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+ jQuery Mobile Boilerplate
+ index.html
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+ Divider
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+ <li data-theme="c">
+ <a href="#" data-transition="slide">
+ Button
+ </a>
+ </li>
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+++ /dev/null
- jQuery Mobile Boilerplate
- index.html
-<!doctype html>
- <title> jQuery Mobile Boilerplate </title>
- <meta charset="utf-8">
- <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
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- <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style" content="black">
- <meta name="HandheldFriendly" content="True">
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-<!-- Home screen icon Mathias Bynens mathiasbynens.be/notes/touch-icons -->
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- <!-- For first-generation iPad: -->
- <link rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed" sizes="72x72" href="apple-touch-icon.png">
- <!-- For non-Retina iPhone, iPod Touch, and Android 2.1+ devices: -->
- <link rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed" href="apple-touch-icon-precomposed.png">
- <!-- For nokia devices and desktop browsers : -->
- <link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico" />
- <!-- Mobile IE allows us to activate ClearType technology for smoothing fonts for easy reading -->
- <meta http-equiv="cleartype" content="on">
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- <link rel="stylesheet" href="http://code.jquery.com/mobile/1.1.0/jquery.mobile-1.1.0.min.css" />
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- <script src="js/app/app.js"></script>
- <script src="js/app/Config.js"></script>
- <script src="js/app/Controller.js"></script>
- <script src="js/app/TagList.js"></script>
- <!-- /app -->
- <!-- Add a Bookmark Bubble for iDevices, and adds a cookie if already shown -->
- <script type="text/javascript" src="js/bookmark_bubble.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript" src="js/example.js"></script>
- <script src="js/jquery.cookie.js"></script>
- <!-- Startup Images for iDevices -->
- <script>(function(){var a;if(navigator.platform==="iPad"){a=window.orientation!==90||window.orientation===-90?"images/startup-tablet-landscape.png":"images/startup-tablet-portrait.png"}else{a=window.devicePixelRatio===2?"images/startup-retina.png":"images/startup.png"}document.write('<link rel="apple-touch-startup-image" href="'+a+'"/>')})()</script>
- <!-- The script prevents links from opening in mobile safari. https://gist.github.com/1042026 -->
- <script>(function(a,b,c){if(c in b&&b[c]){var d,e=a.location,f=/^(a|html)$/i;a.addEventListener("click",function(a){d=a.target;while(!f.test(d.nodeName))d=d.parentNode;"href"in d&&(d.href.indexOf("http")||~d.href.indexOf(e.host))&&(a.preventDefault(),e.href=d.href)},!1)}})(document,window.navigator,"standalone")</script>
- <!-- Categories -->
- <div data-role="page" id="page-categories">
- <div data-role="content" style="padding: 15px">
- <ul data-role="listview" data-divider-theme="b" data-inset="false" id="list-categories">
- <li data-role="list-divider" role="heading">
- Divider
- </li>
- <li data-theme="c">
- <a href="#" data-transition="slide">
- Button
- </a>
- </li>
- </ul>
- </div>
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- <!-- Tag List -->
- <div data-role="page" id="page-tags">
- <div data-role="content" style="padding: 15px">
- <ul data-role="listview" data-divider-theme="b" data-inset="false" id="list-tags">
- <li data-role="list-divider" role="heading">
- Divider
- </li>
- <li data-theme="c">
- <a href="#" data-transition="slide">
- Button
- </a>
- </li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- </div>
# main controller
-Readings.category_list = (list) ->
+$.fn.Readings.CategoryList = ->
+ list = $(this)
for cat, labelname of Readings.config.get 'categories'
