-# Create your views here.
from datetime import datetime
import os
import os.path
from urllib.parse import quote
from archive import settings
-from django.contrib.auth import logout
from django.contrib.auth.decorators import permission_required
-from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
+from django.contrib.postgres.search import SearchVector
+from django.urls import reverse
from django.db.models import Q, Max
from django.http import Http404, HttpResponse
from django.shortcuts import render, redirect, get_object_or_404
+from django.utils.translation import gettext as _
from django.views.decorators.http import require_POST
+from django.views.generic import ListView
import mutagen
def list_new(request):
- division = 'new'
path = settings.NEW_PATH
objects = sorted(all_files(path))
return render(request, "archive/list_new.html", locals())
def file_new(request, filename):
- division = 'new'
filepath = filename
root_filepath = os.path.join(settings.NEW_PATH, filename)
if request.POST:
# TODO: cancel tasks
audiobook.mp3_status = None
audiobook.ogg_status = None
+ audiobook.youtube_status = None
+ audiobook.youtube_queued = None
return redirect(file_managed, aid)
def download(request, aid, which="source"):
- if which not in ("source", "mp3", "ogg"):
+ if which not in ("source", "mp3", "ogg", 'mkv'):
raise Http404
audiobook = get_object_or_404(models.Audiobook, id=aid)
- file_ = getattr(audiobook, "%s_file" % which)
+ field = which
+ if which == 'mkv':
+ field = 'youtube'
+ file_ = getattr(audiobook, "%s_file" % field)
if not file_:
raise Http404
ext = file_.path.rsplit('.', 1)[-1]
response['Content-Disposition'] = "attachment; filename*=UTF-8''%s.%s" % (
quote(audiobook.title.encode('utf-8'), safe=''), ext)
- response['X-Sendfile'] = file_.path.encode('utf-8')
+ with open(file_.path, 'rb') as f:
+ response.write(f.read())
+ #response['X-Sendfile'] = file_.path.encode('utf-8')
return response
-def list_unpublished(request):
- division = 'unpublished'
- objects = models.Audiobook.objects.filter(Q(mp3_published=None) | Q(ogg_published=None))
- return render(request, "archive/list_unpublished.html", locals())
def list_publishing(request):
- division = 'publishing'
- objects = models.Audiobook.objects.exclude(mp3_status=None, ogg_status=None)
+ objects = models.Audiobook.objects.exclude(
+ mp3_status=None, ogg_status=None, youtube_status=None
+ ).order_by("youtube_queued", "title")
objects_by_status = {}
for o in objects:
+ statuses = set()
if o.mp3_status:
- k = o.mp3_status, o.get_mp3_status_display()
- objects_by_status.setdefault(k, []).append(o)
- if o.ogg_status and o.ogg_status != o.mp3_status:
- k = o.ogg_status, o.get_ogg_status_display()
- objects_by_status.setdefault(k, []).append(o)
+ statuses.add((o.mp3_status, o.get_mp3_status_display()))
+ if o.ogg_status:
+ statuses.add((o.ogg_status, o.get_ogg_status_display()))
+ if o.youtube_status:
+ statuses.add((o.youtube_status, o.get_youtube_status_display()))
+ for status in statuses:
+ objects_by_status.setdefault(status, []).append(o)
status_objects = sorted(objects_by_status.items(), reverse=True)
return render(request, "archive/list_publishing.html", locals())
-def list_published(request):
- division = 'published'
- objects = models.Audiobook.objects.exclude(Q(mp3_published=None) | Q(ogg_published=None))
- return render(request, "archive/list_published.html", locals())
+class AudiobookList(ListView):
+ def get_queryset(self):
+ qs = models.Audiobook.objects.all()
+ if 's' in self.request.GET:
+ qs = qs.annotate(s=SearchVector('title', 'slug')).filter(s=self.request.GET['s'])
+ return qs
except IOError:
raise Http404
- division = 'published' if audiobook.published() else 'unpublished'
- path = audiobook.source_file.path[len(settings.FILES_PATH):].lstrip('/')
+ tags = {}
+ if audiobook.source_file:
+ path = audiobook.source_file.path[len(settings.FILES_PATH):].lstrip('/')
- # for tags update
- tags = mutagen.File(audiobook.source_file.path.encode('utf-8'))
- if not tags:
- tags = {}
+ # for tags update
+ tags = mutagen.File(audiobook.source_file.path.encode('utf-8'))
+ if not tags:
+ tags = {}
form = AudiobookForm(instance=audiobook)
user_can_publish = (
request.user.is_authenticated and
+ alerts = []
+ parts_count = audiobook.parts_count
+ if parts_count > 1:
+ series = models.Audiobook.objects.filter(slug=audiobook.slug)
+ if not audiobook.index:
+ alerts.append(_('There is more than one part, but index is not set.'))
+ if set(series.values_list('index', flat=True)) != set(range(1, parts_count + 1)):
+ alerts.append(_('Part indexes are not 1..%(parts_count)d.') % {"parts_count": parts_count})
+ from youtube.models import YouTube
+ youtube = YouTube.objects.first()
+ youtube_title = youtube.get_title(audiobook)
+ youtube_description = youtube.get_description(audiobook)
return render(request, "archive/file_managed.html", locals())
def list_unmanaged(request):
- division = 'unmanaged'
objects = sorted(all_files(settings.UNMANAGED_PATH))
return render(request, "archive/list_unmanaged.html", locals())
def file_unmanaged(request, filename):
- division = 'unmanaged'
tags = mutagen.File(os.path.join(settings.UNMANAGED_PATH, filename.encode('utf-8')))
if not tags:
tags = {}
err_exists = request.GET.get('exists')
return render(request, "archive/file_unmanaged.html", locals())
+class BookView(ListView):
+ template_name = 'archive/book.html'
+ def get_queryset(self):
+ return models.Audiobook.objects.filter(slug=self.kwargs["slug"]).order_by(
+ "index"
+ )