{% extends 'base_super.html' %} {% load compressed %} {% load static %} {% load cache %} {% block extra_script %} {% compressed_js 'wtem' %} {% endblock %} {% block body %} {% if messages %} {% endif %}

{% include "wtem/title.html" %}

{% include 'wtem/exercises/exercise_no.html' %} {% cache 300 wtem exercise.id %} {% with 'wtem/exercises/'|add:exercise.type|add:'.html' as template_name %} {% include template_name with exercise=exercise no='' %} {% endwith %} {% endcache %}

Wysyłanie rozwiązania w toku... Spróbuj jeszcze raz, jeśli wysyłanie trwa dłużej niż kilka chwil.

{% endblock %} {% block tracking %}{% endblock %}