- list.append "<li><a href=\"#page-tags?category=#{cat}\">#{labelname}</a></li>"
- list.listview 'refresh'
\ No newline at end of file
+ list.append "<li><a href=\"tags.html?category=#{cat}\" data-category=\"#{cat}\">#{labelname}</a></li>"
+ # $('a', list).on 'tap', (ev) ->
+ # ev.preventDefault()
+ # $i = $(this)
+ # category = $i.data 'category'
+ # false
+# $.mobile.changePage '#page-tags',
+# category: category
+ console.log("category list updte")
+ list.listview 'refresh'
+// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.3.3
(function() {
- Readings.category_list = function(list) {
- var cat, labelname, _ref;
+ $.fn.Readings.CategoryList = function() {
+ var cat, labelname, list, _ref;
+ list = $(this);
_ref = Readings.config.get('categories');
for (cat in _ref) {
labelname = _ref[cat];
- list.append("<li><a href=\"#page-tags?category=" + cat + "\">" + labelname + "</a></li>");
+ list.append("<li><a href=\"tags.html?category=" + cat + "\" data-category=\"" + cat + "\">" + labelname + "</a></li>");
+ console.log("category list updte");
return list.listview('refresh');
#@url = record.url
@slug = $.grep(@href.split('/'), (e) -> e != "")
render: ->
- "<li"
+ "<li><a href=\"#\">#{@name}</a></li>"
$.fn.Readings.TagList = (category) ->
- this.each ->
- list = $(this)
- $.ajax
- url: Readings.config.get('wlurl') + "/api/#{@category}"
- contentType: "json"
- success: (data) ->
- console.log(data)
- tags = $.map data, (rec) -> new Readings.Tag(rec)
- list.empty()
- for t in tags
- list.append t.render()
-class Readings.TagList
- defaults: null
- constructor: (list, options) ->
- @options = $.extend @defaults, options
- if not list.tag_list?
- list.tag_list = this
- list.tag_list
- load: ->
+# dont_filter = ['kinds']
+ this.each ->
+ $('[data-role=header] h1').text Readings.config.get('categories')[category]
+ list = $('[data-role=listview]', this)
+# list.listview
+# filter: dont_filter.indexOf(category) < 0
- url: Readings.config.get('wlurl') + "/api/#{@category}"
- success: ->
- true
+ url: Readings.config.get('wlurl') + "/api/#{category}"
+ contentType: "json"
+ success: (data) ->
+ console.log(data)
+ tags = $.map data, (rec) -> new Readings.Tag(rec)
+ list.empty()
+ for t in tags
+ list.append t.render()
+ list.listview 'refresh'
+// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.3.3
(function() {
Readings.Tag = (function() {
Tag.prototype.render = function() {
- return "<li";
+ return "<li><a href=\"#\">" + this.name + "</a></li>";
return Tag;
$.fn.Readings.TagList = function(category) {
return this.each(function() {
var list;
- list = $(this);
+ $('[data-role=header] h1').text(Readings.config.get('categories')[category]);
+ list = $('[data-role=listview]', this);
return $.ajax({
- url: Readings.config.get('wlurl') + ("/api/" + this.category),
+ url: Readings.config.get('wlurl') + ("/api/" + category),
contentType: "json",
success: function(data) {
- var t, tags, _i, _len, _results;
+ var t, tags, _i, _len;
tags = $.map(data, function(rec) {
return new Readings.Tag(rec);
- _results = [];
for (_i = 0, _len = tags.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
t = tags[_i];
- _results.push(list.append(t.render()));
+ list.append(t.render());
- return _results;
+ return list.listview('refresh');
- Readings.TagList = (function() {
- TagList.prototype.defaults = null;
- function TagList(list, options) {
- this.options = $.extend(this.defaults, options);
- if (!(list.tag_list != null)) list.tag_list = this;
- list.tag_list;
- }
- TagList.prototype.load = function() {
- return $.ajax({
- url: Readings.config.get('wlurl') + ("/api/" + this.category),
- success: function() {
- return true;
- }
- });
- };
- return TagList;
- })();
window.Readings = {}
-$.fn.Readings = {}
+# Readings jquery plugin dispatcher.
+$.fn.Readings = ->
+ meth = arguments[0]
+ args = []
+ for a in arguments
+ args.push a
+ args.shift()
+ $.fn.Readings[meth].apply(this, args)
-$(document).on 'pageinit', (ev) ->
+Readings.init = ->
+ if Readings.initialized?
