{% extends 'pybb/base.html' %} {% load url from future %} {% load pybb_tags i18n %} {% block title %}{{ topic }}{% endblock %} {% block extra_script %} {{ block.super }} {% include "pybb/_markitup.html" %} {% endblock %} {% block breadcrumb %} {% with object=topic %} {% include "pybb/breadcrumb.html" %} {% endwith %} {% endblock %} {% block content %}

{{ topic.name }}

{% include 'forum/related_lesson_info.html' with lesson=topic.edumed_topic.lesson %} {% with _('Posts') as label %} {% include "pybb/pagination.html" %} {% endwith %} {% if topic.poll_type %} {% include 'pybb/poll.html' %} {% endif %}
{% if first_post %}{% ifnotequal first_post post_list.0 %} {% with first_post as post %}
  • {% include "pybb/post_template.html" %}
  • {% endwith %} {% endifnotequal %}{% endif %} {% for post in post_list %} {% cycle 'odd' 'even' as rowcolors silent %} {% include "pybb/post_template.html" %} {% endfor %}
    {% with _('Posts') as label %} {% include "pybb/pagination.html" %} {% endwith %} {% if user.is_authenticated %}
    {% if user.is_moderator %} {% if topic.sticky %} {% trans "Unstick topic" %} / {% else %} {% trans "Stick topic" %} / {% endif %} {% if topic.closed %} {% trans "Open topic" %} / {% else %} {% trans "Close topic" %} / {% endif %} {% if perms.pybb.change_topic and user.is_staff %} {% trans 'Admin' %} / {% endif %} {% comment %} {% trans 'Merge topics' %} / {% endcomment %} {% endif %} {% if user.is_subscribed %} {% trans "Unsubscribe" %} {% else %} {% trans "Subscribe" %} {% endif %}
    {% endif %} {% if user.is_authenticated or PYBB_ENABLE_ANONYMOUS_POST %} {% pybb_get_profile user=user as user_profile %} {% if not user_profile.is_banned %} {% if not topic.closed %} {% include "pybb/post_form.html" %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% else %} {% include 'pybb/_need_to_login_message.html' %} {% endif %} {% if user.is_staff %}
    {% trans "Subscribers" %}: {% for subscriber in topic.subscribers.all %} {{ subscriber.username }}, {% endfor %}
    {% endif %}
    {% endblock %}