- def test_successful_service_not_matching_in_request_to_proxy(self):
- urllib2.urlopen = dummy_urlopen # monkey patching urllib2.urlopen so that the testcase doesnt really opens a url
- proxyTarget_1 = "http://my.sweet.service"
- proxyTarget_2 = "http://my.malicious.service"
- response = self._login_user('root', '123')
- response = self._validate_cas2(response, True, proxyTarget_1 )
- # Test: I'm acting as the service that will call another service
- # Step 1: Get the proxy granting ticket
- responseXml = ElementTree.parse(StringIO.StringIO(response.content))
- auth_success = responseXml.find(CAS + 'authenticationSuccess', namespaces=NSMAP)
- pgt = auth_success.find(CAS + "proxyGrantingTicket", namespaces=NSMAP)
- user = auth_success.find(CAS + "user", namespaces=NSMAP)
- self.assertEqual('root', user.text)
- self.assertIsNotNone(pgt.text)
- self.assertTrue(pgt.text.startswith('PGTIOU'))
- #Step 2: Get the actual proxy ticket
- proxyTicketResponse = self.client.get(reverse('proxy'), {'targetService': proxyTarget_2, 'pgt': pgt.text}, follow=False)
- proxyTicketResponseXml = ElementTree.parse(StringIO.StringIO(proxyTicketResponse.content))
- self.assertIsNotNone(proxyTicketResponseXml.find(CAS + "authenticationFailure", namespaces=NSMAP))