--- title: copyright alignment: chaotic --- {% block examples -%} "Copyright is a rule, [fair](/fair) use is an [exception](/exceptions)" {%- endblock %} {% block usage -%} Creates an impression that all kinds of copying are restricted Creates the impression that rights of copyright owners are the only ones that need to be addressed as opposed to [users'](/user) rights {%- endblock %} {% block recommendations -%} We do not have much choice in this area anyway Make a point that [monopolistic](/monopoly) copyright should always be balanced by extensive set of [users'](/user) rights in [fair](/fair) use or [fair](/fair) dealing and do not have absolute nature Make a point that copyright is a market regulation, a time-limited [monopoly](/monopoly), and not a moral absolute Make a point copyright is an [exception](/exceptions) and [public domain](/public-domain) is a rule {%- endblock %}