url = '%s?%s' % (base_url, args)
logging.debug('Redirecting to %s', url)
return HttpResponseRedirect(url)
if user is None:
errors.append('Incorrect username and/or password.')
for receiver, response in signals.on_cas_login.send(sender=login, request=request, **kwargs):
if isinstance(response, HttpResponse):
return response
if service is None:
# Try and pull the service off the session
service = request.session.pop('service', service)
signals.on_cas_login_success.send(sender=login, request=request,
service=service, **kwargs)
'service': service,
'warn': False
}, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
# Create a service ticket and redirect to the service.
ticket = ServiceTicket.objects.create(service=service, user=user)
if 'service' in request.session:
logger.info('Validation failed.')
return HttpResponse("no\n\n")
def logout(request, template_name='cas/logout.html',