1 <div class="exercise exercise-wtem przyporzadkuj" data-type="przyporzadkuj" data-id="{{exercise.id}}">
3 <h3>Zadanie {{no}}</h3>
5 <div class="question" data-no="1">
7 <div class="description">
8 {% for para in exercise.description %}
14 <span class="instruction">Przeciągnij odpowiedzi i upuść w wybranym polu.</span>
17 <p class="paragraph">{{exercise.buckets_name|default:"kategorie"|capfirst}}:</p>
19 <ul class="lista punkt predicate" data-name="kategorie">
20 {% for bucket in exercise.buckets %}
21 <li data-predicate="{{bucket.id}}">
24 <li class="placeholder multiple ui-droppable accepting"></li>
31 <div class="description" style="margin-bottom:10px;">
32 <p class="paragraph">{{exercise.items_name|capfirst}}:</p>
35 <ul class="lista punkt subject" data-target="kategorie">
36 {% for item in exercise.items %}
38 data-solution set to single bogus value only to indicate that this piece has no multiple solutions, not used otherwise (see: is_multiple in edumed.coffee).
42 <li style="magin-bottom:5px;">
43 <span data-solution="1" data-no="{{forloop.counter}}" data-id="{{item.id}}" class="question-piece draggable ui-draggable">{{item.text}}</span>
44 <img src="/static/wtem/img/{{item.href}}"/>
47 <li data-solution="1" data-no="{{forloop.counter}}" data-id="{{item.id}}" class="question-piece draggable ui-draggable">{{item.text}}</li>