--- title: orphan works alignment: neutral --- {% block examples -%} "Orphan work is a copyrighted [work](/work) for which the copyright [owner](/ownership) cannot be found" {%- endblock %} {% block usage -%} To suggest that a work is somehow harmed when an official "[owner](/ownership)" is not identifiable May obscure the real problem which is long copyright term and lack of copyright register On positive side it is a term which helped identify and raise awareness about a valid problems of current copyright system {%- endblock %} {% block recommendations -%} Use with caution, point out that the problem of orphan works is internal defect of an oppressive [copyright](/copyright) system and unrealistic assumptions it's based on Stress the point that the real problem is long copyright term and inadequate protection of [public domain](/public-domain) Make a point that in the real world most of works outside of commercial production quickly become orphaned and usually anonymous works {%- endblock %}