{% extends "base.html" %} {% load i18n %} {% load catalogue_tags switch_tag social_tags %} {% load ssi_include from ssify %} {% block titleextra %}{% title_from_tags tags %}{% endblock %} {% block bodyid %}tagged-object-list{% endblock %} {% block body %}

{% html_title_from_tags tags %}

{% with tags|last as last_tag %} {% if last_tag.has_description %}
{{ last_tag.description|safe|truncatewords_html:40 }}
{% endif %}
{% if categories.author %}
{% trans "Authors" %}:
{% inline_tag_list categories.author tags %}
{% endif %} {% if categories.kind %}
{% trans "Kinds" %}:
{% inline_tag_list categories.kind tags %}
{% endif %} {% if categories.genre %}
{% trans "Genres" %}:
{% inline_tag_list categories.genre tags %}
{% endif %} {% if categories.epoch %}
{% trans "Epochs" %}:
{% inline_tag_list categories.epoch tags %}
{% endif %} {% if categories.theme %}

{% trans "Motifs and themes" %}

{% tag_list categories.theme tags %}
{% endif %}
{% if theme_is_set %}
{% if last_tag.gazeta_link or last_tag.wiki_link %}

{% trans "See also" %}:

{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if theme_is_set %} {% work_list object_list %} {% else %} {% choose_cite tag_ids=tag_ids as cite_promo_pk %} {% choose_fragment tag_ids=tag_ids unless=cite_promo_pk as fragment_promo_pk %} {{ cite_promo_pk.if }} {% ssi_include 'social_cite' pk=cite_promo_pk %} {{ cite_promo_pk.endif }} {{ fragment_promo_pk.if }} {% ssi_include 'catalogue_fragment_promo' pk=fragment_promo_pk %} {{ fragment_promo_pk.endif }}
{% if last_tag.gazeta_link or last_tag.wiki_link %}

{% trans "See also" %}:

{% endif %}
{% comment %}

{% trans "Download" %}:

{% endcomment %}
{% endif %}
{% if not theme_is_set %}
{% if object_list %} {% work_list object_list %} {% else %} {% trans "Sorry! Search cirteria did not match any resources." %} {% include "info/join_us.html" %} {% endif %}
{% endif %} {% endwith %} {% endblock %}