+ return
Readings.config = new Readings.Config
wlurl: 'http://readings.local'
'genres': 'gatunek',
'kinds': 'rodzaj',
'themes': 'motyw'
+ Readings.initialized = true
+$(document).on 'pageinit', '#page-categories' , (ev) ->
+ Readings.init()
+ $('#list-categories').Readings 'CategoryList'
- Readings.category_list $('#list-categories')
\ No newline at end of file
+rcategory = /category=(\w+)/
+$(document).on 'pageshow', "#page-tags", (ev, ui) ->
+ category = rcategory.exec($(this).attr('data-url'))
+ if category? and category[1]?
+ $(this).Readings 'TagList', category[1]
+// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.3.3
(function() {
+ var rcategory;
window.Readings = {};
- $.fn.Readings = {};
+ $.fn.Readings = function() {
+ var a, args, meth, _i, _len;
+ meth = arguments[0];
+ args = [];
+ for (_i = 0, _len = arguments.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
+ a = arguments[_i];
+ args.push(a);
+ }
+ args.shift();
+ return $.fn.Readings[meth].apply(this, args);
+ };
- $(document).on('pageinit', function(ev) {
+ Readings.init = function() {
+ if (Readings.initialized != null) {
+ return;
+ }
Readings.config = new Readings.Config({
wlurl: 'http://readings.local',
categories: {
'themes': 'motyw'
- return Readings.category_list($('#list-categories'));
+ return Readings.initialized = true;
+ };
+ $(document).on('pageinit', '#page-categories', function(ev) {
+ Readings.init();
+ return $('#list-categories').Readings('CategoryList');
+ });
+ rcategory = /category=(\w+)/;
+ $(document).on('pageshow', "#page-tags", function(ev, ui) {
+ var category;
+ category = rcategory.exec($(this).attr('data-url'));
+ if ((category != null) && (category[1] != null)) {
+ return $(this).Readings('TagList', category[1]);
+ }
--- /dev/null
+ load_book: (slug) ->
+ this.each ->
+ $.ajax
+ type: 'GET',
+ contentType: 'html',
+ url: '/fixtures/katalog_lektura_lord-jim.html',
+ error: (e) ->
+ console.log "Error #{e}"
+ success: (page) =>
+ $page = $(page)
+ $text = $page.find '#book-text'
+ $toc = $text.find '#toc'
+ this.toc = $toc.find('a').map (_i, link) =>
+ {
+ anchor: link.href,
+ label: $(link).text()
+ }
+ $toc.remove()
+ this.text = $text
+ $('[data-role=header] h1', this).text(
+ this.text.find('h1 .title').text()
+ )
--- /dev/null
+// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.3.3
+(function() {
+ $.fn.extend({
+ load_book: function(slug) {
+ return this.each(function() {
+ var _this = this;
+ return $.ajax({
+ type: 'GET',
+ contentType: 'html',
+ url: '/fixtures/katalog_lektura_lord-jim.html',
+ error: function(e) {
+ return console.log("Error " + e);
+ },
+ success: function(page) {
+ var $page, $text, $toc;
+ $page = $(page);
+ $text = $page.find('#book-text');
+ $toc = $text.find('#toc');
+ _this.toc = $toc.find('a').map(function(_i, link) {
+ return {
+ anchor: link.href,
+ label: $(link).text()
+ };
+ });
+ $toc.remove();
+ _this.text = $text;
+ return $('[data-role=header] h1', _this).text(_this.text.find('h1 .title').text());
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ });
--- /dev/null
+<!doctype html>
+ <title>Readings</title>
+ <meta charset="utf-8">
+ <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
+ <!-- Tag List -->
+ <div data-role="page" id="page-tags">
+ <div data-role="header">
+ <a data-rel="back" href="#">Back</a>
+ <h1>Loading</h1>
+ </div>
+ <div data-role="content" style="padding: 15px">
+ <ul data-role="listview" data-filter="true" data-filter-placeholder="Search..." data-divider-theme="b" data-inset="false" id="list-tags">
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ </div>