X-Git-Url: https://git.mdrn.pl/fnpeditor.git/blobdiff_plain/0b89e99ee683a4104d07b0756e090becaa52ad9c..36bb9273f472d484a633ec54bb4b0ad3b70d50f2:/modules/documentCanvas/canvasManager.js

diff --git a/modules/documentCanvas/canvasManager.js b/modules/documentCanvas/canvasManager.js
index b6a316e..69cfd07 100644
--- a/modules/documentCanvas/canvasManager.js
+++ b/modules/documentCanvas/canvasManager.js
@@ -1,239 +1,187 @@
-], function($, canvasNode) {
-'use strict';
-var getCursorPosition = function() {
-    var selection = window.getSelection();
-    var anchorNode = $(selection.anchorNode);
-    var parent = anchorNode.parent();
-    return {
-        textNode: anchorNode,
-        textNodeOffset: selection.anchorOffset,
-        textNodeIndex: parent.contents().index(anchorNode),
-        parentNode: parent,
-        focusNode: $(selection.focusNode).parent(),
-        isAtEnd: selection.anchorOffset === anchorNode.text().length
-    }
-var Manager = function(canvas, sandbox) {
-    this.canvas = canvas;
-    this.sandbox = sandbox;
-    this.shownAlready = false;
-    this.gridToggled = false;
-    this.scrollbarPosition = 0;
-    this.currentNode = null;
-    var manager = this;
-    canvas.dom.find('#rng-module-documentCanvas-content').on('keyup', function() {
-        manager.sandbox.publish('contentChanged');
-    });
-    canvas.dom.on('mouseover', '[wlxml-tag]', function(e) {
-        e.stopPropagation();
-        manager.sandbox.publish('nodeHovered', canvasNode.create($(e.target)));
-    });
-    canvas.dom.on('mouseout', '[wlxml-tag]', function(e) {
-        e.stopPropagation();
-        manager.sandbox.publish('nodeBlured', canvasNode.create($(e.target)));
-    });
-    canvas.dom.on('click', '[wlxml-tag]', function(e) {
-        e.stopPropagation();
-        console.log('clicked node type: '+e.target.nodeType);
-        manager.selectNode(canvasNode.create($(e.target)));
-    });
-    canvas.dom.on('keyup', '#rng-module-documentCanvas-contentWrapper', function(e) {
-        var anchor = $(window.getSelection().anchorNode);
-        if(anchor[0].nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE)
-            anchor = anchor.parent();
-        if(!anchor.is('[wlxml-tag]'))
-            return;
-        manager.selectNode(canvasNode.create(anchor));
-    });
-    canvas.dom.on('keydown', '#rng-module-documentCanvas-contentWrapper', function(e) {
-        if(e.which === 13) { 
-            manager.onEnterKey(e);
-        }
-        if(e.which === 8) {
-            manager.onBackspaceKey(e);
-        }
-    });
-    canvas.dom.onShow = function() {
-        if(!manager.shownAlready) {
-            manager.shownAlready = true;
-            manager.selectFirstNode();
-        } else if(manager.currentNode) {
-            manager.movecaretToNode(manager.getNodeElement(manager.currentNode));
-            canvas.dom.find('#rng-module-documentCanvas-contentWrapper').scrollTop(manager.scrollbarPosition);
-        }
-    };
-    canvas.dom.onHide = function() {
-       manager.scrollbarPosition = canvas.dom.find('#rng-module-documentCanvas-contentWrapper').scrollTop();
-    }
-Manager.prototype.selectNode = function(cnode, options) {
-    options = options || {};
-    var nodeElement = this.getNodeElement(cnode)
-    this.dimNode(cnode);
-    this.canvas.dom.find('.rng-module-documentCanvas-currentNode').removeClass('rng-module-documentCanvas-currentNode');
-    nodeElement.addClass('rng-module-documentCanvas-currentNode');
-    if(options.movecaret) {
-        this.movecaretToNode(nodeElement, options.movecaret);
-    }
-    this.currentNode = cnode;
-    this.sandbox.publish('nodeSelected', cnode);
-Manager.prototype.insertNewNode = function(wlxmlTag, wlxmlClass) {
-    var selection = window.getSelection();
-    if(selection.getRangeAt(0).collapsed) {
