[edumed.git] / catalogue / static / catalogue / css / carousel.css
1 #catalogue-carousel {
2   float: left;
3   position: relative;
4   width: 43.75em;
5   height: 14.688em;
6   overflow: hidden;
7   border-radius: 0.938em; }
8   #catalogue-carousel #catalogue-carousel-links {
9     width: 28.75em;
10     height: 14.688em;
11     list-style: none;
12     margin: 0;
13     padding: 0; }
14     #catalogue-carousel #catalogue-carousel-links li {
15       display: block;
16       position: absolute;
17       top: 0;
18       left: 0;
19       height: 100%;
20       background-image: url(/static/test.jpg);
21       /* set real background image */
22       background-size: 100% 100%;
23       border-top-left-radius: 0.938em 6.38%;
24       border-bottom-left-radius: 0.938em 6.38%; }
25       #catalogue-carousel #catalogue-carousel-links li a {
26         display: block;
27         width: 28.75em;
28         height: 100%;
29         background-image: url(/static/catalogue/img/carousel-left.png);
30         background-position: 100% 0;
31         background-repeat: no-repeat;
32         background-size: 4.375em 100%;
33         /* left part of mask as background */ }
34   #catalogue-carousel #catalogue-carousel-switcher {
35     margin: 0;
36     padding: 3.125em 0 0 3.625em;
37     width: 11.375em;
38     height: 11.563em;
39     position: absolute;
40     right: 0;
41     top: 0;
42     list-style: none;
43     border-radius: 0 0.938em 0.938em 0;
44     background-color: #16a487;
45     background-image: url(/static/catalogue/img/carousel-right.png);
46     background-position: 0 0;
47     background-repeat: no-repeat;
48     background-size: auto 14.688em;
49     /* right part of mask as background */ }
50     #catalogue-carousel #catalogue-carousel-switcher li {
51       margin-bottom: .9em;
52       /* TODO: active sprites */ }
53       #catalogue-carousel #catalogue-carousel-switcher li a {
54         text-transform: uppercase;
55         color: #363a3e;
56         font-size: .9em;
57         font-weight: bold; }
58       #catalogue-carousel #catalogue-carousel-switcher li a.active {
59         color: white; }
60       #catalogue-carousel #catalogue-carousel-switcher li a:before {
61         vertical-align: top;
62         margin-right: 1.5em; }
63       #catalogue-carousel #catalogue-carousel-switcher li .knowledge:before {
64         content: url(/static/img/icons/knowledge.png); }
65       #catalogue-carousel #catalogue-carousel-switcher li .activity:before {
66         content: url(/static/img/icons/activity.png); }
67       #catalogue-carousel #catalogue-carousel-switcher li .lesson-plan:before {
68         content: url(/static/img/icons/lesson-plan.png); }
69       #catalogue-carousel #catalogue-carousel-switcher li .reference:before {
70         content: url(/static/img/icons/reference.png); }