X-Git-Url: https://git.mdrn.pl/fnpeditor.git/blobdiff_plain/02a91f42fa120c3f1d5f08100cf0f85bc571b5d1..7d75b134d25b5001b2ff486d912e2b867eea91d0:/modules/documentCanvas/canvas/canvas.test3.js
diff --git a/modules/documentCanvas/canvas/canvas.test3.js b/modules/documentCanvas/canvas/canvas.test3.js
index 778c4bf..ff7c5c4 100644
--- a/modules/documentCanvas/canvas/canvas.test3.js
+++ b/modules/documentCanvas/canvas/canvas.test3.js
@@ -10,6 +10,55 @@ var expect = chai.expect;
describe('Canvas', function() {
+ describe('Internal HTML representation of a sample document', function() {
+ it('works', function() {
+ var c = canvas.fromXML('\
+ \
+ This is some text without its own wrapping tag.\
+ \
+ This is a paragraph.\
+ \
+ This is text in a div with some inline text.\
+ This is some text without its own wrapping tag.\
+ \
+ ');
+ var expected = '
+ + 'This is some text without its own wrapping tag.'
+ + '
This is a paragraph.
+ + '
This is text in a div
with some inline text
+ + 'This is some text without its own wrapping tag.'
+ + '
+ expect(c.doc().dom()[0].isEqualNode($(expected)[0])).to.be.true;
+ });
+ });
+ describe('Internal HTML representation of a DocumentNodeElement', function() {
+ it('is always a div tag', function() {
+ ['section', 'header', 'span', 'aside', 'figure'].forEach(function(tagName) {
+ var dom = canvas.fromXML('<' + tagName + '>' + tagName + '>').doc().dom();
+ expect(dom.prop('tagName')).to.equal('DIV', tagName + ' is represented as div');
+ });
+ });
+ it('has wlxml tag put into wlxml-tag attribute', function() {
+ var dom = canvas.fromXML('').doc().dom();
+ expect(dom.attr('wlxml-tag')).to.equal('section');
+ });
+ it('has wlxml class put into wlxml-class, dots replaced with dashes', function() {
+ var dom = canvas.fromXML('').doc().dom();
+ expect(dom.attr('wlxml-class')).to.equal('some-class');
+ });
+ });
+ describe('Internal HTML representation of a DocumentTextElement', function() {
+ it('is just a TextNode', function() {
+ var dom = canvas.fromXML('').doc().children()[0].dom();
+ expect(dom[0].nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE);
+ });
+ });
describe('basic properties', function() {
it('renders empty document when canvas created from empty XML', function() {
var c = canvas.fromXML('');
@@ -20,8 +69,48 @@ describe('Canvas', function() {
var c = canvas.fromXML('');
+ describe('DocumentTextElement', function() {
+ it('can have its content set', function() {
+ var c = canvas.fromXML(''),
+ root = c.doc(),
+ text = root.children()[0];
+ text.setText('a cat');
+ expect(root.children()[0].getText()).to.equal('a cat');
+ });
+ });
+ describe('DocumentNodeElement', function() {
+ it('knows index of its child', function() {
+ var c = canvas.fromXML(''),
+ root = c.doc(),
+ child = root.children()[1];
+ expect(root.childIndex(child)).to.equal(1);
+ });
+ it('knows WLXML tag it renders', function(){
+ var c = canvas.fromXML(''),
+ section = c.doc();
+ expect(section.getWlxmlTag()).to.equal('section', 'initial tag is section');
+ section.setWlxmlTag('header');
+ expect(section.getWlxmlTag()).to.equal('header', 'tag is changed to header');
+ });
+ it('knows WLXML class of a WLXML tag it renders', function(){
+ var c = canvas.fromXML(''),
+ section = c.doc();
+ expect(section.getWlxmlClass()).to.equal('some.class');
+ section.setWlxmlClass('some.other.class');
+ expect(section.getWlxmlClass()).to.equal('some.other.class');
+ section.setWlxmlClass(null);
+ expect(section.getWlxmlClass()).to.be.undefined;
+ });
+ });
describe('document representation api', function() {
describe('document root element', function() {
var c = canvas.fromXML('');
@@ -99,6 +188,7 @@ describe('Canvas', function() {
var c = canvas.fromXML('');
+ expect(c.doc().children()[0].getText()).to.equal(' ');
it('ignores white space surrounding block elements', function() {
var c = canvas.fromXML('');
@@ -114,6 +204,27 @@ describe('Canvas', function() {
+ it('trims white space from the beginning and the end of the block elements', function() {
+ var c = canvas.fromXML('');
+ expect(c.doc().children()[0].getText()).to.equal('Alice ');
+ expect(c.doc().children()[2].getText()).to.equal(' a cat');
+ });
+ it('normalizes string of white characters to one space at the inline element boundries', function() {