-    } else {
-        var offsetStart = selection.anchorOffset;
-        var offsetEnd = selection.focusOffset;
-        if(offsetStart > offsetEnd) {
-            var tmp = offsetStart;
-            offsetStart = offsetEnd;
-            offsetEnd = tmp;
-        }
-        var wrapper = canvasNode.create({tag: wlxmlTag, klass: wlxmlClass});
-        this.canvas.nodeWrap({inside: canvasNode.create($(selection.anchorNode).parent()),
-                              _with: wrapper,
-                              offsetStart: offsetStart,
-                              offsetEnd: offsetEnd
-                            });
-        this.selectNode(wrapper, {movecaret: 'end'});
-    }
-Manager.prototype.getNodeElement = function(cnode) {
-    return this.canvas.dom.find('#'+cnode.getId());
-Manager.prototype.highlightNode = function(cnode) {
-    var nodeElement = this.getNodeElement(cnode);
-    if(!this.gridToggled) {
-        nodeElement.addClass('rng-common-hoveredNode');
-        var label = nodeElement.attr('wlxml-tag');
-        if(nodeElement.attr('wlxml-class'))
-            label += ' / ' + nodeElement.attr('wlxml-class');
-        var tag = $('<div>').addClass('rng-module-documentCanvas-hoveredNodeTag').text(label);
-        nodeElement.append(tag);
-    }
-Manager.prototype.dimNode = function(cnode) {
-    var nodeElement = this.getNodeElement(cnode);
-    if(!this.gridToggled) {
-        nodeElement.removeClass('rng-common-hoveredNode');
-        nodeElement.find('.rng-module-documentCanvas-hoveredNodeTag').remove();
-    }
-Manager.prototype.selectFirstNode = function() {
-    var firstNodeWithText = this.canvas.dom.find('[wlxml-tag]').filter(function() {
-        return $(this).clone().children().remove().end().text().trim() !== '';
-    }).first();
-    var node;
-    if(firstNodeWithText.length)
-        node = $(firstNodeWithText[0])
-    else {
-        node = this.canvas.dom.find('[wlxml-class|="p"]')
-    }
-    this.selectNode(canvasNode.create(node), {movecaret: true});
-Manager.prototype.movecaretToNode = function(nodeElement, where) {
-    if(!nodeElement.length)
-        return;
-    var range = document.createRange();
-    range.selectNodeContents(nodeElement[0]);
-    var collapseArg = true;
-    if(where === 'end')
-        collapseArg = false;
-    range.collapse(collapseArg);
-    var selection = document.getSelection();
-    selection.removeAllRanges()
-    selection.addRange(range);
-Manager.prototype.toggleGrid =  function(toggle) {
-    this.canvas.dom.find('[wlxml-tag]').toggleClass('rng-common-hoveredNode', toggle);
-    this.gridToggled = toggle;
-Manager.prototype.onEnterKey = function(e) {
-    e.preventDefault();
-    var pos = getCursorPosition();
-    var contextNode = this.canvas.getNodeById(pos.parentNode.attr('id'));
-    var newNode;
-    if(pos.isAtEnd) {
-        newNode = canvasNode.create({tag: pos.parentNode.attr('wlxml-tag'), klass: pos.parentNode.attr('wlxml-class')});
-        this.canvas.nodeInsertAfter({node: newNode, after: canvas.getNodeById(pos.parentNode.attr('id'))});
-    } else {
-        newNode = this.canvas.nodeSplit({node: contextNode, textNodeIdx: pos.textNodeIndex, offset: pos.textNodeOffset});
-    }
-    if(newNode)
-        this.selectNode(newNode, {movecaret: true});
-    this.sandbox.publish('contentChanged');
-Manager.prototype.onBackspaceKey = function(e) {
-    var pos = getCursorPosition();
-    var len = pos.textNode.text().length;
-    if(len === 1) {
-        // Prevent deleting node by browser after last character removed;
-        e.preventDefault();
-        pos.parentNode.text('');
-    }
-    if(len === 0) {
-        e.preventDefault();
-        var toRemove = canvasNode.create(pos.textNode);
-        var prevNode = this.canvas.getPrecedingNode({node:toRemove});
