--- title: user-generated content alignment: chaotic --- {% block examples -%} "This website features user-generated content" "We build our business on user-generated content" {%- endblock %} {% block usage -%} To suggest that there are two classes of [authors](/author) ("people of culture" and "[users](/user) that generate content") To classify some [works](/work) as more valuable than others As an excuse to lower the level of [protection](/protection) to a class of works created by some participants in [culture](/culture) {%- endblock %} {% block recommendations -%} Do not agree to the use of this term Stress that all [works](/work) are equally covered by [copyright](/copyright) laws Underline that the laws recognize the difference between works and other types of [information](/information), not between "works of art" and "user-generated content" {%- endblock %}