+ var c = canvas.fromXML(' Alice has a cat ');
+ expect(c.doc().children()[0].getText()).to.equal(' Alice has a cat ');
+ });
+ it('normalizes string of white characters to one space before inline element', function() {
+ var c = canvas.fromXML('Alice has a cat
+ expect(c.doc().children()[0].getText()).to.equal('Alice has ');
+ });
+ it('normalizes string of white characters to one space after inline element', function() {
+ var c = canvas.fromXML('Alice has a cat
+ expect(c.doc().children()[2].getText()).to.equal(' cat');
+ });
@@ -129,6 +240,16 @@ describe('Canvas', function() {
+ it('can put new TextElement at the end', function() {
+ var c = canvas.fromXML(''),
+ appended = c.doc().append({text: 'Alice'}),
+ children = c.doc().children();
+ expect(children.length).to.equal(1);
+ expect(children[0].sameNode(appended));
+ expect(children[0].getText()).to.equal('Alice');
+ });
it('can put new NodeElement after another NodeElement', function() {
var c = canvas.fromXML(''),
div = c.doc().children()[0],
@@ -137,6 +258,93 @@ describe('Canvas', function() {
+ it('can put new Nodeelement before another element', function() {
+ var c = canvas.fromXML(''),
+ div = c.doc().children()[0],
+ added = div.before({tag: 'header', klass: 'some.class'}),
+ children = c.doc().children();
+ expect(children.length).to.equal(2);
+ expect(children[0].sameNode(added));
+ });
+ it('can put new DocumentNodeElement after DocumentTextElement', function() {
+ var c = canvas.fromXML(''),
+ text = c.doc().children()[0],
+ added = text.after({tag: 'p'}),
+ children = c.doc().children();
+ expect(children.length).to.equal(2);
+ expect(children[0]).to.be.instanceOf(documentElement.DocumentTextElement);
+ expect(children[0].getText()).to.equal('Alice');
+ expect(children[1]).to.be.instanceOf(documentElement.DocumentNodeElement);
+ expect(children[1].sameNode(added)).to.be.true;
+ });
+ it('can put new DocumentNodeElement before DocumentTextElement', function() {
+ var c = canvas.fromXML(''),
+ text = c.doc().children()[0],
+ added = text.before({tag: 'p'}),
+ children = c.doc().children();
+ expect(children.length).to.equal(2);
+ expect(children[0]).to.be.instanceOf(documentElement.DocumentNodeElement);
+ expect(children[0].sameNode(added)).to.be.true;
+ expect(children[1]).to.be.instanceOf(documentElement.DocumentTextElement);
+ expect(children[1].getText()).to.equal('Alice');
+ });
+ });
+ describe('Splitting text', function() {
+ it('splits DocumentTextElement\'s parent into two DocumentNodeElements of the same type', function() {
+ var c = canvas.fromXML(''),
+ section = c.doc(),
+ text = section.children()[0].children()[0];
+ text.split({offset: 5});
+ expect(section.children().length).to.equal(2, 'section has two children');
+ var header1 = section.children()[0];
+ var header2 = section.children()[1];
+ expect(header1.wlxmlTag).to.equal('header', 'first section child represents wlxml header');
+ expect(header1.children().length).to.equal(1, 'first header has one text child');
+ expect(header1.children()[0].getText()).to.equal('Some ', 'first header has correct content');
+ expect(header2.wlxmlTag).to.equal('header', 'second section child represents wlxml header');
+ expect(header2.children().length).to.equal(1, 'second header has one text child');
+ expect(header2.children()[0].getText()).to.equal('header', 'second header has correct content');
+ });
+ it('keeps DocumentTextElement\'s parent\'s children elements intact', function() {
+ var c = canvas.fromXML('\
+ \
+ \
+ A fancy and nice header\
+ \
+ '),
+ section = c.doc(),
+ header = section.children()[0],
+ textAnd = header.children()[2];
+ textAnd.split({offset: 2});
+ var sectionChildren = section.children();
+ expect(sectionChildren.length).to.equal(2, 'Section has two children');
+ expect(sectionChildren[0].wlxmlTag).to.equal('header', 'First section element is a wlxml header');
+ expect(sectionChildren[1].wlxmlTag).to.equal('header', 'Second section element is a wlxml header');
+ var firstHeaderChildren = sectionChildren[0].children();
+ expect(firstHeaderChildren.length).to.equal(3, 'First header has three children');
+ expect(firstHeaderChildren[0].getText()).to.equal('A ', 'First header starts with a text');