-        this.canvas.nodeRemove({node: toRemove}); // jesli nie ma tekstu, to anchor nie jest tex nodem
-        this.selectNode(prevNode, {movecaret: 'end'});
-    }
-Manager.prototype.command = function(command, meta) {
-    var pos = getCursorPosition();
-    if(command === 'createList') {
-        var node = canvasNode.create(pos.parentNode);
-        if(window.getSelection().getRangeAt().collapsed && this.canvas.nodeInsideList({node: node})) {
-            this.canvas.listRemove({pointer: node});
-            this.selectNode(node, {movecaret: 'end'});
-            this.sandbox.publish('contentChanged');
-        }
-        else {
-            if(!this.canvas.nodeInsideList({node: node})) {
-                this.canvas.listCreate({start: node, end: canvasNode.create(pos.focusNode), type: meta});
-                this.selectNode(node, {movecaret: 'end'});
-                this.sandbox.publish('contentChanged');
-            }
-        }
-    }
-return Manager;
+], function($, canvasNode) {
+'use strict';
+var getCursorPosition = function() {
+    var selection = window.getSelection();
+    var anchorNode = $(selection.anchorNode);
+    var parent = anchorNode.parent();
+    return {
+        textNode: anchorNode,
+        textNodeOffset: selection.anchorOffset,
+        textNodeIndex: parent.contents().index(anchorNode),
+        parentNode: parent,
+        focusNode: $(selection.focusNode).parent(),
+        isAtEnd: selection.anchorOffset === anchorNode.text().length
+    };
+var Manager = function(canvas, sandbox) {
+    this.canvas = canvas;
+    this.sandbox = sandbox;
+    this.shownAlready = false;
+    this.scrollbarPosition = 0;
+    this.currentNode = null;
+    var manager = this;
+    // canvas.doc().dom().find('#rng-module-documentCanvas-content').on('keyup', function() {
+    //     manager.sandbox.publish('contentChanged');
+    // });
+    // canvas.doc().dom().on('mouseover', '[wlxml-tag]', function(e) {
+    //     e.stopPropagation();
+    //     manager.sandbox.publish('nodeHovered', canvasNode.create($(e.target)));
+    // });
+    // canvas.doc().dom().on('mouseout', '[wlxml-tag]', function(e) {
+    //     e.stopPropagation();
+    //     manager.sandbox.publish('nodeBlured', canvasNode.create($(e.target)));
+    // });
+    // canvas.doc().dom().on('click', '[wlxml-tag]', function(e) {
+    //     e.stopPropagation();
+    //     console.log('clicked node type: '+e.target.nodeType);
+    //     manager.selectNode(canvasNode.create($(e.target)));
+    // });
+    // canvas.doc().dom().on('keyup', '#rng-module-documentCanvas-contentWrapper', function(e) {
+    //     var anchor = $(window.getSelection().anchorNode);
+    //     if(anchor[0].nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE)
+    //         anchor = anchor.parent();
+    //     if(!anchor.is('[wlxml-tag]'))
+    //         return;
+    //     manager.selectNode(canvasNode.create(anchor));
+    // });
+    // canvas.doc().dom().on('keydown', '#rng-module-documentCanvas-contentWrapper', function(e) {
+    //     if(e.which === 13) { 
+    //         manager.onEnterKey(e);
+    //     }
+    //     if(e.which === 8) {
+    //         manager.onBackspaceKey(e);
+    //     }
+    // });
+    // canvas.doc().dom().onShow = function() {
+    //     if(!manager.shownAlready) {
+    //         manager.shownAlready = true;
+    //         manager.selectFirstNode();
+    //     } else if(manager.currentNode) {
+    //         manager.movecaretToNode(manager.getNodeElement(manager.currentNode));
+    //         canvas.doc().dom().find('#rng-module-documentCanvas-contentWrapper').scrollTop(manager.scrollbarPosition);
+    //     }
+    // };
+    // canvas.doc().dom().onHide = function() {
