo.call(this.context, this);
+                this.runCount++;
             } else {
+        getChangeRoot: desc.getChangeRoot || function() {
+            return this.document.root;
+        },
+        wrapNodeProperty: function(object, propName, value) {
+            var transformation = this,
+                lastRunNumber = 0,
+                path;
+            value = value || object[propName];
+            if(value && value.nodeType) {
+                path = value.getPath();
+                Object.defineProperty(object, propName, {
+                    get: function() {
+                        if((lastRunNumber !== transformation.runCount) && path) {
+                            value = transformation.document.getNodeByPath(path);
+                            lastRunNumber = transformation.runCount;
+                        }
+                        return value;
+                    }
+                });
+            }
+        }
     return GenericTransformation;
-// var T = createGenericTransformation({impl: function() {}});
-// var t = T(doc, {a:1,b:2,c3:3});
-toret.createContextTransformation = function(desc) {
-    // mozna sie pozbyc przez przeniesienie object/context na koniec argumentow konstruktora generic transformation
-    var GenericTransformation = toret.createGenericTransformation(desc);
+toret.createContextTransformation = function(desc, name) {
+    var GenericTransformation = toret.createGenericTransformation(desc, name);
     var ContextTransformation = function(document, object, args) {
         GenericTransformation.call(this, document, args);
         if(document === object) {
             this.context = document;
-        } else {      
-            var contextPath = object.getPath();
-            Object.defineProperty(this, 'context', {
-                get: function() {
-                    // todo: to jakos inaczej, bo np. this.context w undo transformacji before to juz nie ten sam obiekt
-                    // moze transformacja powinna zwracac zmodyfikowana sciezke do obiektu po dzialaniu run?
-                    // tu tez trick z hasRun
-                    return document.getNodeByPath(contextPath);
-                }
-            });
+        } else {
+            this.wrapNodeProperty(this, 'context', object);
-    }
+    };
     ContextTransformation.prototype = Object.create(GenericTransformation.prototype);
     return ContextTransformation;
-// var T = createContextTransformation({impl: function() {}});
-// var t = T(doc, node, {a:1,b:2,c3:3});
-toret.TransformationStorage = function() {
-    this._transformations = {};
-_.extend(toret.TransformationStorage.prototype, {
-    register: function(Transformation) {
-        var list = (this._transformations[Transformation.prototype.name] = this._transformations[Transformation.prototype.name] || []);
-        list.push(Transformation);
-    },
-    get: function(name) {
-        var transformations = this._transformations[name];
-        if(!transformations) {
-            throw new Error('Transformation "' + name + '" not found!');
-        }
-        // na razie zwraca pierwsza
-        return transformations[0];
-    }
-// var registerTransformationFromMethod = (object, methodName, desc) {
-//         if(!object[methodName]) {
-//             throw new Exeption('Cannot register transformation from unknown method ' + methodName + ' on ' + object);
-//         }
-//         desc.impl = object[name];
-//         Transformation = createContextTransformation(desc);
-//         object.prototype.registerContextTransformation(name, createContextTransformation(method));
-// };
-// registerTransformationFromMethod(ElementNode, 'setAttr', {
-//     impl: function(args) {
-//         this.setAttr(args.name, args.value);
-//     },
-//     getChangeRoot: function() {
-//         return this.context;
-//     }
-// });
 return toret;
\ No newline at end of file