+ expect(firstHeaderChildren[1].wlxmlTag).to.equal('span', 'First header has span in the middle');
+ expect(firstHeaderChildren[2].getText()).to.equal(' a', 'First header ends with text');
+ var secondHeaderChildren = sectionChildren[1].children();
+ expect(secondHeaderChildren.length).to.equal(3, 'Second header has three children');
+ expect(secondHeaderChildren[0].getText()).to.equal('nd ', 'Second header starts with text');
+ expect(secondHeaderChildren[1].wlxmlTag).to.equal('span', 'Second header has span in the middle');
+ expect(secondHeaderChildren[2].getText()).to.equal(' header', 'Second header ends with text');
+ });
describe('wrapping', function() {
@@ -150,6 +358,8 @@ describe('Canvas', function() {
+ expect(returned.getWlxmlTag()).to.equal('header');
+ expect(returned.getWlxmlClass()).to.equal('some.class');
it('wraps DocumentTextElement', function() {
var c = canvas.fromXML(''),
@@ -161,6 +371,372 @@ describe('Canvas', function() {
+ expect(returned.getWlxmlTag()).to.equal('header');
+ expect(returned.getWlxmlClass()).to.equal('some.class');
+ });
+ it('wraps part of DocumentTextElement', function() {
+ var c = canvas.fromXML(''),
+ text = c.doc().children()[0];
+ var returned = text.wrapWithNodeElement({tag: 'header', klass: 'some.class', start: 5, end: 12}),
+ children = c.doc().children();
+ expect(children.length).to.equal(3);
+ expect(children[0]).to.be.instanceOf(documentElement.DocumentTextElement);
+ expect(children[0].getText()).to.equal('Alice');
+ expect(children[1].sameNode(returned)).to.be.true;
+ expect(returned.getWlxmlTag()).to.equal('header');
+ expect(returned.getWlxmlClass()).to.equal('some.class');
+ expect(children[1].children().length).to.equal(1);
+ expect(children[1].children()[0].getText()).to.equal(' has a ');
+ expect(children[2]).to.be.instanceOf(documentElement.DocumentTextElement);
+ expect(children[2].getText()).to.equal('cat');
+ });
+ it('wraps text spanning multiple sibling DocumentTextNodes', function() {
+ var c = canvas.fromXML(''),
+ section = c.doc(),
+ wrapper = c.wrapText({
+ inside: section,
+ _with: {tag: 'span', klass: 'some.class'},
+ offsetStart: 6,
+ offsetEnd: 4,
+ textNodeIdx: [0,2]
+ });
+ expect(section.children().length).to.equal(2);
+ expect(section.children()[0]).to.be.instanceOf(documentElement.DocumentTextElement);
+ expect(section.children()[0].getText()).to.equal('Alice ');
+ var wrapper2 = section.children()[1];
+ expect(wrapper2.sameNode(wrapper)).to.be.true;
+ var wrapperChildren = wrapper.children();
+ expect(wrapperChildren.length).to.equal(3);
+ expect(wrapperChildren[0].getText()).to.equal('has a ');
+ expect(wrapperChildren[1]).to.be.instanceOf(documentElement.DocumentNodeElement);
+ expect(wrapperChildren[1].children().length).to.equal(1);
+ expect(wrapperChildren[1].children()[0].getText()).to.equal('small');
+ expect(wrapperChildren[2].getText()).to.equal(' cat');
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ describe('Lists api', function() {
+ it('allows creation of a list from existing sibling DocumentElements', function() {
+ var c = canvas.fromXML('\
+ \
+ Alice\
+ has
+ a\
+ cat
+ '),
+ section = c.doc(),
+ textAlice = section.children()[0],
+ divCat = section.children()[3]
+ c.list.create({element1: textAlice, element2: divCat});
+ expect(section.children().length).to.equal(1, 'section has one child element');
+ var list = section.children()[0];
+ expect(list.is('list')).to.equal(true, 'section\'s only child is a list');
+ expect(list.children().length).to.equal(4, 'list contains four elements');
+ list.children().forEach(function(child) {
+ expect(child.getWlxmlClass()).to.equal('item', 'list childs have wlxml class of item');
+ });
+ });
+ describe('extracting list items', function() {
+ it('creates two lists with extracted items in the middle if extracting from the middle of the list', function() {
+ var c = canvas.fromXML('\
+ '),
+ list = c.doc().children()[0],
+ item1 = list.children()[1],
+ item2 = list.children()[2];
+ c.list.extractItems({element1: item1, element2: item2});
+ var section = c.doc(),
+ list1 = section.children()[0],
+ oldItem1 = section.children()[1],
+ oldItem2 = section.children()[2],
+ list2 = section.children()[3];
