Installation ============ Prerequisites ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This package requires django 1.2. It is not tested on earlier versions and may not work properly there. To build the documentation from source you will need sphinx. Installation Options ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ There are several installation options available: Using Ubuntu PPAs ----------------- For Ubuntu 10.04 onward there is a stable PPA (personal package archive): * ppa:linaro-validation/ppa To add a ppa to an Ubuntu system use the add-apt-repository command:: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:linaro-validation/ppa After you add the PPA you need to update your package cache:: sudo apt-get update Finally you can install the package, it is called `python-versiontools`:: sudo apt-get install python-linaro-django-pagination Using Python Package Index -------------------------- This package is being actively maintained and published in the `Python Package Index `_. You can install it if you have `pip `_ tool using just one line:: pip install linaro-django-pagination Using source tarball -------------------- To install from source you must first obtain a source tarball from either pypi or from `Launchpad `_. To install the package unpack the tarball and run:: python install You can pass ``--user`` if you prefer to do a local (non system-wide) installation. .. note:: To install from source you will need distutils (replacement of setuptools) They are typically installed on any Linux system with python but on Windows you may need to install that separately.