1 {% load url from future %}
2 {% load i18n pybb_tags %}
3 <form class="post-form" action="
5 {% url 'pybb:add_topic' forum.pk %}
8 {% url 'pybb:add_post' topic.pk %}
10 {% url 'pybb:edit_post' pk=object.pk %}
12 {% endif %}" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
15 {% include "pybb/form_errors.html" %}
16 {% if form.name %} {% include "pybb/form_field.html" with field=form.name %} {% endif %}
18 {% if lesson_editable %}
19 {% include "pybb/form_field.html" with field=form.lesson %}
22 {% if form.login %} {% include "pybb/form_field.html" with field=form.login %} {% endif %}
23 {% if form.body %} {% include "pybb/form_field.html" with field=form.body %} {% endif %}
25 {% for smile, url in form.available_smiles.items %}
26 <a href='#' title='{{ smile|safe }}'><img src='{{ STATIC_URL }}{{ form.smiles_prefix }}{{ url }}'></a>
30 {% if form.poll_type %}
31 {% include "pybb/poll_edit_form.html" %}
33 {% include "pybb/attachments_formset.html" %}
34 <p class="submit">{% include "pybb/_button_submit.html" %}</p>