+ expect(section.children().length).to.equal(4, 'section contains four children');
+ expect(list1.is('list')).to.equal(true, 'first section child is a list');
+ expect(list1.children().length).to.equal(1, 'first list has one child');
+ expect(list1.children()[0].children()[0].getText()).to.equal('0', 'first item of the first list is a first item of the original list');
+ expect(oldItem1.children()[0].getText()).to.equal('1', 'first item got extracted');
+ expect(oldItem1.getWlxmlClass() === undefined).to.equal(true, 'first extracted element has no wlxml class');
+ expect(oldItem2.children()[0].getText()).to.equal('2', 'second item got extracted');
+ expect(oldItem2.getWlxmlClass() === undefined).to.equal(true, 'second extracted element has no wlxml class');
+ expect(list2.is('list')).to.equal(true, 'last section child is a list');
+ expect(list2.children().length).to.equal(1, 'second list has one child');
+ expect(list2.children()[0].children()[0].getText()).to.equal('3', 'first item of the second list is a last item of the original list');
+ });
+ it('puts extracted items above the list if starting item is the first one', function() {
+ var c = canvas.fromXML('\
+ '),
+ list = c.doc().children()[0],
+ item1 = list.children()[0],
+ item2 = list.children()[1],
+ item3 = list.children()[2];
+ c.list.extractItems({element1: item1, element2: item2});
+ var section = c.doc(),
+ oldItem1 = section.children()[0],
+ oldItem2 = section.children()[1],
+ newList = section.children()[2];
+ expect(section.children().length).to.equal(3, 'section has three children');
+ expect(oldItem1.children()[0].getText()).to.equal('0', 'first item extracted');
+ expect(oldItem2.children()[0].getText()).to.equal('1', 'second item extracted');
+ expect(newList.is('list')).to.equal(true, 'list lies below extracted item');
+ expect(newList.children().length).to.equal(1, 'list has now one child');
+ });
+ it('puts extracted items below the list if ending item is the last one', function() {
+ var c = canvas.fromXML('\
+ '),
+ list = c.doc().children()[0],
+ item1 = list.children()[0],
+ item2 = list.children()[1],
+ item3 = list.children()[2];
+ c.list.extractItems({element1: item2, element2: item3});
+ var section = c.doc(),
+ oldItem1 = section.children()[1],
+ oldItem2 = section.children()[2],
+ newList = section.children()[0];
+ expect(section.children().length).to.equal(3, 'section has three children');
+ expect(oldItem1.children()[0].getText()).to.equal('1', 'first item extracted');
+ expect(oldItem2.children()[0].getText()).to.equal('2', 'second item extracted');
+ expect(newList.is('list')).to.equal(true, 'list lies above extracted item');
+ expect(newList.children().length).to.equal(1, 'list has now one child');
+ });
+ it('removes list if all its items are extracted', function() {
+ var c = canvas.fromXML('\
+ \
+ \
some item
some item 2
+ '),
+ list = c.doc().children()[0],
+ item1 = list.children()[0],
+ item2 = list.children()[1];
+ c.list.extractItems({element1: item1, element2: item2});
+ var section = c.doc(),
+ list1 = section.children()[0],
+ oldItem1 = section.children()[0],
+ oldItem2 = section.children()[1];
+ expect(section.children().length).to.equal(2, 'section contains two children');
+ expect(oldItem1.children()[0].getText()).to.equal('some item');
+ expect(oldItem2.children()[0].getText()).to.equal('some item 2');
+ });
+ it('creates two lists with extracted items in the middle if extracting from the middle of the list - nested case' , function() {
+ var c = canvas.fromXML('\
+ '),
+ list = c.doc().children()[0],
+ nestedList = list.children()[1].children()[0],
+ nestedListItem = nestedList.children()[1];
+ c.list.extractItems({element1: nestedListItem, element2: nestedListItem, merge: true});
+ var section = c.doc(),
+ list = section.children()[0],
+ item1 = list.children()[0],
+ item2 = list.children()[1], //
+ item3 = list.children()[2],
+ item4 = list.children()[3], //
+ item5 = list.children()[4],
+ nestedList1 = item2.children()[0],
+ nestedList2 = item4.children()[0];
+ expect(list.children().length).to.equal(5, 'top list has five items');
+ expect(item1.children()[0].getText()).to.equal('0', 'first item ok');
+ expect(item2.getWlxmlClass()).to.equal('item', 'first nested list is still wrapped in item element');