+    //    manager.scrollbarPosition = canvas.doc().dom().find('#rng-module-documentCanvas-contentWrapper').scrollTop();
+    // };
+Manager.prototype.selectNode = function(cnode, options) {
+    options = options || {};
+    var nodeElement = this.getNodeElement(cnode);
+    this.dimNode(cnode);
+    this.canvas.doc().dom().find('.rng-module-documentCanvas-currentNode').removeClass('rng-module-documentCanvas-currentNode');
+    nodeElement.addClass('rng-module-documentCanvas-currentNode');
+    if(options.movecaret) {
+        this.movecaretToNode(nodeElement, options.movecaret);
+    }
+    this.currentNode = cnode;
+    this.sandbox.publish('nodeSelected', cnode);
+Manager.prototype.getNodeElement = function(cnode) {
+    return this.canvas.doc().dom().find('#'+cnode.getId());
+Manager.prototype.highlightNode = function(cnode) {
+    var nodeElement = this.getNodeElement(cnode);
+    if(!this.gridToggled) {
+        nodeElement.addClass('rng-common-hoveredNode');
+        var label = nodeElement.attr('wlxml-tag');
+        if(nodeElement.attr('wlxml-class'))
+            label += ' / ' + nodeElement.attr('wlxml-class');
+        var tag = $('<div>').addClass('rng-module-documentCanvas-hoveredNodeTag').text(label);
+        nodeElement.append(tag);
+    }
+Manager.prototype.dimNode = function(cnode) {
+    var nodeElement = this.getNodeElement(cnode);
+    if(!this.gridToggled) {
+        nodeElement.removeClass('rng-common-hoveredNode');
+        nodeElement.find('.rng-module-documentCanvas-hoveredNodeTag').remove();
+    }
+Manager.prototype.selectFirstNode = function() {
+    var firstNodeWithText = this.canvas.doc().dom().find('[wlxml-tag]').filter(function() {
+        return $(this).clone().children().remove().end().text().trim() !== '';
+    }).first();
+    var node;
+    if(firstNodeWithText.length)
+        node = $(firstNodeWithText[0]);
+    else {
+        node = this.canvas.doc().dom().find('[wlxml-class|="p"]');
+    }
+    this.selectNode(canvasNode.create(node), {movecaret: true});
+Manager.prototype.movecaretToNode = function(nodeElement, where) {
+    if(!nodeElement.length)
+        return;
+    var range = document.createRange();
+    range.selectNodeContents(nodeElement[0]);
+    var collapseArg = true;
+    if(where === 'end')
+        collapseArg = false;
+    range.collapse(collapseArg);
+    var selection = document.getSelection();
+    selection.removeAllRanges();
+    selection.addRange(range);
+Manager.prototype.onEnterKey = function(e) {
+    e.preventDefault();
+    var pos = getCursorPosition();
+    var contextNode = this.canvas.getNodeById(pos.parentNode.attr('id'));
+    var newNode;
+    if(pos.isAtEnd) {
+        newNode = canvasNode.create({tag: pos.parentNode.attr('wlxml-tag'), klass: pos.parentNode.attr('wlxml-class')});
+        this.canvas.nodeInsertAfter({node: newNode, after: this.canvas.getNodeById(pos.parentNode.attr('id'))});
+    } else {
+        newNode = this.canvas.nodeSplit({node: contextNode, textNodeIdx: pos.textNodeIndex, offset: pos.textNodeOffset});
+    }
+    if(newNode)
+        this.selectNode(newNode, {movecaret: true});
+    this.sandbox.publish('contentChanged');
+Manager.prototype.onBackspaceKey = function(e) {
+    var pos = getCursorPosition();
+    var len = pos.textNode.text().length;
+    if(len === 1) {
+        // Prevent deleting node by browser after last character removed;
+        e.preventDefault();
+        pos.parentNode.text('');
+    }
+    if(len === 0) {
+        e.preventDefault();
+        var toRemove = canvasNode.create(pos.textNode);
+        var prevNode = this.canvas.getPrecedingNode({node:toRemove});
+        this.canvas.nodeRemove({node: toRemove}); // jesli nie ma tekstu, to anchor nie jest tex nodem
+        this.selectNode(prevNode, {movecaret: 'end'});
+    }
+return Manager;
\ No newline at end of file