+ expect(nestedList1.children().length).to.equal(1, 'first nested list is left with one child');
+ expect(nestedList1.children()[0].children()[0].getText()).to.equal('1.1', 'first nested list item left alone');
+ expect(item3.children()[0].getText()).to.equal('1.2', 'third item ok');
+ expect(item4.getWlxmlClass()).to.equal('item', 'second nested list is still wrapped in item element');
+ expect(nestedList2.children().length).to.equal(1, 'second nested list is left with one child');
+ expect(nestedList2.children()[0].children()[0].getText()).to.equal('1.3', 'second nested list item left alone');
+ expect(item5.children()[0].getText()).to.equal('2', 'last item ok');
+ });
+ it('puts extracted items below the list if ending item is the last one - nested case' , function() {
+ var c = canvas.fromXML('\
+ '),
+ list = c.doc().children()[0],
+ nestedList = list.children()[1].children()[0],
+ nestedListItem1 = nestedList.children()[1],
+ nestedListItem2 = nestedList.children()[2];
+ c.list.extractItems({element1: nestedListItem1, element2: nestedListItem2, merge: true});
+ var section = c.doc(),
+ list = section.children()[0],
+ item1 = list.children()[0],
+ item2 = list.children()[1],
+ item3 = list.children()[2],
+ item4 = list.children()[3],
+ item5 = list.children()[4];
+ nestedList = item2.children()[0];
+ expect(list.children().length).to.equal(5, 'top list has five items');
+ expect(item1.children()[0].getText()).to.equal('0', 'first item ok');
+ expect(item2.getWlxmlClass()).to.equal('item', 'nested list is still wrapped in item element');
+ expect(nestedList.children().length).to.equal(1, 'nested list is left with one child');
+ expect(nestedList.children()[0].children()[0].getText()).to.equal('1.1', 'nested list item left alone');
+ expect(item3.children()[0].getText()).to.equal('1.2', 'third item ok');
+ expect(item4.children()[0].getText()).to.equal('1.3', 'fourth item ok');
+ expect(item5.children()[0].getText()).to.equal('2', 'fifth item ok');
+ });
+ it('puts extracted items above the list if starting item is the first one - nested case' , function() {
+ var c = canvas.fromXML('\
+ '),
+ list = c.doc().children()[0],
+ nestedList = list.children()[1].children()[0],
+ nestedListItem1 = nestedList.children()[0],
+ nestedListItem2 = nestedList.children()[1];
+ c.list.extractItems({element1: nestedListItem1, element2: nestedListItem2, merge: true});
+ var section = c.doc(),
+ list = section.children()[0],
+ item1 = list.children()[0],
+ item2 = list.children()[1],
+ item3 = list.children()[2],
+ item4 = list.children()[3],
+ item5 = list.children()[4];
+ nestedList = item4.children()[0];
+ expect(list.children().length).to.equal(5, 'top list has five items');
+ expect(item1.children()[0].getText()).to.equal('0', 'first item ok');
+ expect(item2.children()[0].getText()).to.equal('1.1', 'second item ok');
+ expect(item3.children()[0].getText()).to.equal('1.2', 'third item ok');
+ expect(item4.getWlxmlClass()).to.equal('item', 'nested list is still wrapped in item element');
+ expect(nestedList.children().length).to.equal(1, 'nested list is left with one child');
+ expect(nestedList.children()[0].children()[0].getText()).to.equal('1.3', 'nested list item left alone');
+ expect(item5.children()[0].getText()).to.equal('2', 'fifth item ok');
+ });
+ it('removes list if all its items are extracted - nested case', function() {
+ var c = canvas.fromXML('\
+ '),
+ list = c.doc().children()[0],
+ nestedList = list.children()[1].children()[0],
+ nestedListItem1 = nestedList.children()[0],
+ nestedListItem2 = nestedList.children()[1];
+ c.list.extractItems({element1: nestedListItem1, element2: nestedListItem2, merge: true});
+ var section = c.doc(),
+ list = section.children()[0],
+ item1 = list.children()[0],
+ item2 = list.children()[1],
+ item3 = list.children()[2],
+ item4 = list.children()[3];
+ expect(list.children().length).to.equal(4, 'top list has four items');
+ expect(item1.children()[0].getText()).to.equal('0', 'first item ok');
+ expect(item2.children()[0].getText()).to.equal('1.1', 'second item ok');
+ expect(item3.children()[0].getText()).to.equal('1.2', 'third item ok');
+ expect(item4.children()[0].getText()).to.equal('2', 'fourth item ok');